Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 20 (1996)(Alchemist Research)[a].tap
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6 1 2 3 4 5 5 Paul Howard 5 Dave Fountain 4 OUT (C),A 4 Lloyd Garland 4 James Waddington 3 Robert Skene 3 Miles Kinloch 3 Marcus Prichard 3 Graham Collier 3 Carl Murray 3 By Graham Collier 2 |~~__OOGGCCAA 2 out in in 2 You can drastically change the type ofsound you get by the use of the ATT andALT bits. If you use them on their own,you get these waveforms: 2 Wolfgang & Monika Haller 2 United Minds 2 Trevor Mossman 2 TRADING POST 2 SOUTHAMPTON 2 Roy Benson 2 Richard Main 2 Paul Westlake 2 Patrick Morriss 2 PAPER MAGAZINES 2 Mark Harris 2 MINDS DEMO LIBRARY 2 Justin Thorpe 2 John Elliot 2 J7:A?>A??>>BC 2 For the sake of completeness, I'll mentionbit 0 (HOLD). When this bit is SET, theenvelope freezes and when RESET, theenvelope starts again. It's a bit like thefreeze frame control on a video recorder. 2 Ferry Groothedde 2 FOUNTAIN PD 2 EMULEARNING 2 Dominic Morris 2 Dave Forrest 2 Ben Douglas 2 Andy Davis 2 ALCHEMIST SOFTWARE 2 64 Roebuck Road 2 60 OUT 65533,12: OUT 49149,31 2 39 High Street 2 29add hl,hl 2 20 OUT 255,139 2 11 Finsbury Drive 2 100 RESTORE 150 1 your choice. Also built in is 1 you want to use your Z80 snaps 1 you need to have entered the 1 you have. Either type in this 1 x=x+a: NEXT i: IF x<>22556 THEN PRINT% 1 x=lives (maximum 32) 1 won't save a screen picture, giving a& 1 with this issue. 1 with Warajevo. 1 with LOWER CASE FILENAMES, and instead& 1 whilst making sure that Willy doesn'twander up a ladder, he must remain on thefloor for it to work.i 1 which will load the picture to the screen.A normal screen starts at 16384, but theTAP file has lots of extra file details init's 'header'. Any bytes loaded below16384 won't register. Loading in 48k modeallows for any extra bytes at the end togo straight into the ZX printer buffer(23296-23551). In 128k mode, this is usedby the 128k system variables. 1 which had me down as a porn/sex 1 warning? One minute is was pronouced$ 1 wants your help and advice. 1 veryclosely, when we discover that they areinfluenced wholly by one of 65535 numbersequences known to the Spectrum. I believethat the universe has been moulded by asimilar set of sequences, albeit oneinfinitely vaster. 1 vacation!), many of these mags list# 1 v1.34 7.3.96: Fixed a bug in the copy to+D routine, which caused code files tocrash on +D/DiSCIPLE, fixed the Hook Codeexit carry, corrected a (minor) bug in theload/save syntax scan code. Code length is5960 bytes (unpacked). 1 v1.331 6.3.96 (intern) Fixed a couple ofbugs in the CAT routine, non Spectrumfiles no longer crash (thanks to JohnCleveland for pointing this out). 128Ksnapshots now have their number of sectorsprinted out correctly. Code length is now5955 bytes (unpacked). 1 v1.33 21.2.96 (intern): Made Command Codesreturn to BASIC without a crash. Fixed the"bug" in the CAT code which caused FPnumbers to be inserted twice - this wasn'tmy fault - the +3 CAT code inserted them -God knows why, the command quite blatantlyfails syntax!!! Code length is now 5949bytes. 1 v1.32 20.2.96 (intern): Added a lot moreCommand Codes (See, got the right namethis time!!!), and put details of them inthe COMMAND.DOC file. 1 v1.31 18.2.96 (intern): When copyingto/from +3 drives, the filenames aredisplayed (ala +3 DOS). Upgraded7 moreprogram (v1.1) - see separate docs. Codelength is now 5728 bytes. 1 v1.3 17.2.96 (intern): Added (conditional)support for Hook Codes - I hope +Dprogrammers will hear abt these conditionsand support them, I can say confidentlythat 100% of current programs won't workwith these HCs..but...WTF. Jiggled memoryconfiguration around, so have more memoryto play with. Corrected the CAT display -now gives the drive number, and the CAT !syntax no longer clears the screen.Corrected a major bug which only becomesevident during run time - if a drivenumber was specified (instead of *) thenthe command was accepted when input, butkicked up an error when running -apologies to everyone who thought theywere going mad! Code length is now 5556bytes. 1 v1.125 16.2.96: Added syntax checking to obtain an abbreviated catalogue, ie CAT 1!syntax. Fixed the more viewer to avoidcrashes (for more details see the moredocumentation). Code length is now 5376bytes. 1 v1.121 15.2.96 (intern): Bug fix release.Made the handling of variable filenamesthe same as with +D ie following the driveindicator with a semi colon before thefilename. Fixed a minor bug in the copyroutine which caused +3 drive onlydestinations to report bad filename.Actual code length is now 5278 bytes. 1 v1.12 13.2.96: Added the FORMAT command,corrected the LOAD @ syntax to workproperly (again...). Code length is nowabout 5230ish bytes. 1 v1.11 12.2.96 (intern): Fixed a lot ofbugs, allowed a 4th parameter to go withthe LOAD @ syntax so now a LOAD@drive,track,sector,add is possible. Writeprotect files are now write protected - norename/erase is now possible (thanks to arather bizarre discussion on c.s.s formaking me aware of this). Made the POKE @syntax work. Optimized the code a little -length is now 5079 bytes. And wrote thesnazzy MORE style file viewer. 1 v1.0 26.1.96: Crippleware version - verylimited and quite buggyA 1 usic & font change": 1 users of the Z80 emulator. 1 used with Z80, such as the 1 unique story behind them, Warajevo does.( 1 u2 = destination filename 1 u1 = source filename 1 ttt=track number - side 1 1 trickles off my classes. 1 treatment! 1 to the editor. 1 to give some games to a 1 to 00FF, the 'one' page runs from 0100 to01FF and so on.9 1 through this very magazine, to send# 1 thisfeature-length rant <Thank goodness! Ed>so I'll leave you with a quick brainteaserwhich those of you who think yourselvesprogrammers might like to have a go atsolving using this very computer. Get toit lads! <And ladies. Ed> <And LloydGarlands. Ed again> 1 think! (Better than Commodore!) 1 there is a skill to it. Paul 1 there is a swimming pool in thegame.Diving into that and swimming underwater helps deter the bees.If you can HOLDyour BREATH long enough. 1 then off-line, then back on-line, then* 1 themicroprocessor comes out of the loop, thesubtraction has been made and theincrementation has ben performed one toomany times. So the first thing that has tobe done is to add 1000 to (or subtract-1000 from) the HL register and decrementthe A register. 1 themicroprocessor moves onto the nextinstruction. And the 'ret' returns it towhere the subroutine was called.w 1 them to the PC TIFF picture 1 theinterrupts again and 'ret' returns theprogram to BASIC. The BASIC program willthen RUN until the next interrupt.y 1 theassembler itself. When you have got thetrace working it is best to save themachine code itself, so you don't have tore-assemble it each time you want to usethe trace. Do this by using theinstruction: 1 the user having entered snaps into the& 1 the emulator with the snap of 1 the Spectrum emulator CD-ROM 1 the AlchNews 18 music! 1 that, the place where they slept would& 1 temperamental. In some cases, Z80& 1 takes your snaps and turns them 1 takeapproximately this form. (And I do hopeAndy doesn't mess it up when he transfersit from 64-column to AlchNews format)!~ 1 success, having toeventually accept the inevitable, that thesoftware concerned is lost forever - or isit?m 1 strong Odour Eaters first!). 1 story, it really put me off those! 1 story to brighten the day of so 1 story lines, wooden sets, wooden acting, and the oh so joyful spot-the-villian-P 1 still stands out amongst the crowd.# 1 standard snap format, so there 1 stand-alone games for the PC. 1 sss=sector number (1-10) 1 ss = stream number 1 spot on TV did us wonders! 1 speccy SCREEN$, and can convert 1 solution" Howard. 1 snaps, and converts them into 1 snap info in, before you can use 1 snap database. 1 slow lane!, so it took me a few days to amass this collection, sure, I could only access the internet for 2-3 hours a day and the Uni's connection is slow. 1 sites for the speccy emulators. 1 simple.Installing the software wasn't so easy. Infact, that is where the entire package waslet down. After trying three packages, Idecided to use the company COMPUSERVE, formy connection. 1 shoes (after purchasing some 1 severaldifferent lines all of which are numberedzero, so you'll need to give them alldifferent numbers when you POKE 23756. 1 services in Sweden. 1 select DISCIPLE emulation, save files& 1 seems to be OK, as if stealing that highlyclassified computer tape did'nt matterP 1 sector error. The way around it is to& 1 section (hooray!) 1 same, but obviously one causes& 1 [email protected]# 1 run, so all you have to do is 1 removed from the public domain. 1 regularly accessed. A.R. uses 1 regularly accessed. Owning 1 reasonabledistribution charge can be made, but mostauthors state 5p maximum in theirprograms. You can use the program /ideas / design in your own programs butmust give credit for it. 1 read +D disks etc. 1 quite as easy to use as SPCONV 1 public domain speccy emulator which comes closest to giving Z80 a run for its money.T 1 programs to convert the 1 programmed to use the Borland 1 programcontaining news, views and reviews?Nobody. When Alchemist Research was toclose last year, they were swamped withpleas not to. 1 program, or look at it's case! 1 produces reports, Z80 snap & TAP 1 prices are in Swedish Kronor. The averageexchange rate is 10.2Kr to the pound.O 1 prettystraightforward and, as you can see, thereare three ports of eight data lines; A,Band C.` 1 pictures!) of the X Files Gillian Anderson- Agent Scully in black lacey bra &M 1 picked up a copy of FHM magazine, which featured an interview (and provocativeP 1 pace, like normal please, Windows 95' ' 1 out out out 1 out in out 1 our hero Commander Plywood (Jeffery# 1 other Speccy systems from out 1 organising,contacting, and further enhancing our roleas a Spectrum leader.J 1 operation of Alchemist Research. 1 only single TAP files, which 1 oneoverwhelming the other, and she was gladthat the evil in humans today had beencontrolled.b 1 onecontributor has decided to work withAlchNews. Welcome aboard!F 1 oldprofit-hungry... 1 off-line again! 1 of using the SCREEN$, type CODE 16384,& 1 of issue 2 of this new tape 1 of Warajevo. ZXCOMP takes Z80 1 obsessed villian. 1 non-emulator owning PC owner. 1 noco-incidence. Ed> 1 no of parts+1 (ie: 1-38+pt 0=39) 1 new ex-commercial game rights 1 n()+-/024579;<>@ACEQ 1 n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$ 1 n = Program number (1-80) 1 my enjoyment of SHOWGIRLS at the 1 mw>CFECFCEC?A> 1 mw>>CCFFEECCFFCCEECC>>==<<apHJKJKJ 1 mw<<??==>>apJKJNJQ 1 must use a PC disk first, it should be& 1 morehexadecimal machine code listings, whichperform various tricks. Or, you can typein the TRACE listing, featured elsewherein this issue. 1 moreapplications which I just can't think of.. 1 modem - would probably cost more than the `20 being charged for Speccy Sensations 2.T 1 means that with a few quick 1 me nude pictures of themselfs, but" 1 mCCEECCAAA?>>aMOMOMK 1 m>>AA>><<apKJKJHJ 1 m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$m$n$ 1 location for the sector 1 liver risotto! (*) 1 line switchs which need to be specified in order to run the program, it's not justas simple as typing 'Z80', then pressing F3 - to load a snap. 1 latestincarnation of the ST writers. It's quitegood, but interest is tailing off a littlenow. Second series was recently shown onSky 1, Sunday evenings, and monthly videoreleases regularly top the video salescharts. 1 latest beat 'em ups! 1 language next issue. 1 knows how. 1 it uses the .Z80 as it's 1 is no conversion neccesary, if 1 is on the lookout for the followingprograms:3 1 is required,remembering that the parity byte is to beignored, if rebuilt, as it would not havebeen loaded under normal circumstances. 1 invirtually any wordprocessor format, tapeor disk, but we do prefer:F 1 investigate some of the internet speccy sites.0 1 into stand-a-lone programs, which! 1 internet, for free, then not only can you get access to some emulator snaps, butP 1 instruction forexample. It takes two instructions toperform this switch which actually printsthe top line of the pixels of the digit onthe screen. 1 ing Megadrive games! How dare youleave the Speccy, youA 1 includingcomprehensive picture viewers, allowingyou to enjoy all the pictures on the CD.[ 1 in for AN21. 1 in out out 1 in out in 1 in in out 1 in in in 1 important disclaimer and a short 1 futura/bufora.bufora.htmB 1 have they sent any?. 1 have greater things to worry about...% 1 have been damp & wet, if the water had notbeen frozen solid.< 1 handling/locating, ZXSHELL database# 1 hacking Manic Miner. 1 gone? Tyler steps in to his 1 going to be cheaper to buy one of the% 1 gloriousSheffield in May. It's funny how X-fileswere the only ones to suffer, yet StarTrek, Murder 1 and even the pathetic BUCKROGERS managed to hold on to their slots.Still, it's still far better than anythingITV have to offer. They only have ALIENNATION, which is on at a ridiculous hour. 1 given to libraries, 8BIT news 1 fromoverwriting. 1 from the demo scene! 1 from an idiot that it's illegal! 1 friendly as Z80 to use, and relies on% 1 friendly GUI, would have been better as a command line program, like SPCONV!.M 1 friendliness. While being a great piece of programming, Warajevo is not easy to use. There are dozens of commandt 1 four in the series. 1 forsubscriptions. 1 forreading/writing to a specific track andsector on the disc from memory:L 1 format, use a standard image 1 forcompatibilty though it can be usefullyused on a +3, try a POKE @60433,col orPOKE @60431,col to change the editingcolours in the top and bottom of thescreens respectively. 1 for the dreaded R:Tape loading 1 for ESC W 1: key LPRINT CHR$27 ; CHR$87 ;CHR$1.The latter code (CHR$ 1) simplyturns the function on. Exactly the samecan be achieved by: CHR$27 ; "W" ; CHR$1.To cancel the function,the first two codesare the same but the final code is CHR$0. 1 final part in this series. New 1 field.Unsurprisingly, much cursing ensued.* 1 f&&o//i+o+i)o)(( 1 f = filename 1 exteriorrevealing a complex maze of circuitry,wiring and connections. On the inside wasa row of switches positioned to the leftof a seat for the user. After performing aseries of last-minute checks, John loadedthe machine into the back of his van withthe help of his son Peter. 1 explaining the codes, by Ken 1 everything is predetermined. 1 eventually 1 entering tool 1 emulator, and any ROMS which 1 emulator is that it comes in two versions 48 & 128. The 128 is good in the fact thatunlike Z80, it does not require EMS memoryin order to run at a reasonable pace. 1 emulation (the only non-Z80 emulator, I know of, to feature this), and a better than average collection of game demosy 1 eliminating the need for an emulator. See article elsewhere in this issue. Ed>N 1 easily-because-their-always-played-by-& 1 e.g. To set Left Hand Margin the code is:"ESC l n" keyed as: LPRINT CHR$27 ;CHR$108 ;CHR$n (where n=column number).{ 1 e.g. "ESC ( - nn" is code for variousfeatures of UNDERLINE such as single,double, or dotted lines.l 1 dq+&+&+&+&+&+&+&r+ 1 dq&+&+&+&+&+&+&+r& 1 dodgy programs on late night German TV& 1 do not require Z80 or Warajevo to! 1 [email protected] 1 distinctivecharacteristics of the genus. Among theirprominent anatomical features, are aforked tongue (alwaysx 1 display along the side of the screen (for all you techies out there), MULTIFACEO 1 directory changes, games can 1 different snapshot types, 1 details of your snap collection. 1 ddd=drive number 1 ddd = drive no 1,2,* 1 custom ROMs: 1 courts!) - The SPECTRUM GAME 1 copies released 1 converter, and they could be 1 converted to BMP format, for use 1 containssub-directories AN10-AN20, featuring eachissue in TAP format. (AN10 directoryfeatures issues 1-10)q 1 considerably smaller number of files$ 1 conference. 1 compatibility, ZXTOOLS converts standard ACSII text files into TASWORD, TASWORD3 and LAST WORD file formats.o 1 column, 'Pauls Rantings', it had about& 1 co-operateconstructively to help END the dispute,that I asked him if he would write toPrism with this aim in mind. To describethis, therefore, as my "drawing him in",is a fiction invented by some mischievousmind. Mark, in his letters to me, actuallycondemned Sherwood's pig-headedness forthrowing my own previous efforts back inmy face! Imagine my shock and disgust,then, as I gazed in disbelief at thesewords on that page. My only crime was totry and help others, and their thanks wasa knife in my back. 1 cinema the other night... 1 cheek),chameleon-like camouflage (reverting tothe true colours when cornered), and asting in the tail that would make ascorpion seem tame by comparison. Typicalbehaviour patterns include a tendency toattack by creeping up from the rear(scurrying for cover if confrontedhead-on) and a passion for roasting theirquarry; but the most anti-social of alltheir habits, is their fondness of pickingnits. 1 can't really get much better than this, can it!.2 1 can be accessed seperately. 1 c) A combination of A and B 1 by Paul Howard! 1 by Mike Mee 1 by Ken Beer 1 butsold at a very low price, or even free.May not be altered.@ 1 butnewly formed Spectrum and CPC group. Issue1 was a paper magazine, but they decidedto move to magnetic media for subsequentissues. Which is certainly what we need.With the sad demise of Sinclair Express,new electronic magazines are alwayswelcomed. 1 but this converter also takes 1 budget, which the producers have decided to spend on really gory special FX.M 1 boot up your PC, and type say, 1 blockgraphic picture of a house at the start,and start room has bath halfway up thewall. (Known as JSW3)n 1 blastdownwards, these too were ejected once thecraft had entered orbit.G 1 before a +D formatted one, you won't& 1 been ripping me off with his last! 1 becomesunreadable over a period of time.( 1 beating Z80. 1 be accessed quickly enough. 1 be able to access the +D disk. If you& 1 basicstructure is what you should end up withafter performing my hacking techniques,and may be worth saving, especially if youwant to transfer the game to disc (+Dsnapshots are cheating!). 1 backgrounddescriptions of each room. Two bits areused for each character block on screen,restricting you to four types of platform.The sub-heading PLATFORM breaks down thevalues and what they do. 1 b) The tape has been subjected to a strong magnetic field; 1 b) The tape 1 b) As I have not received a single letter of enquiry or feed-back on what I have written since beginning the column, is the topics chosen only relevant to those who can already hack? 1 b) A drop-out has created itself on the tape somewhere.< 1 b) +D saving. The +D save can be very& 1 available! 6 JSWs, 2 Manic 1 available on the internet, but if you% 1 authoriseddistributor and upgrader for registeredversions at:@ 1 author a fiver. Get your entires 1 asystemvariable is checked to test wetheryou're in 128/+3 Basic or in USR 0 mode(USR 0 mode: When you're in 128/+3 Basicenter USR 0 and then you have a 48K editorbut unlike to the command SPECTRUM you canstill use the RAM pages or other I/Oaddresses of the 128K Speccy using OUT). 1 assist in the service? 1 as much originality as I have sexual$ 1 as Windows wallpaper! 1 as these can be processed far moreswiftly. Please format your text to 42columns, 40 columns otherwise.r 1 article earlier in this issue. 1 arranged. It's clearer than you 1 arerepresented in computers as very largepositive numbers of restricted length.S 1 arecompressed. The word 'the' is replaced by#01. However, each room's data address isfound in a table at 47869 (#BAFD). So, youcan find the room name, followed by it'sexits. 1 are using your own modem, the phone bill you will run up looking for these snaps, may well be so expensive that it isw 1 anyoneconcerned with any material in thismagazine should confirm it's authenticitywith Alchemist Research. Registered andtrustworthy distributors are as follows: 1 anddocumentaries whilst she navigated thecraft towards mother earth's solar system.She could'nt believe how barbaric herancestors were towards each other, all thewars and violence they inflicted on eachother, it seemed unbelievable that herrace had survived long enough to cometogether as one when the project oflooking for another planet started, butshe was glad that they had. 1 andconservatory bugs. Ed> 1 andaction sequences. It will be interestingto see what both channels will show init's place.b 1 and no snide comments from you Mr Davis!( 1 and details of this issue's free 1 and ahe other stuff you should know of& 1 amongst us, did anybody see that movie& 1 also to the other speccy realated materialavailable3 1 allencountered on day one, two or three ofowning a genuine machine. Not only that,but there was something about the peopleusing it. Not one of them had made anysort of link to the REAL Spectrumcommunity. Most thought that the Spectrumwas completely dead, and no servicesexisted. Just because it doesn't have aWEB site means it doesn't exist to them! 1 all to realistic severed heads, headless corpses, and the throwing around of magots(decomposing heads & corpses, you see) as if they were going out of fashion!. 1 ahalf-decent service at one time, yetno-one reminisces about them and wishesthey were still around. What chance doesPrism have? 1 again. Ignore the Internet, it's 1 after all (despite members of both Mulders& Scullys families winding up dead...).Q 1 absolutelybrilliant, worth `20 alone for anyone witha new PC, and wanting to get lots ofgoodies for a low price.v 1 about Warajevo is the fact that 1 aaa=the address of the memory 1 a) The tape deck 1 a) The fact that friends I write to say it is over their heads, so does that apply to everyone?c 1 a) The tape has been physically damaged (usually by the deck).C 1 a) HD disks. If you've used a HD disk& 1 a(n)= 16 bit number 1 a snap database, which holds all 1 ZXTOOLS - This is a file converter, not' 1 ZXSHELL would help, but again it's not& 1 ZXSHELL to load the emulator + 1 ZXSHELL - Like ZXTOOLs, this has been% 1 ZXCOMP <snapshot>.Z80 <gamename>.EXE$ 1 ZXCOMP - This has to be THE selling point) 1 ZENOBI SOFTWARE 1 ZEN AND THE ART OF NOISE 1 Z80 Support: 1 Z80 SOFTWARE 1 Z2. Now six months overdue. 1 Z2, by Matt Beal / David Ledbury.! 1 Z2 has been promised to be released veryshortly.2 1 Your feedback and comments can beanonymous, and there will be NO reprisialsfor your comments, feelings and honesty,unlike other 'services' which persecuteand terminate the subscriptions of thosewho do not adhere to their philosophy.Sounds like Adolf Hitler, doesn't it! Bothare equally insane, but can anyone vouchfor the sexual equipment status of today'spersecutor?! Please indicate which answersyou wish to remain confidential betweenyourself and the editor. 1 Your contributions are NOT edited oraltered in any way, unless it containsinformation we know to be inaccurate, orof a sexist / racist nature. You areresponsible for your own spell checking! 1 Young earth they had named it, although hethought the planet looked old andweather-beaten by the constant storms heknew that it was better than living on aplanet with water only in small lakes thatused to be vast oceans between greatcontenants. 1 You would then get DOUBLE HEIGHT ITALICSwith the appropriate margin.F 1 You will now need another length of wire,tinned one end, to insert into pin 20 ofIC 8's IC holder (you could always solderit to the reverse side of this holder butthat means taking the wire to the otherside of the PCB). 1 You will have to specify which directoriesthey are in.6 1 You then get one of the following results:* 1 You simply LOAD the machine code routinein the normal way, though if you have themachine code monitor in the computer'smemory and it is RUNning, you'll have topress BREAK to escape from the programfirst. 1 You need to collect at least 150 out ofthe 175 objects in the game to see how itends, so good luck!g 1 You must end your machine code programswith a hash (#) sign which will return youto the menu.y 1 You must be wary when using the BASIC areatoo, as your machine code routine may becalled out of a BASIC program it could beoverwritten while the BASIC program isRUNning, causing the whole thing to crash.With small programs it is possible to useareas like the cassette buffer, so long asyou are not going to use the cassetteplayer. 1 You may well by know have your own ideason how to program what I've done so farmore efficiently. If you have dont keep itto yourself 1 You know, Roy Benson has always had itgood. He's been with AN for years andalways had the best slot, devoted torampant musings and nattering about allthe best topics. In fact, it spawned adozen 'rants' sections. 1 You insert the key and 1 You have now finished with Z80. Quit andgo to the Warajevo directory.G 1 You cant open it. A flag is set to showthe window is shut. East will at themoment take you to the front garden whichis outside the house bu remember you areon the roof. So in the finished game therewill be a long drop to doom should you trygoing this way.There is an oiling can here 1 You can look at any of the system variablepointers using the same line, bysubstituting the variable's two memorylocations. The BASIC keyword PEEK looks atthe contents of any byte of memory andreturns the decimal equivalent of thenumber it finds there. 1 You can enter as many - or as few - pairsas you wish before you press ENTER.M 1 You also have a pile of disks you want toformat ?2 1 You start in the kitchen. There is atoilet roll West of kitchen ? Whos purposewil become clear later.k 1 You certainly won't get Andy Davispirating computer software. You won't seehim snubbing people who have a problem. Hegoes out of his way to make sure peopleare all right. Thats why AlchemistResearch is the group it is today. 1 You can contact BUFORA (British UFOResearch Association) at:-D 1 Yet never takes it to the courts 1 Written by Zeljko Juric & Samir (oh no, Coronation street!) Ribic, this emulator was written during the Bosnian conflict. <Did anyone notice the way his name was pronouced suddenly changed without 1 Wolfgang Haller 1 Wokingham's Premier Event! 1 Without spending too much time thinkingabout it, pick a random number between 10and 99. I bet the two digits in yournumber were different! If there was anequal chance of each number being picked,there would be a probability of just over12% that one with two identical digits waschosen. However, when asked to pick a"random" number, people generally try tochoose an "insignificant one": one withunrelated digits, not too close to eitherend of the range. 1 With your (authorised) copy of AlchNews,you should find this survey enclosed.Should you not have one, simply print outthe following pages, or jot down yourcomments on a slip of paper. There's nodeadline to be reached, although yourfeedback will be aired in a future issue.Simply return your comments within yourown free time. 1 With version 2.01 of Z80 running in 48kmode, again with no IF1, press F7 to makesure that the TAP file directory is thesame as the one where you saved theMultiface snapshot to. 1 With longer machine code programs you mayhave to drop RAMTOP further, You can CLEARall the way down to 23,821. But inpractice doing this would be no good toyou because with RAMTOP so low there is noroom even to enter a line of BASIC. 1 With each issue of A---N---, 1 With IPD, all progs are free! 1 Winter conditions in Bosnia were such% 1 Wildcards can be used. 1 Whoops, must make sure to delete this bitbefore putting it in AlchNews.H 1 Whichever method you adopt, eithersoldering directly or by using an ICholder, pin 20 of both IC's must not besoldered together and should be bentoutwards. Pin 20 of the IC holder you areabout to solder on to IC 8 (if that is theoption you have chosen) should be removed.Remember, the 128 ROM sits atop IC 8 andthe pins of the ROM, or the IC holder, aresoldered to the pin shoulders of IC 8, pin1 to pin 1, and so on. 1 Whenever you do an interrupt routine itis essential that the contents of all theregisters are exactly the same after youhave finished the routine as when youstated it. The only way to ensure this isto push the contents of all the registersonto the stack at the beginning of theprogram, and pop them all of again at theend. The contents of BC, DE, HL and IX areall pushed onto the stack. But thecontents of AF are pushed on first becausethe accumulator and the flag register areused to test whether a program is beingRUN. If no BASIC program is being RUNthere is no point in doing a trace. 1 When you've typed in this code, a bootwill appear at the bottom of the screen.You can now hold down combinations of keys6,5,4,3,2,1 to visit each screen. Thefinal screen can be accessed and, to behonest, is quite easy. Then again, it'sall down to a matter of timing! 1 When you run the trace, keep a copy ofthe BASIC program you are checking near athand. You will want to check off each lineas it is executed to see how the programis structured. At points where it runsinto difficulty, step through the programslowly statement by statement, pausingbetween each by pressing the BREAK/SPACEand SYMBOL SHIFT keys together. 1 When you press 3, the program will ask youfor a start address once more. This shouldbe the start address of the machine coderoutine you've just fed in, though you cansave any part of the memory by using adifferent start address. 1 When you enter the world of machine codeprogramming you are approaching your homecomputer on its most fundamental level. Not only do you have to understandsomething about the hexadecimal nimbersyou key in, and the binary numbers thecomputer converts them into, you also haveto understand how the computer itselfworks. 1 When you enter the wonderful world ofmachine code programming you run into anumber of strange paradoxes. Althoughmachine code is the language themicroprocessor itself uses, you cannotfeed it directly into your spectrum. Itmust be entered by another program - whichon a spectrum means using BASIC. Nor canyou simply run a machine code programusing a machine code command, you have tocall it out of a BASIC program or by usinga BASIC instruction. 1 When tou RUN the program, it will displaya menu. This asks you whether you want to'Enter machine code','Examine memory' or'Save bytes to tape/disk'. 1 When this happens, it's our duty to goaround informing all the relevant groupsabout the information. Although we are inregular personal contact with them all,repeating the information can become timeconsuming and tiring. 1 When they had safely got back into thecraft, the man was taken directly to themedical room and placed on the table readyfor the samples to be taken. 1 When they were all in thier suits heopened the airlock and stepped outsideclosely followed by the others, the groundfelt soft underfoot and was covered with awhite powdery substance, Coria bent downand scooped a handful up, 'It's water!'she said as it started melting in herhand. Aleen laughed to see the puzzledlook on her face 'It's frozen water, ourancestors called it "Snow", the lastrecorded snowfall on this part of theplanet was in the year 2573, a few hundredyears before our ancestors started thejourney to find a new world'. 1 When the statement number has been pokedonto the screen the processor returns tothe main program again to execute a smallroutine which make the digits appear whiteon a small black panel. It does not matterthat this is done after the numbersthemselves have been printed. 1 When the routine is saved, the menu comesup again.3 1 When the first colonies of humans came tohis planet they were not the generationthat had left mother earth, it was thiergreat grandparents who built the craftsand started the journey to seek outanother planet for them to live on. 1 When the carry flag is set, the jump ismade, another 1000 is subtracted, thecounter is incremented and the wholeprocess repeats until the contents of theHL are less than 1000 and the additiondoes not set the carry flag. 1 When no keys are pressed, the processorwill move straight on to 'pop ix','pop hl''pop de','pop bc' and 'pop af' whichrestore the registers to thier values atthe beginning of the interrupt by pullingthe stored values one after the other backoff the stack. 1 When a key is not pressed, the value itgives is 1. When it is being pressed, itsvalue changes to 0. To stop the trace, twokeys have to be pressed simultaneously,the SYMBOL SHIFT and the BREAK/SPACE. Thishas been done so that the keyboard can beused normally to edit the program whilethe trace is on. 1 When a BASIC program will not RUN, yourcomputer will often give an error messagewhich tells you which line it cannotexecute. This may be all you need to knowto debug a short, simple program. But whenyour prorams get longer and morecomplicated, such a message may stillleave you in the dark. 1 When a particular function is requiredseparately you must remember to canceleach unwanted function. Having selectedthe function/s required, follow theon-screen instructions to return to BASIC.You can now use the usual LPRINT " 1 When 'phoned, he loves to hide behind% 1 When you switch on your spectrum itautomatically goes into BASIC. So you mustuse a BASIC program to POKE in yourmachine code program and a BASIC commandto run it. 1 When you have finished tracing theprogram, switch the trace off by callingthe 'off' routine with:j 1 When you have finished entering thecorrection, press ENTER, then examine thememory again to make sure that you've gotit right this time. 1 When I loaded the snap, I was throwstraight in the middle of the game, withno idea what was going on, or what thekeys were. 1 What you can reclaim off a chewn-up tapeprobably wouldn't merit all the effort putin to recovering it, because a tapechew-up normally damages several feet ofthe tape and you are looking at the lossof many bytes - but there again, it allboils down to what you have to work with.If, say, the area of damage was confinedto two identical files on opposite sidesof the tape, and the damaged portions didnot overlap the same bytes of these files,you can reasonably expect to rebuild a newand complete file from the two defunctblocks. 1 What lets Warajevo down, is user 1 What all this has produced is a 1 What a funny old quarter it's been! Afterseeing what like is like on the Internet,courtesy of Matt Deeprose, I thought I'dgive it a shot. 1 West wing roof 1 West of kitchen 1 West however takes you to the edge of theroof. There is a cricket ball in a gutterwhich will have to be defined beacauseattempting to retrieve it means standingon the edge of the roof somwhere and asthe gutter is loose and the roof in poorrepair it will certainly give way if youhang about. On retreivng the ball you canthen use it to THROW BALL at the window. 1 West bedroom 1 West Yorkshire 1 Well, it took a coupe of weeks, but hecertainly came up with the goods.K 1 Well, excuse me. But who, in late March,compiled a three page document and claimedto send it to the entire Spectrumcommunity? Who attacked a number of peoplein this document and tried to blame AndyDavis for making up his readership figure,when it was the Data Protection Registrarwho revealed this figure? 1 Well, after counting those up it lookslike Codemasters win the award for "Mosterror-full Spectrum releases". So off I goto the Codies' HQ, deep in the heart ofWarwickshire, with my microphone andhidden camera. (Esther Rantzen couldn'tmake it today). Oh look, there's DavidDarling... 1 Well nearly time to round off, but just a quick word on all things Sci-Fi...L 1 Welcome back to the Spectrum world, James!A high ranking position is secured.M 1 We're using Channel A, the volume of whichis controlled by Register 8. In Line 30 ofour BASIC, we set the volume to 15. If wenow edit line 40 so that it appears likethis: 1 We managed to find a space in the main carpark which everyone else had overlooked(we were later to find out why!), betweentwo trees. Grabbing the money I had"borrowed" from other in-patients at theasylum, I made my way into the field tosee all the car boot sale trademarks: theyellow bouncy castle, the kiosk that sellswarm "cold drinks", the fat red-faced gitselling pirated Amiga software... 1 We don't know why, because of course$ 1 Watch tower 1 Want to avoid a 'legal experience'? Thenabide by the terms adhered to by allreputable and honest traders in the EEC:| 1 WITH THAT PORN, OFFICER, HONEST 1 WILLY'S NEW HAT. The game starts with thetitle in large block graphics, the opticalillusion is completely gone. When youstartthe game, you cold be fooled into thinkingthat it's a Manic Miner clone, as it's soclose. However, you can move from room toroom. It's a bit tricky to play, but verywell designed. (Known as JSW5) 1 WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO TODAY? 1 WHAT MEMORIES ARE MADE OF. 1 WEST YORKSHIRE 1 WEAKNESSES: 1 WARP JUMPING 1 WARNING: ALCHNEWS IS BAD FOR YOR HEALTH' 1 W R I T E T Y P E R 1 Victoria Road 1 Vic Bishop is something of a POWERPRINTexpert. Should you wish to drop him aline, send an SAE to:i 1 Vic Bishop 1 Very few people would think of 99 first,unless they were deliberately trying tospoil the experiment! However, a trulyrandom number would be just as likely tobe 99 as 10, 11, 12, 13 or any other.Since, in our universe, a variable mayonly take one value, and all events whichtake place must depend on one variable ormore, I would contend that all events arepredetermined and that the future could bepredicted exactly if we only knew the keyto the sequence involved. 1 Very few emulators can claim to have a& 1 Various Spectrum and QL books, manuals andover 100 magazines from 1984 onwards.O 1 VORTEX SOFTWARE games, including suchclassics as ALIEN HIGHWAY, TORNADO LOWLEVEL, CYCLONE and REVOLUTION.r 1 VERIFY Dddd"f" & VERIFY Pn 1 Utility for Z80 users. 1 Usual address or via Alchemist Software,Fountain, Impact or Albhar libraries inUK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: ASW ADDRESS.s 1 Up on the landing you can go north througha window which then bangs shut behind you.T 1 Up on the battlements 1 Unfortunately, USR is not a command but afunction. And the structure of SinclairBASIC demands that to be executed, a linemust start with a command. So USR must beprefaced by a command word. On theSpectrum use: 1 Under the roof 1 Under the megatree 1 Under the drive 1 Uncle Clive & Uncle Sam 1 USEFUL ROUTINES 1 UPDATE: James Waddington told me in aletter that Darren had received my letterand asked James to pass on his apologiesfor delays. The second issue would be outvery soon. However, this was mid-April. Attime of writing this, it's mid-May. 1 UFOCALL 0891 12 18 86 1 Type LOAD"<filename>" to load in theMultiface snapshot. You may get somescreen corruption, so try and clean it up,perhaps by playing the game and killingyourself, to get a swift return to themenu. 1 Two pages are dedicated to explain aboutthe EBA and what it plans. The only badthing is that no prices are givenanywhere. I gather the SCU tapezine ismonthly, but no price was given again. 1 Turbo Pascal GUI. 1 Trowbridge 1 Top landing 1 Tony Jeenes 1 To use your trace, first enter the basicprogram to be checked. Then CLEAR down to65109 and enter the trace.n 1 To use the routine do PRINT USR 48900 totest the Speccy type and PRINT USR 49030to test the mode. If you call the routinefrom a program use a variable to get themode value (e.g. LET mode=USR 49030)otherwise it might not work properly dueto the systemvariable check. If you useassembler the value is given in theregister BC. 1 To try the game, simply type in the nameof the EXE file. Press F10 to quit.M 1 To the right was the sector where she wasbrought up, New Canada, and further to theright was the sector where she now lived,New Britain, she could never figure outwhy they had named sectors after the oldcountries of mother earth, maybe it wasjust in memory of the old planet, or maybethey could'nt think of new names. 1 To the kitchens 1 To switch modes, either switch off thepower or press the reset (keeping itpressed) and move the switch to to itsother position and then power up again orrelease the reset switch - if you switchmodes without doing either of the aboveyou'll get some pretty patterns on screenand not much else will happen after that,probably!!! 1 To read ON-LINE, which is updated daily,it's on page 650 on Teletext, Channel 4.R 1 To print out a character on the screen youfirst have to locate it in the characterset. And as each character is made up ofeight bytes, you have to count the ASCIIvalue times eight along from the beginningto find the character you want. 1 To order a copy, simply send `2 cash,stamps, postal order, IMO, IRC or chequeto 'B A WATSON'.d 1 To obtain the latest catalogue (which runsto 14 sides of A4 in densely printedtext), simply send your details and wewill send you a catalogue by return ofpost. No SAE is required. 1 To find out the mode (only useful for 128KSpeccies, as 48K Speccies will always bein 48K mode) it is tested wether a RAMpage can be paged in and out (no valueswill be destroyed). If this isn't possibleyou're in 48K mode, otherwise 1 To examine the whole of your machine codeprogram this address should be the same asthe start address you gave before.v 1 To enter a machine code routine, you haveto POKE it byte-by-byte into thecomputer's memory.f 1 To detect 48K, 128K, SAM and Emulatorsystems it first tests the MHz rate orsimply the speed of the machine (48K:3.5Mhz, 128K: 3.55 Mhz, SAM (Screen Mode 1):3.48 Mhz). If it is a 128K Speccy thespeed of the videochip (or ULA) is testetto distinguish the "normal" 128K Speccies(128, +2) from the Amstrad Speccies (+2A,+3). This is possible as the rebuildAmstrad ULA is a bit slower when the TVPicture is built up. Even a +2A/+3 with aFixer Kit (normal 128K ROM) will bedetected as a +2A/+3. 1 To clarify all this a little more - therewill be uniformity and, however many byteshave been loaded, all of these bytes willcontain the same number of strayed bitsfrom a following byte. 1 To check the value of P-RAMT switch on themachine and enter the line:E 1 To LOAD it back into the machine firstCLEAR to 65109 then key in:E 1 To make matters worse, the localCompuserve connection in Sheffield, ran at4800 bps. Something of a drop from 48,800!~ 1 Tk95ROM .BIN 1 Thus ends my story of the nightmare carboot sale. Take my advice: never go to thefirst car boot sale of the season, andalways make sure you park on level groundin plain view of everyone else! If you'relucky, you might even be able to pick up afew Speccy bargains while you're there... 1 Thomas Eberle, SUC 1 This way you will be able to see clearlythe structure of the program. You'll beable to spot if the computer is RETURNingfrom subroutines properly. You'll also beable to work out the value of thevariables as you go, and check thatconditional IF...THEN statements are beingfulfilled and that GOTOs go to the rightline. 1 This way the BASIC area is squeezed, butas it can't be extended past RAMTOP, themachine[ 1 This trace program simply PRINTs out onthe screen the number of each line and thenumber of the statement in that line as itis executed. To make full use of the traceyou should have a copy of the programhandy. Then follow the program through tothe place where it stops, using the trace. 1 This time you should hear the sound asnoise. It sounds a bit like a train.N 1 This takes the form REPEAT <statement>UNTIL <logical statement>.D 1 This system works very well with a largenumber of games and utilities, and is mostflexible, even towards loading in otherfiles. 1 This should return 65535 on a 48K model. If it doesn't and you haven't POKEdanything into these locations then thereis something wrong with your spectrum'smemory. 1 This sets the variable L to the value ofthe BC register when the machine codeprogram has finished running, no greatshakes in itself but note that LET,L,= andUSR are all on the same key, which makesthings easier. 1 This serves to show that a game doesn'talways have to be played exactly the sameway. This is what made the HOBBIT soenjoyable. You had to solve the puzzles ina particular way but only by doingeverything possible and going everywhereand collecting everything is it possibleto score 100 % even if you solve theadventure. The best I ever manged was 88 % 1 This routine cures the 'PAUSE' bug whichaffects the game with the Interface 1attached.] 1 This program occupies the second screen,so don't place anything there if you don'twant your +3 to form a space truly worthyof a PC 1 This program incorporates all POKEs thatyou'll ever need. It also included THETELEPORTER, a routine to access an in-buitpart of the game. 1 This may seem rather round about, butinterrupt routines must be addressedindirectly. And if you tried to load the lregister with a number greater than 64, todirect it into RAM where you could POKE inyour own pointer, the screen charactersstart breaking up. 1 This listing does the entire works for thegame. Simply delete the ones you don'twant.Y 1 This last instruction is an assemblerdirective. And what it does is to assigntwo bytes to hold data. The data held inthere, naturally, is the current value of'posn'. 1 This issue I'm going to muse on aboutwhats currently going down well on the TVthis quarter.a 1 This is why you will remember you need tomake a map whan playing and also whenwriting your own adventure.o 1 This is the second emulator found on my Internet travels, like JPP and SPANSPEC (reviewed AN17), SPECEM is simple, it justemulates the speccy 48. 1 This is the memory which is open to theuser, but is not quite as wide open as itsname implies. The ROM takes over some ofit for screen displays and other specificfunctions and if you try to writesomething in these memory locations theROM will change it back for you. Butfundamentally it is an empty slate onwhich you can write whatever you want,then read back at your leisure. 1 This in itself is a problem . How to eatif your character in the game refuseswhats on offer.c 1 This has been proven with distributionrights granted to Alchemist Research forall kinds of top quality information, suchas Marshall Cavendish computer articles,the Gremlin titles and now Jet Set Willygames. 1 This guy was definately "sitting on thefence" as his opinions ranged fromsuggesting that abductions were real tothe possibility that they were dreams or aresult of false memory implants fromhypnosis based on his own experiences. 1 This game was reviewed in the last issueof Crash, but was never released. Morethan that, it was never even written! Thewhole thing was an April Fools joke, asyou can see by looking at the screenshots(which look like they were done on a SamCoupe). I might as well admit that I fellfor it anyway! 1 This game is very large and notoriouslydifficult, but that's not why nobody hasever completed the original release. Noindeed. It is in fact impossible tocomplete due to a bug which occurs in TheAttic. An arrow is supposed to passthrough this screen from left to right,but its routine is accessed wrongly, thusmaking the game even more impossible thanis generally believed! The bug can beremoved using the JSW Editor. <Or via 6POKEs which cure the 1 This game is different, because each roomtakes up a different amount of memory,unlike the set length in the previousgame. Even the room's names 1 This facility is good if you want! 1 This beautifully scrolling platformer fromCodemasters featured two strange "bugs".Firstly, the control options are numbered,and pressing 1 (for Sinclair joystick)won't work if option 4 (keyboard) has justbeen selected. Secondly, the high scoretable pops up about every three secondswhen you leave the game alone, althoughthis might have been bad timing ratherthan a bug! 1 This Prism business has been going on along time now. Events and circumstanceshave moved it in different directions asthe months and, sadly, years progressed. 1 This CD is guaranteed to keep you occupiedfor hours, if not days and weeks. Ourversion has been on trial for a few monthsnow, and there are still areas notexamined! The only restriction with thisCD is the limit of your own imagination inthinking what game you'd like to visitnext! 1 This Atlantis release, coded by the ShawBrothers, had a minor factual slip-up inits instructions. Graham Shaw, in a recentCrashed interview, revealed that the gameis said to be set in Whitley Bay when infact it should have been Whitby,well-known vampire folklore region (no, Ididn't know either!). 1 This routine allows you to save thecurrent room you are in as a SCREEN$,simply by pressing S. Useful for whenmapping at a later date with a printer.However, when this routine was firstwritten, there were no snapshots which didthe job for us! 1 This game was packaged with the greySpectrum +2, but older veterans willrecognise it as M C Lothlorien's 1984release, Micro Mouse Goes Debugging, witha barely changed title screen and aslightly altered theme (famous peoplerather than program listings). It's not abad game, but what a blatant rerelease! 1 This doesn't mean that you have tounderstand how the chips are etched or howthey are wired up. But you do have to knowa little of the overall architecture ofthe machine, How the major parts andsystems are related and what each onedoes. 1 This company used to be an officialSinclair agent, and still stocks lots ofparts and membranes.h 1 This company sells a wide range ofsoftware, with a stong emphasis onutilities, especially Hisoft and Tasmangoodies! 1 This combat game released by Oceancontained several major omissions. Amongthem were gameplay, good graphics anddecent sound. What a turkey! 1 They took the sub-shuttle to the islandtogether with the rest of the team, theywere all a little nervous, but moreexcited with the idea that they had beenchosen to save their planet. 1 They stood at the doorway for a momemt,wondering how they would get thier sampleswithout waking anyone until Samak took asmall glass card from the sleeve of hissuit 'If it's an electronic device, Ishould be able to re-program the probesinside and get them to disable the device'he held the card to his forehead for a fewseconds, 'It's safe to enter now, thedevice was simple to shut down' he said asthe sleeve of his suit moulded back overthe card. 1 They spun around the sun, still spirallinguntil they were 63,000 miles above it'ssurface and they had done 473,640revolutions when Samak pressed one morebutton at the same time that Coria snappedthem out of the sun's orbit and aimed thecraft towards Mother Earth, she wasconcentrating so hard now that Jarus couldsee the veins in her temples pumping theblood to her brain, he watched as theyseemed to swell under her skin and wasexpecting them to rupture, much to hisrelief they did'nt and in a few secondsafter coming out of the Sun's orbit theysank back down out of sight. 1 They said thier greetings, by telepathy asno one used the spoken word anymore, thensat in thier designated seats. Jarus stoodup and looked at his companions, 'Pick upyour viewing crystals please, and placethem to your foreheads' he watched as thecrystals floated from the tables andtowards the heads of the other three, thenhe lifted his with telekenisis andconcentrated on placing it in the middleof his forehead. When it made contact withhis skin it automatically switched on andstarted injecting the visions into hismind. 1 They have infiltrated the Federation andboth Romulan and Klingon empires, planningto bring in conspiracies and collapse fromthe inside. 1 They found a clearing in some trees nearto the dwelling they were headed for andCoria landed the craft as smoothly andquietly as she had launched it, then theyall went to the atmosphere suit chamber toready themselves for leaving the craft. The suits were a silver-grey colour, madefrom a flexible mercury-diamontaniummaterial, they had no seams apart from theback where the wearer entered. 1 They had to travel at such speedsotherwise it would take more than alifetime to reach their destination.x 1 These stalls sold an amazing array ofU.F.O. related merchandise ranging fromT-shirts (most of which bore the "X-FILES"logo), books (curiously not a single copyof "COMMUNION" or "TRANFORMATION" writtenby the main guest speaker, WhitleyStrieber could be found?), models of spacecraft and alien figures to video's,jewellry and postcards. 1 These programs are NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN, andmust NOT be distributed without writtenpermission from Alchemist Research. Theseprograms, and many more, are availablefrom the ALCHEMIST and FPD softwarelibraries. 1 These programs are available immediatelyfrom your leading software libraries: ASW,FPD, IPD and WOMO. The titles are notpublic domain, but you will find them atthe normal low prices charged by thesecompanies. 1 These last few months have seen some old favorites return to the screen, and some new ones as well.e 1 These commands do nothing and are justprovided for compatibilityD 1 These three ports can be set up andcontrolled by BASIC as input or outputswhich greatly simplify the circuitry overthe use of individual chips. Only threeother chips are used and these areallocated for address use. As mentioned,what is really clever with this set up isthat the selection of ports are allachieved under software control using athree digit number. The following listexplains this more clearly. 1 Theres not a great deal done to ManicMiner. Originally, it was released by BUGBYTE, but then by Software Projects.Although both play exactly the same, thereare some minor differences. The Bug Byteversion is very hard to come by. 1 Theres an article about a 'dream' PC, withbuilt in Spectrum emulator, all sizes ofdrives and a tape deck. Nice idea, but Ibet it would never get off the ground,even though we lined Amstrad's pockets! 1 Theres also a room called The Island, somethre screens left of the boat. However, toget there you must go to the room labelledTRIP SWITCH, set the switch and travel the29 rooms to the ship without losing alife! Then, collect the objects on theship and then walk to the left and wait. 1 Theres a review of their 'rival' Eight Bitmagazine, plus a very good summary sectionof each review.c 1 There's only 1 that I know of, and I don'tthink it can be remedied, but I'll try...S 1 There was no flash of light, no suddenexplosion. The time machine remained whereit was. But the seat was empty; JohnMurray had ceased to be. The crowds surgedforward, hoping it was a joke, but therewas no sign of a hidden floor or secretexit. And the tearful sobbing of John'sfamily convinced them that somethingincredible had taken place when themachine was activated. 1 There was a short article in AlchNews 19on why you should never use the Spectrumto choose your lottery numbers. Basically,any numbers the Speccy picks are generatedby sequences which, though long andcomplex, repeat after a fixed number ofiterations: 65536, in fact. This numbermay seem a bit strange but, because it's apower of two, its binary representationcontains only the digit one (which keepsthe computer happy!). 1 There may also be a loading screen, whichwill load as CODE or SCREEN$. In myexample, ] 1 There is also a premium rate line that hasthe latest information and sightings.O 1 There are two ways you can do this. Quitesimply, the easy way and the hard way!P 1 There are two different types of memory -ROM and RAM. ROM stands for Read-OnlyMemory. That means you can read out of ROMmemory locations, but you cannot writeinto them. The information they contain isfixed permanently when the ROM chips aremanufactured and they are protectedagainst tampering. No matter what you doto your computer - short of physicaldamage - the ROM will restore itsfunctions to working order if you switchit off and then back on again. 1 There are lots and lots of Spectrum gamesabound. In fact, you can just think of agame, and it's a simple matter of usingthe simple to control menus in the Z80emulator until you find it! Press ENTER toconfirm your selection and the game isthere in the blink of an eye! Shazam, myentire tape collection of Spectrum gameswas redundant! 1 There are countless POKEs in the game.Here are the most popular:D 1 There are also a large number of Spectrumrelated goodies as well. How about aprogram to control a radio control plane?A complete hackers guide by Richard Swann?Lots and lots of custom ROMs, both 48kand Interface 1, and text files for manygames. Theres also a collection ofprograms and utilities for the Spectrum+3, namely BIAS, RELABEL and a number ofother utilities which originally came toAlchemist Software from J. Elliott. 1 There are a lot of emulator snaps! 1 There are a few utilities for the PC, forboth DOS4 1 There is a Manic Miner 'follow up'available, a German clone, titled "ManicMiner 2". The opening screen is the same,but has a badly drawn '2' after the title!The rooms are all in German, but equallyas fiendish and well designed. 1 There are two main groups of Pascalsystems. One group uses native codecompilers - compilers written specificallyfor the machines that are to run thesystem. Obviously, many machines are verysimilar, using CP/M or MS-DOS operatingsystems, on only very minor modificationsare needed from one machine to another. 1 There are many fascinating fractalprograms available for the Spectrum whichcreate crystals, triangles and trees froma fixed pseudo-random sequence, eg oneinitialised with the RANDOMIZE commandfrom BASIC. These patterns, too, areunpredictable unless 1 Ther is something else in the water butIts all slimy due to lack of cleaning andyou won't be able to see what it is unlessyou have a face mask which is in thepotting shed. 1 Then, of course, they had to endure the constant shelling, that was poured upon Sarajevo, during the conflict.r 1 Then you look at Prism. Lots of enemies.Groups unwilling to communicate and workwith them. Very poor customer relations.Clearly exposed lies. Piracy. Prism neverhas and never will be a cornerstone of theSpectrum world. More like damp rot,festering. I don't think anyone would missPrism when they go. I don't expect anyonewould write to them, pleading not to closedown. At present, people write to them,telling them TO close down! 1 Then we will write straight back to you' 1 Then the contents of all the otherregisters are pushed onto the stack.N 1 Their pricing scheme is out of date andtheir poor reputation will prevent themfrom ever making it. The recent exposureof their readership figures is just yetanother knock at the foundations of theirorganisation. Latest propaganda materialshows that the Prism towers are crumbling.Expect demolition imminently. 1 Theattributes file -which contains the colourinformation- and the display file -whichspecifies the contents of the characterspaces- are completely independent and areonly superimposed on each other by the TVscreen. Besides, the whole routine takesless than a 50th of a second -the rate atwhich the TV screen is scanned- so thereis no chance of you seeing a digit printedblack out of white then suddenly reverseto white out of black. 1 The workspace is used for general taskslike storing input data and concatenating(running together) strings. WORKSP isstored in 23,649 and 23,650 (5C61 and 5C62in hex) in the system variables area. Whenit is not being used the workspacecollapses to nothing. 1 The wine cellar 1 The whole planet held a memorial servicefor the dead and thier families as theywatched the craft dissapear into the sunon big viewing screens, some of thecolonies in the southern hemisphere werecompletely wiped out and were leftuninhabited for a number of years untilthe population grew large again. 1 The whole island went deathly quiet and hecould feel all the peoples minds were opento his, waiting to hear his thoughts.y 1 The way round this is to POKE the linenumber directly onto the screen. As ittakes eight bytes to PRINT just onecharacter, to simplify the PRINT procedurethe line numbers are all PRINTed in thesame place, out of the area BASIC wants touse. Alongside it is PRINTed the number ofthe statement within the line that theprogram is executing. 1 The variables area stores the values ofthe variables being used in the currentBASIC program. It starts at VARS, whoselocation is held in locations 23,627 and23,628 (5C4B and 5C4C hex) of the systemvariables area. When the program is RUN,the start of the variables area stayswhere it is, nothing below it in memoryneeds to expand, but the variables areaitself grows as new variables are defined. 1 The trace programs listed below are givenin assembly language as well as machinecode. If your assembler is not working youcan feed in the trace program machine codeusing a machine code monitor. 1 The trace routine is not called fromBASIC. It is called from another machinecode routine, which itself is called fromBASIC. And it is this call routine whichredirects the interrupts to the startaddress of the trace program itself. 1 The time travel sequence went according toplan and within an hour they were on thierway home, only Samak and Aleen went intostasis, Coria had to control the craft andJarus worked on the samples to first ofall produce an antidote to the virus thatwas spreading around thier home planet,then grow an immune system that could besafely injected into everyone on theplanet from the tissue and blood samples. 1 The take-off went as smoothly as plannedand in no time they were in orbit aroundthe planet, the course was set and thenthey were underway to the solar system ofmother earth. 1 The system variables are the locationswhich hold the addresses, or pointers, ofthe beginnings of the specific areas abovethem in memory. 1 The survey is based upon a five pointrating scehme, and individual feedback.Simply circle the number you wish. Thenumbers denote the following: 1 The suggestion that I tried to draw MarkSturdy into the Prism/Alchemist dispute,is a piece of first-class nonsense. Thetruth of the matter is, Mark threw himselfinto it hook, line, and sinker, with anoffensive, threatening letter; it was onlybecause he subsequently led me to believehe 1 The speaker after lunch was called PaulineDelcour Min, a regression therapist whospecialised in using her techniques withpeople who had claimed to have beenabducted. Thus helping them to come toterms with thier own experiences and thepossibility of past lives and their alienidentities. Very interesting to start, butthen she went on too long sending half ofthe audience to sleep. 1 The sheet was also to be at irregularintervals, but in this past quarter, somuch has been happening, we could haveeasily made it weekly! 1 The shape is determined by the lower 4bits of register 13:> 1 The services and contacts here are allin regular communication with AlchemistResearch and are considered reliable andtrustworthy. 1 The service has been going for over aquarter of a year now, and is doing verynicely indeed. James has launched a newlittle A5 magazine called CLASSIX,dedicated to the classic games of old. 1 The series also gets away from the stationa lot more, thanks to THE DEFIANT - aFederation ship, given to the station tohelp fight the Dominion. It was developedfor fighting the Borg, and is one meanship! Not enough for you? Well, it evenhas it's own cloaking device, on loan fromthe Romulan government, complete withRomulan officer! 1 The sequence of numbers is: 1 The sequel to Fast Food, this Codies game(again!) is great fun to play, but has astrange bug on completion. The finalscreen of Dizzy appears with weirdcoloured blobs all over it! I've completedthe game several times in both 48k and128k modes, and the screen corruptionoccurs every time. 1 The second thing, is the utilities that come with Warajevo. For Warajevo is more than just an emulator.j 1 The second program will load and print thedata to the printer. Simply change theLPRINT in line 50 to PRINT if you want toview the results on screen. 1 The second edition of the Fountain PDlibrary catalogue is now available. Areasof software covered include utilities forusers of Tape, +3, +D, Microdrive andMultiface, plus general utilities forProgramming, Graphics, Fonts, Sound,Application, Printer routines, Education /leisure, Fanzines and a large selection ofvery high quality games. Each area has itsown section and all titles are listedalphabetically. 1 The routine that turns the main programoff loads the 'l' register with 62 toreturn it to what it was before the vectorwas altered. And the im 1 returns theinterrupt mode to normal. 1 The result is then added to the contentsof the BC register to give the loction ofthe first byte of the character required.The contents of the HL and DE registersare then exchanged so that the HL registercan be used again. 1 The reason Alchemist Research has beensuch a success is because it wasestablished by a user who had an idea howthe perfect service should be run. Wesincerely hope that our service is alsoyour idea of an excellent operation. 1 The program will then ask you for thenumber of bytes your machine code routinetakes up. you can work this out bycounting the pairs of hex digits. Eachpair is a byte. Then you must enter a nameso that your computer can identify it whenyou want to LOAD it back in later. 1 The program we will be using is ZXCOMP.There are lots of optional extras whichyou can use, all of which are in theWarajevo manual, which comes with thecollection. The syntax is: 1 The process of data recovery so is notstraight-forward and requires a fairlygood knowledge of both m/c programming andof the routine in the 48K ROM known as'LOAD BYTES'. 1 The problem with this, is that 1 The printer buffer holds the next line oftext that is going to be fed out to theprinter.\ 1 The pointers are so called because, whenthe computer looks at them, it is directedto the location it should move to.v 1 The pit however it by a tall viney tree.( 1 The pictures in his head now showed motherearth in the 20th century and pictures ofthier ancestors, 'What we have been askedto do is return to mother earth in theyear 1995 and take some DNA samples fromour ancestors so that we can build our ownimmune systems again. We will have to setoff as soon as the craft has undergoneit's final inspection later today'. 1 The pictures had stopped flowing into hismind now so he asked everyone to removethe crystals. 'Samak, I know that Borokbeat you in the time travel race and Ihope you wont hold any grudges abouthaving to use his craft for the journey,he has proven that his craft will work andyours is only just finished'. Samak lookeda little disheartened ' I was gettingready for a test flight this week, but ifit means the difference between life anddeath for our planet I would rather use acraft that has been proven to work'. 1 The pictures in his head were showingBorok before he set off on his time traveljourney, he was stood by his craft that hehoped would take him back in time, thiswas the first time that anyone hadattempted time travel, it had been spokenabout for centuries but no one knew forsure if it would work. 1 The package comprised of a normal CD case,no inlay, and the CD. Not only did itcontain '3000+ classic Spectrum games',but also includes 201 Windows games, 75Workbench games, lottery predictors andmuch more. 1 The only solution was to contact James,and see if he could supply the original.R 1 The only reason he was chosen for thismission was that he had studied thediseases from thier home planet, using oldbooks out of the archives and visioncrystals. 1 The only drawback was the storms, most ofthe planet was covered in thick cloud andthey only saw the sun for two months outof every 12 in the year, and then it wasconstant, no destinction between night orday, their sun was not as bright as thesun that mother earth orbited, it was onlyhalf the size and glowed an amber colour.The temperature on this planet wasconstant, sun or no sun it stayed at amoderate 57 degrees C. 1 The only difference in her was that shecould move more objects faster and moreprecicely than a lot of people, she hadalso learned to levitate bigger objects,such as humans, and could hold atelepathic conversation with someone atthe other side of the planet whilst doingany other tasks. Her kind could also stayunder water for the best part of a day,breathing the oxygen in the water, whichmade them better construction workers on aplanet with very little land mass. 1 The oiling can which was on the roof atthe start can now finally be used to oilthe lock (get you mind back on track )z 1 The off licence 1 The object of the game is quite simply toget out of the house. Which has beenlocked up tight and you have to find thekey. 1 The next problem is when one looks at theprinter manual you are faced with a wholehost of desirable features which could beprogrammed by software into the printer ifonly you could understand them. Thepurpose of this article is to explain howthey work. 1 The next five instructions give you apause facility so that you can halt thetrace -and the program- at any point. The'in' instruction looks at the variousinput ports. The particular port you wantto look at is the keyboard port which isnumber 254. And the part of it you want toexamine are the keys:- B, N, M, Sym-shiftand Space. So 'ld a,127' loads theaccumulator with 127. This is then used asa paramiter by the 'in' instruction. 1 The needle had no trouble penetrating hischest and only left a hole a few micronsin diameter, next they needed a sample ofmucus from the back of his throat whichwas collected by a small flexible tubethen a blood sample and a tissue samplefrom various organs. 1 The most popular Pascal system for theSpectrum is Hisoft Pascal. It's no longersold, and Hisoft will not have anything todo with re-distribution of the program, sothe SPECTRUM GAME FINDER SERVICE may needto be called upon. Chris Taylor of TRIADDEVELOPMENTS was connected with a PascalUser Group at one time, and has exampleprograms for this system. 1 The modem was a 48,800 bps model. This isjust about the fastest on the market.However, the socket at the back of mycomputer could only handle a top speed of9600. 1 The mod cannot be done to 128 machines byusing the above instructions to fit a+3/2A ROM ... it won't work because ofadditional internal hardware which isn'tpresent. 1 The microdrive map area only exists if youhave a microdrive attached to yourSpectrum. Otherwise CHANS, whose addressis stored at locations 23,631 and 23,632(5C4F and 5C50), moves down to 5BC6. 1 The memory map shown below is a pictoralrepresentation of where things are in thememory. These are not thier exact physicalpositions, as the memory space is dividedup onto a number of different chips insidethe computer. But the map does show youschematically how various parts of thememory are used for different things. 1 The medi-bot came down to about a footabove the man and started collecting thesamples they needed, the first of whichwas a small piece of his lung tissue. 1 The manager sniggered. 1 The mail shot also makes public attacks ata number of people. These people don'thave a magazine outlet where they can puttheir views forward. Complaints made to MrSherwood are swept under the carpet - somuch for unbiased reporting! 1 The magazine is small, poor quality with asmall team behind it. Their softwarelibrary contains old, out of datematerial. Quite recently, it was exposedthat Martyn Sherwood was recruiting othersto get software for him from otherlibraries. 1 The magazine is now a few months overdue,and letters are being ignored. Thishappened around a year or so ago, andresulted in some very angry customers andcontributors, many of which turned toAlchemist Research. 1 The magazine has a first rate advertisingsection, which is read by around 700readers.\ 1 The magazine doesn't only review, theresan adventure section with, erm a review!But, there is a programming section, witha simple routine, which is broken down anexplained. Theres also a glossary ofcomputing terms, covering the IF statementthis issue. 1 The magazine ends with a review of acomputerised diary, although it gave nodetails whether it was a past game orcurrent PD one, and details of nextmonth's bigger issue with more pages andfree software. Alchemist Research hasoffered to help by supplying one of ournon-PD gems. 1 The machete you happen to have on yourperson can be used to cut a vine so youcan climb out of the pit with the key.z 1 The lower byte, 57, goes into the loweraddress and the higher byte, FF, goes intothe higher address. This may look like anodd way round, but the spectrum finds iteasier to cope with this way. 1 The location of the show can also presentdifficulties to many, which could be whySpectrum support is limited.p 1 The location and date have yet to bedecided. Allan is awaiting feedback tojudge what kind of place to book. So, senda postcard to Allan, pledging yoursupport. Alchemist Research will be amajor contributor to the project, as areall the other leading Spectrum services. 1 The ld hl,23286 is the address in theattributes file of the character squarebefore the first digit. This is to givethe numbers a border. The number 71 -whichproduces black paper and bright white ink-is loaded into that location. DE is thenloaded with the address of the nextlocation and the BC register is loadedwith 9. The BC register is going to beused as a counter. 1 The kitchen 1 The judge will find our story true" 1 The instructions ld a,9 and ld i,a loadthe 'l' register with 9. There is noinstruction to load the 'l' registerdirectly with a number. The 9 is taken asthe high byte of the two-byte interruptvector, while the low byte is supplied bythe Spectrum itslf and is normally 255. Sothe interrupt vector points to 9*256+255,which equals 2559. The pointer containedin 2559 and 2560 redirects it to 65129,which is the start of the main program. 1 The instruction 'defw' means define wordand set aside two bytes for data.J 1 The immense power needed to launch theminto space was gained from the nuclearweapons that most countries had in storagein case of a nuclear war, they had managedto construct gigantic boosters thatcontained the warheads of at least fifteenmissiles each and each booster was firedsimultaneously, 1 The im 2 then changes the interrupt modeso that you can interfere with it.K 1 The hard way is to do it all by hand, inyour head! If you are a bit mad, here'show the rooms are stored in memory.w 1 The game is similar to Jet Set Willy, butyou must collect all objects from eachscreen before moving on. There are lots ofnasties on the screen and you have a timelimit to work to, actually comprised of anair supply, which will expire! 1 The game arrived very securely. Cushionedwith polystyrene, in a cardboard carton,wrapped in strong brown paper was theoriginal H:ATC game! Sadly, the previousowner had decided to 'tastefully' colourin the inlay card with a pink felt pen,but that was hardly James's fault. Whatwas important was that I'd got theoriginal game, in marvellous condition,for only a couple of pounds! I'm not surewhen H:ATC was released, but the inlaystates that it will run on a 16k or 48kSpectrum, which narrows it down to 1982 or1983. 1 The following programs have been removedfrom the Spectrum public domain. Now,there is some quibble about whether thiscan be done or not, with Martyn Sherwoodsaying 'it cannot be done and is illegal'.Really? Funny how so many others, andSOLICITORS say that it can be done! But,then again, Sherwood knows very little. 1 The following program looks at this areaand PRINTs out the number in each memorylocation. Alongside that it PRINTs theASCII symbol corresponding to the number,which shows what you typed in. Note thatthe keywords are not stored character bycharacter as ASCII strings but are encodedas single-byte, or in some cases a double-byte number. These are known as 'tokens'and are translated back to the keywordsautomatically by the Spectrum. 1 The following program allows you to key inmachine code, save machine code programson tape and examine them in memory. Theappropriate CLEAR command must be givenbefore you enter the program. Once youhave done that, entered the program andRUN it you will be asked to supply a startaddress which should be the memory addressabove the one you have CLEARed down to.Remember that the CLEAR command specifiesthe last address of BASIC, and thelocation above it is where your machinecode program should begin. 1 The following chart gives details of theroom, and how to get there:E 1 The following three addresses all havelarge stocks of hardware and software, atresonable prices. Send an A5 SAE for theirlist, and ensure a 1st class stamp isused. 1 The first thing you notice about the$ 1 The first speaker whom we had expected tosee had been delayed so the schedule wasbrought forward and we were treated toPhilip Mantle (of BUFORA) whom, throughhypnosis discovered that he could havebeen an abductee. 1 The first of her race was still aliveafter more than 300 years and was lookedupon as a mentor, he had joined with mostof the computer network on the planet tothe extent that it was only his brain thatwas alive and kept in continual stasisstill in his body on a small island of hisown, some of the religious factionsbelieved that he was the re-birth ofChrist and was sent to them to help buildthe planet into what it is today, Coriawas'nt a believer but she still had theupmost respect for him because she was oneof his decendants, as were the rest of herkind. 1 The first instruction in the printoutsubroutine is ld b,8, which loads the Bregister with eight. This is going to beused as a counter while the eight bytesthat make up the digit are POKEd onto thescreen. The accumulator is then loadedwith the contents of the memory locationwhose address is in DE -in other words,with the first byte of the appropriatedigit. And the contents of the accumulatoris then loaded into the memory locationwhose address is given by the contents ofHL -in other words, the appropriate screenlocation. You cannot load the contents ofone memory location directly into anotherwithout putting them into a register onthe way, except with a block load commandthat takes several bytes to set up. Thereis no 'ld (hl),(de)' 1 The final two programs here help you chartand map your way through the mansion. Thefirst program saves off the data from allthe rooms, and their exits. Simply type itin and start the tape before running. 1 The final step is to solder the three endsof the loose wires to the switch - thewire from the IC holder goes to the centreof the three contacts and the two othersto the outers - doesn't matter which goeswhere as long as you do not solder both tothe same contact. 1 The faulty deck syndrome can easily berectified or diagnosed by replacement, ascan the tape itself, though not always ifit happens to be a rare piece of softwareor something you have written yourself. 1 The editor of this magazine has knownDarren for many years and worked with himon projects. It is sure that Darren is notintentionally ignoring people. 1 The editing area is where the editing ofBASIC lines is done. As a line can beedited while it is being keyed in, BASICprogram lines always appear in the editingarea first. When ENTER is pushed, they arecopied into the BASIC program area. Theediting area starts at the E-LINE whoseaddress is held in locations 23,641 and23,642 (5C59 and 5C5A in hex) in thesystem variables area. 1 The easy way is with, of course, the JetSet Willy Editor. Two are available, oneby Paul Rhodes, and available fromsoftware libraries (albeit in snapshotform only at the moment). The other is byRichard Swann and was featured in YourSinclair's PROGRAM PITSTOP. 1 The drop-out infected tape can be treatedas for the above.; 1 The display area controls what is shown onyour TV screen. Each memory locationcorresponds to a line of eight pixels.z 1 The crew did as she asked and strappedthemselves into thier seats as the craftstarted to speed up and bank to the left,Samak was at his controls ready for Coriassignal to start the time travel sequence,Coria was concentrating with all herthoughts fixed on the controls, Jarus andAleen could do nothing at this stage onlysit and wait as the craft spiralledtowards the sun. 1 The crafts themselves were constructed asgiant vehicles, most were built in theremains of the oceans, hundreds of milesin diameter some of them were built arounda whole island and the soil was fired outinto space once the crafts had beenlaunched leaving massive holes in theplanet. Each craft was built to carry atleast a hundred thousand people and allthe things they needed to survive,including vast forests for oxygen and manydifferent animal species. 1 The contents of the H register are thenincremented. As H contains the high byteof the HL register pair, this effectivelyincreases the contents of HL by 256, sothat it contains the address of the nextpixel line of the digit. 1 The conference was very interesting andhas left me with less cynical views, I'vealways belived that there must be otherinhabited planets in the universe, but nowI also believe that not only are theywatching us, but they are landing on earthand investigating us! 1 The code for selection of DOUBLE WIDTHCHARACTER is ESC W 1, now if reference ismade to page 185 of the SPECTRUM Handbookyou will see upper case "W" is given ascode 87. 1 The chapel 1 The car was started and revved up, butdespite our best efforts we only managedto plough up the mud, spattering the jeansof everyone who was pushing the car frombehind. It seemed hopeless until oursaviours appeared in the form of threeburly Irishmen who were, despite theirapparent lack of sobriety, at leastfriendly and willing to help. With the carin second gear and our motley crew pushingwith all their might, we were soon out ofthe mud. Off went the Emerald Islers toassist the many others who were in thesame situation. 1 The bridge 1 The bottom line, is that it emulates both 48 & 128 speccys, so I will concentrate onthe trimmings of Warajevo, that make it stand out from the crowd. 1 The block load instruction 'ldir' loadsthe contents of the location pointed to byHL into the location pointed to by DE,increments HL and DE, decrements B andchecks that it does not, now, contain 0.If not, it repeats. In other words, itcopies the black paper, bright white inkattribute from the first character squarealong the next line. 1 The best suggestion would be to copy thecontrol program on to a short blank tape.You can then load this in when desired andleave your original AlchNews cassette atthe last part you read. The controlprogram doesn't care about which part isloaded, so long as the ANxx.C or ANxx.Dpart has been loaded first. (xx=issuenumber). 1 The authors feel that Warajevo is as good,if not better than Z80.A 1 The authors could only program Warajevo on a 286, on the 2-3 hrs electricity per night that their generator could provide.} 1 The attributes area controls the PAPER andINK colours of each of the screen's 768character areas and whether the display isFLASHing or steady, BRIGHT or normal. 1 The advantage of UCSD PAscal is increasedportability, but the disadvantage is thatthe generated code is slower in executionthat a native code compiler. 1 The WARAJEVO Spectrum emulator comes witha utility called ZXCOMP, a program whichcompiles Z80 based snapshots to standardEXE files, which can then be run by a PC,from DOS or Windows, without the aid ofany emulator. 1 The United Minds Team 1 The Spectrum's 16K ROM runs from " 1 The Spectrum uses the BASIC keyword USR,followed by the start address of themachine code program. USR returns thevalue of the BC register once the machinecode routine has been completed. In itselfthis is not very useful, but it does meanthat the machine code program has to runwhile it's being worked out. 1 The Spectrum has special problems when itcomes to PRINTing on the screen during aninterrupt routine. It has discrete outputchannels for PRINTing on the bottom of thescreen and the top. And changing channelwhile a program is RUNning can lead toproblems. 1 The Spectrum 1996 CD-ROM 1 The SPECTRUM GAMES FINDER SERVICE! 1 The Rectory 1 The ROM contains the computer's operatinginstructions and the interpreter thattranslates your BASIC programs intomachine code. It also imposes a structureon the rest of the memory which can beseen in the memory maps below. 1 The RAM is divided up into areas, each ofwhich has a specific job to do.I 1 The Interface 1 bug is caused by a missingLD C,#FE instruction. Without this,pressing a key to pause locks it upforever by reading from port 0. 1 The Human Race. 1 The HL registers are then loaded with thecontents of memory locations 23621 and23622. These hold the number of the lineof BASIC currently being executed. 1 The HL register is then loaded with thecontents of 23623 and 23624, which is thesystem variable that contains the numberof the statement in a line of BASIC thatis currently being executed. But themaximum number of statements that can beincluded in a line is 128 on the Spectrum.So the high byte -which is in fact thevalue of another system variable- must beset to nought with the instruction ld h,0.The routine that works out the decimalcharacters and pokes them on the screen isthen executed again. But this time it iscalled at the lable 'statno' as only threedigits are needed. 1 The GOSUB stack stores the number of theline the computer has to return to when ithas completed the subroutine.q 1 The ESC part of the code is the mnemonicfor EPSON STANDARD CODE and is alwaysrepresented by CHR$27. This code precedes99% of all code combinations and toachieve the example given above: 1 The Beehive does contain honey for thebread. But disturbing it will bring outsome angry bees. Too many stings can befatal. 1 The Bathroom 1 The BC register pair holds 16 binary ones,minus 1000 in decimal. So when you add anynumber greater than 1000 to it, theregister pair overflows and sets the carryflag. 1 The BASIC program area holds the currentlines of any BASIC program you've keyedin, and its size depends on the length ofthe program. It starts at the addressgiven by the systems variable PROG, whichis held in locations 23,635 and 23,636(5C53 and 5C84) in the system variablesarea. This points to 23,755 (5CCB in hex)if no microdrive is attached. 1 The BASIC listing is as follows, for thosewithout an assembler:? 1 The BASIC line number now in the HLregisters is in hex, so it has to beconverted into decimal before it isprinted on the screen. To do this itstarts by working out the fourth digit, inother words the thousands. and to do thatyou subtract 1000 from the number until itwon't go any more and count the number oftimes you do it. 1 The A register now contains the value ofthe thousands digit. By adding 48, you getthe ASCII code of the character. Thecontents of the HL are what is left over,and they are saved by pushing them ontothe stack - so they can be recalled whenyou want to work out the hundreds, thetens and the ones. Then yet anothersubroutine, 'print', is called. 1 The A register is then incremented andacts as a counter. Then 'jr c,prtlp'checks the carry flag and makes a reletivejump if it is set. 1 The 2A and +3 have two 2 x 16K ROMS, whichare situated to the left of the Z80 chip(viewed from the front of the machine),IC 7 and IC 8. 1 The 254 is data that is actually writteninto the program. Altogether 'ld a,127'and 'in a,(254)' loads the value of thefive keys into the accumulator. 1 The 128k version of this classic Imaginebeat 'em up featured a bug of sorts. Asjust about everyone knows, pressing thezero key takes you to the next level. Thebug is that if you choose Sinclair 1 youcan't punch or kick, because pressing fireis equivalent to typing zero (try doing itin BASIC) and so you always go to the nextlevel! 1 The 'ret' returns the microprocessor fromthe subroutine and ld hl,posn loads thescreen position stored in posn into the HLregister. Then the contents of posn areincremented by the indirect instructioninc (l). 1 The 'pop hl' pulls the contents of thetop two memory locations off the stack andputs them into the HL registers. Lookingback, you will see that the last thingpushed onto the stack were the contents ofthe HL register when it contained theremainder after the thousands digit wasworked out. The 'ret' then sends theprocessor back to the line that readsstatno ld bc,-100 and the process isrepeated to work out the hundreds digit.When that has been printed on the screennext to the thousands, the tens -and thenthe ones- are worked out in the same wayand printed next to them. 1 The 'add hl,bc' subtracts 1000 from thecurrent line number which is in HL. To add-1000 is quicker and easier thansubtracting 1000 as you don't have tobother about checking the carry flag. 1 The response has been tremendous, themailbox has been overflowing daily! AFireview created reproduction follows onthe next page. 1 The program is supplied as is, andtherefore I will not be responsible if anyof your discs are corrupted. In additionto this I explicitly disclaim anythingthat can be disclamed. 1 The program gives a MAIN MENU of 9separate functions which are furtherbroken down into sub-menus,which makes iteasy to use by following the on-screeninstructions. 1 The other system is known as UCSD(University of California San Diego)Pascal. In this system, the Pascal code iscompiled down to the code of ahypothetical computer known as a pmachine, and the completed code is knownas p code. This means that the compilerthat is necessary for the compilation isthe same irrespective of the host machine.In fact, all of the UCSD system is,itself, written in Pascal, and each hostmachine has a simple program writtenspecifically for it. 1 The next step, once the two IC's arecoupled, is to solder a 10K resistor fromboth pins 20 to pins 28 (5 volt positiverail). Once done, cut two lengths of wireand solder one apiece to pins 20. 1 The nearest convenient number is 400,which is 1,024 in decimal and representedby 1 with ten zeros after it in binary.This number is defined as 1K. 1 The main program starts with theinstruction rst 56. This makes the micro-processor perform its normal interruptroutine - scan the keyboard and update thesystem variable clock. If you don't ensurethat the keyboard is scanned, it isdisabled and you can't edit BASIC programlines. 1 The instruction ld de,20726 puts theaddress of the screen position immediatelybefore the fist one you are going to POKEa digit into, into the DE register. As theprogram has to refer back to this later,it is stored in the variable 'posn' withld (posn),de. There is no instrction toload a variable or a memory loacaton witha number directly as you would need togive two pieces of data with theinstruction. Loading memory locations withnumbers must be done via a register. 1 The games which are going around areactually the games from the Spectrum -same graphics and everything!q 1 The following routine will scroll thescreen backwards - that is from top tobottom rather than from bottom to top.z 1 The following routine tests on whichSpectrum a program is running and whichmode is used. It further checks wether theprogram is running on SAM or an Emulatorused by a PC or another machine. 1 The first statement is obeyed if thecontrolling expression is true or if theexpression is false the second statementis followed. You can see from the BNFdiagram that the ELSE is optional so analternative to if-then-else, is if-then 1 The contents of 'posn' -the screenlocation for the first digit- themselvesare then loaded into HL. And the actualprint routine, called prtout, is called. 1 The conference consisted of severalspeakers who divulged thier experiencesand opinions to the audience.q 1 The calculator stack is used to holdfloating point numbers, five-byte integersand five-byte sets of parameters whendealing with strings. It starts at STKBOT,whose address occupies locations 23,651and 23,652 (5C63 and 5C64) and ends atSTKEND, which is found in 23,653 and 23654(5C65 and 5C66). 1 The LENGTH of the envelope effect isplaced in registers 11 and 12, the lower 8bits going into 11 and the upper 8 into12. For example, if we wanted to have anenvelope length of 8000, we would put avalue of 64 into register 11 (upper) and31 into register 12 (lower). 8000 is64+256*31 in case you were wondering orhave run out of fingers! 1 The BBC apologises for the break intransmission of this programme. Ourengineers are currently repairing thefault. In the meantime, here is some lightmusic. 1 The +16 sets bits 4 of the volumeregister, which enables envelope control.S 1 The problem is 1 The golden rule of hacking BASICprotection systems is always to use 48BASIC, even if you have a 128k Spectrum.In 128k mode, although embedded colourswill not alter the listing, it's very easyto cause a crash by listing a program witha line numbered 0 or one which contains an"invalid" colour code (eg a CHR$ 16followed by a character above CHR$ 9). 1 The following 1 The Windows games 1 The 'ei' instruction enables" 1 Thats why the second of the two memorylocations in the program above ismultiplied by 256, otherwise the Spectrumwould return the decimal equivalent of FF,rather than FF00. 1 That's it ! The above theory will alsowork with those people who have got anAtari ST and a copy of 'Magic ShadowArchiver'. I am not sure if the Amiga'Disk Masher' is able to read foreign diskformats, but if anyone can clarify thisfor AlchNews 21 1 That's all I think. Bye, bye! 1 That's just about all 1 That was before they realised that theglobal warming had gone too far to doanything about, so they moved to anotherplanet, this one. That was over eighthundred years ago, in the year 2945. 1 That is the list of commands as it standsat the moment, as to the future - whoknows?Z 1 That done, the processor returns to wherethe lineno subroutine was called. Thevariable posn is then loaded with 20731-the address of the screen locationcharacter spaces to the right of where theline number printing routine started. Thisleaves room for four digits containing theline number and one space. 1 Thanks to: Albert Harper 1 Test your Speccy! 1 Telesales: 01702 466933 1 Telephone: 0181 287 4180 1 Telephone: 0181 200 8870 1 Telephone: 01274 590559 (17:00 GMT+)$ 1 Telephone: 0113 232 6726 1 Telephone: (0171) 476 5915 1 Teledisk will store copies of PC-based andother 'foreign' disk formats inside asingle file, which allows for safe storageand backup. 1 Tel: 01952 462135 1 Tel: 01494 871319 1 Tel: 01353 777006 1 Technium 220 1 Technically, their claims of better tape handling are beyond my scope of knowledge (remember your reading an article by Roy 'plug n play was invented for me' Benson, here), but it certainly comes close to 1 Tape users don't have this facillity,since the control program, situated at thebeginning of the tape, is needed to viewthe parts. 1 TYLER'S TATTLE 1 TRAVELATORS / STAIRCASES 1 TRACKING DOWN ERRORS 1 THIS ISSUE'S GAMES 1 THE X-FILES is now a global success. BBC1tried to cash in by re-scheduling it fromBBC2, but as usual, made a cock up of it.The re-runs of season 2 are back on BBC2,but had a 'break' because of the WorldChampionship snooker 1 THE THING. Not answering mail. 1 THE SURVEY 1 THE SPECTRUM STUFF: 1 THE SOFTWARE: 1 THE SCREEN SAVER is a routine to save thescreen to tape, to allow you to print itout later when mapping. Simply press T andthen S to save. Re-start the game bytyping in 000 to the teleporter. 1 THE PROGRAM is not public domain, it mayNOT be altered in any way, shape or form.If the program is distributed, it mustonly be done so in it's ORIGINAL FORM,with ALL files present. 1 THE PRISM DISPUTE 1 THE PAUSE FACILITY 1 THE PARADOX 1 THE NIGHTMARE CAR BOOT SALE! 1 THE ADVENTURES OF MARTY SHORTOBRAINS$ 1 THE ADVENTURE WORKSHOP 1 THE ABUSE OF EDITORIAL POWER 1 THE COPYRIGHT belongs to Andy Davis,compiler of this magazine, and individualcopyright applies to the author of thearticles submitted. 1 TEN Jet Set Willy programs 1 TEL: 0171 476 5915 (9AM-5PM M-F) 1 TEL Philip Mantle on:- 01924 444049# 1 TASWORD 2 TEXTFILES 1 TASWORD 128 TEXTFILES 1 TASMAN SOFTWARE 1 TAPE USERS 1 TAPE / DISC MAGAZINES 1 Swimming pool 1 Sutton-In-The-Isle 1 Sutton In the Isle 1 Supposed to have been released early 1996.The magazine was to have been produced byMartyn Sherwood, but after seeing thesuperior print quality from AlchemistSoftware, who have a professional printstudio, David Ledbury, in charge ofproduction, requested they handle itinstead. Alchemist Software are alsotermed a neutral group, who do not alreadyrun a magazine, so are logically a betterchoice. 1 Suddenly, a sharp smell of smoke filledthe air. The time machine had caught fire.Thick plumes of grey smoke billowed overthe heads of the crowd, who stepped backin fear. Next came a tremendous explosion,knocking the van onto its side and causingbricks and tiles to fall from nearbybuildings. By now, ambulances and a fireengine had arrived on the scene, but themachine had become a melted, broken messof metal and plastic, and John Murray andhis research were gone. 1 Sub-Editor: 1 Struempellstr. 6/14038, 1 Stripboard: `1 each 1 Str M. Kogalniceanu 1 Steve Winter, Chic 1 Statements between REPEAT and UNTIL arerepeated until the end condition is true.All the statements between the repeat anduntil are executed at least once and thetest is carried out at the end. It is notnecessary to have compound statementsbracketed between BEGIN and END as theREPEAT/UNTIL acts in the same way. 1 Start the creation process of Teledisk andwait whilst it reads in this blank diskand compresses all the empty space into afile no more than 25K in size. If the filesize is greater then there is thepossibility that there were some errorsencountered by Teledisk. A knackeredsector can cause Teledisk some severeheadaches... 1 Start room =x. Normally 33 1 Star Users Club 1 Star Micronics 1 Staffs. ST3 5BH 1 Staff Writers 1 SpectrumUnderworld. 1 Spectrum's future in jeopardy? 1 Spectrum games without the emulator# 1 Spectrum Type (USR 48900): 1 Spectrum Mode (USR 49030): 1 South Wales 1 Soon, all of my family but one joined me,having bought lots of useless things thatthey will probably sell at the next carboot sale! Anyway, there was no option butto wait for the drivers to return and letus out! Meanwhile, we amused ourselves bywatching someone having difficulty fittinga newly acquired bicycle into the back ofhis car. Eventually an exit appeared so wedrove off to prevent the same thinghappening again! 1 Some might wonder about the address whereI placed the routine. Now, above 49151 theroutine would page itself out when doingthe pagetest and below 32768 the RAMshares its time with the ULA so the speedtests wouldn't work proper. 1 Some of the fixed frontiers betweensections of memory, like the one betweenROM and RAM, do coincide with the changefrom one chip to the next. Other frontiersare flexible and thier position isindicated by a 'pointer' in the systemvariables area. 1 Software reviews cover F16 Combat pilot,Harrier Attack, Enduro Racer, ChequeredFlag and Power Drift. The impressive thingabout the reviews is that tiny littlegraphics are drawn at the end. It showsdedication and a fine eye by the editor.Each review covers at least two pages,with the summary section at the end. 1 Software Credits: Matthew Smith 1 So, when you do read AlchNews, PLEASEfollow these guidelines:B 1 So, what steps can be taken to recover alost tape file if the deck is not at faultbut the ROM keeps detecting something'samiss and refuses to load it? 1 So, welcome to my new spot. Wipe your feetand take a seat! I was going to write alittle short story about brains and memorythis issue, but I needed to get some moredetails on PC's hard drives, and thisissue is already chokablok with SFstories. So, next issue it is. 1 So, the modem went back, especially sincethe salesman told me that it was a verygood deal, yet the same package was `20cheaper in the relatively more expensiveBYTE computer shop! 1 So, meet the new "Roy's Rantings"! Inreturn for this coveted spot, I promisedAndy that I wouldn't disclose his affairwith a married woman in Chesterfield. Hereally is a womaniser you know. 1 So, lets take a look at all those Willies!* 1 So, if you have a snapshot from a recentversion of Z80, or any other emulator,first make sure that it is a valid Z80file. The utility CONVZ80 is supposed toconvert between newer Z80 formats to olderones, but tests failed. 1 So, how come I know so much about theScottish demo group Technium 220 thesedays? Well, despite my wholly Berkshireorigins, I have now joined them. Andytells me his new role as part of theUnited Minds is a PR ploy (or something!)as he will be doing no work whatsoever,but I, yes I, am a graphic artist! No, notan artist but an artiste - that soundsinfinitely more sophisticated... 1 So, as I was saying, if you do indeed havetwo identical blocks which are damaged insome way, using this approach it should bepossible to recovery enough data from themboth to rebuild a complete and error freefile. If not, at least you will havereclaimed almost all of what waseffectively lost. 1 So, I stuck it out with this for a fewweeks, used it mostly for EMAIL withcurrent and new friends, but kept awayfrom COMP.SYS.SINCLAIR. 1 So, the modem was re-sold and I amcurrently off-line. CompuServe inform methat they will be installing a faster,dedicated node in Sheffield in the nearfuture. So, perhaps when this is so, andI've speeded up my PC's communicationsport, A.R. will be back on line. 1 So, Teledisk is loaded, and you'veselected the 'BLANK.TD0' file .. if not,then do so!_ 1 So you nedd to go onto the roof to get theoiling can although this creates the firstproblem. How to get back inside. It has tobe done though so that the oiling can canbe used elsewhere in the game. 1 So when the input from port 254 is loadedinto the accumulator, it is compared to252 by 'cp 252'. If the accumulator doescontain 252, the zero flag is set. 1 So what I thought I would do is explainthe relationship between the objectlocations and problems to be solved.x 1 So what follows is from memory and anyommisions will have to be dealt with nexttime ( Assuming I make the deadline eh.Andy ) 1 So the contents of the high byte, in23622, are loaded into the accumulator andthe instruction bit 7,a looks at the mostsignificant bit. If this is 1, no BASICprogram is RUNning. The 'bit' instructionlooks at the bits of a particular memorylocation or register. For example bit 4,atests the fourth bit of the A register. 1 So now I'm very happy with my purchase.Although the tape will never actually beloaded, it was worth it for the (verylengthy) instructions. Without which, thegame would be useless. 1 So if you read this, M 1 So if you need to identify 64K memorylocations, you could number them from 1 to65,536 in decimal. But as these numbersthemselves will be used by the computer itis more convenient to number them in hexfrom 1 So first of all you load the BC registerswith -1000 and call another subroutine,prt, to do the repeated subtracion.v 1 So far, the sliders have been to an Earthin an ice age, one where women rule due tomumps making men sterile, where SanFrancisco is a penal colony and one wherethe British won the American war ofIndependence. It's very much in the way ofQUANTUM LEAP. Theres far more in the storythan special FX, which makes it veryaddictive. The show stars Jerry O'Connellas Quinn Mallory, the student inventor ofthe device, with John Rhys Davies as plumpEnglish professor / lecturer MaxamillianArturo , faded pop star known as 'TheCrying Man' and our hero's female friend. 1 So come on, write and tell me what aspectsof hacking you would like seen covered andit shall be done if it is within my field.~ 1 So Bye for now 1 Sky One's latest success, which is almostundoubtebly to make an appearence on BBC2or C4 is SLIDERS. Set in the present, itfeatures an odd band of individuals wholeap from alternative realities, with theaid of this little remote control whichcreates a sort of 'wormhole' betweenrealities. You could compare it to thatepisode of Red Dwarf, where Rimmer gets togo to alternate realities. 1 Sinclair) himself will be coming back!& 1 Sinclair Computer User 1 Since the last issue of AlchNews and thenext I have been, and will be, doing someserious thinking on how to reconstruct thecolumn so that those who will benefitmost, by learning some of the knowledge ithas taken me many years to aquire, do so -I see no sense at all in teaching thosewho already know. 1 Silviu Stroie, RAMTOP magazine 1 Silvertown 1 Sightings indicate that the creatures'main colonies seem to centre around Rugby,Leicester, West Yorkshire and GreaterManchester, and while two specimens arealready out of circulation (one havingbeen sent to Coventry and the other inhibernation), all members of this speciesare potentially treacherous and shouldtherefore be approached with the utmostcaution. In the event of an unfortunateencounter with one, contact Andy or myselfat Pest Control HQ. And remember, folks -that tail can be lethal! 1 Shropshire 1 Should you wish a copy, it is availablefrom Dave Fountain's PD Library.J 1 Should you obtain a copy of this magazinefrom other sources, it's validity cannotbe guaranteed.b 1 Sheepsoft PD 1 She was snapped out of her thoughts byJarus's voice, 'Is everyone clear on whatmust be done?, and has everyone viewed therule crystal?, I must point out that wecan do nothing to change history, nor mustwe harm any of our ancestors, if we do itcould be very serious!', everyone noddedin response apart from Aleen, 'How are wegoing to get the samples we need withoutharming one of our ancestors, even ifthere is no physical harm, wont they bementally disturbed by seeing us?'. 1 She was sat up in her seat now with hereyes open, 'You think too loudly' shejoked, which made him smile, 'Sorry if Idisturbed you' he said as he sat in theseat next to her. 'I was only sleeping torelieve the boredom' she said smiling. 1 She was remembering the day before in thesimulator, it had come down from over 600people to either her or her brotherNerrad, he was doing so well until it cametime for him to bring it out of the sunsorbit, he panicked and ended up flying thesimulator into the planet Mercury. 1 She told him about the vid-crystals shehad viewed and at how awful some of thevisions were, the wars and suffering thatthier ancestors had suffered. 1 She looked the same as eveyone else, talland thin, no hair, three fingers, onethumb on each hand, her small tight lippedmouth that was always closed tight, thesmall holes that represented her nostrilsand ears, and those lovely almond shaped,black eyes that he loved so much, he wassure that if he looked hard enough hecould almost see a red gleam to them. 1 She found it hard to comprehend how somuch violence and so much good couldsurvive in parrallell 1 She claims that she was abducted whilst onthe way to visit friends, she spoke abouther "missing time" and of various medicalproblems and bodily marks which hadoccured since the abduction. 1 She also told him about the good that somepeople did, and recommended a few filmsfor him to view that she thought wouldinterest him. 1 Sharewareversion, fully featured, except* 1 Set Willy 2, All you need to 1 Services temporarily removed are:! 1 Seriously, all the AlchNews writers(including me!) seem to be taking themickey out of Andy. After all he's donefor the Spectrum world, I really don'tthink we should scorn him in almost everyarticle. No indeed. We should scorn him inEVERY article! Ha, ha, ha! What a comedianI am. <You're sacked. Laugh that off. Ed> 1 Seriously, Alchemist Research has beengetting involved with a lot of Interactiveservices. Theres our Internet stuff (SeeA.R. ONLINE, OFFLINE and ONLINE AGAINarticle) and now a brief feature in theON-LINE section of TELETEXT on C4. 1 Series four has an improved opening tuneand visuals, complete with the Defiantdocked on one of the upper plyons.v 1 See SUC address (PAPER MAGAZINES)! 1 See SPECTRUM PROFI CLUB 1 See AlchNews Netherlands address 1 Security Guard 1 Saves a file to the disc, as with load allthe usual BASIC extensions can be used.Eg. SAVE d1"TEST" will save a programcalled TEST to the disk. 1 Save the game as a normal Z80 snapshot bypressing F2 and giving it a filename.O 1 Samak went over Borok's notes on how touse the time controls, the ones that hehad to use manually were mostly hisconcern as Coria was the only oneskillfull enough to send the craft into avortex around the sun and bring them outat the critical time without crashing intoanother planet. 1 Samak watched through the rear viewingpanel as thier planet and it's sunvanished in a split second, he could onlysee streaks of light that blurred into onegiant mass of light that were the starsand planets of the galaxy, it was awonderous sight to him and he could'nthelp feeling awestruck about the speedthey were travelling, three times thespeed of light. 1 Sam AlchNews: 1 Sadly, presentation of the Spectrum gamesis simply poor. There can be three or foursnapshots of the same game. With WIZARDSLAIR, there were at least three snapshots,all with slightly different file names,but saved at the same point. All versionswere in Spanish! 1 SWITCH INPUT TEST 1 SWEDISH SPECTRUM 1 SUPER PLANNER, TRANSFORM HISTOGRAM, MICROLSPREADSHEET,6 1 SUC-CESSION 1 SUBLIMINAL EXTACY. Not answering mail.& 1 STUDIO CORNER 1 STRENGTHS: 1 STOKE ON TRENT 1 STAR TREK DS9's fourth series has returnedto Sky on Sunday evenings. A new officer,Lt Commander Worf, joins the crew, sincethe Enterprise got destroyed last year onVeridian 3 in the film GENERATIONS. Theseason opener, WAY OF THE WARRIOR, is oneof the finest episodes made, with somebloody fantastic space battles. 1 STAR TREK VOYAGER is the 1 STAND ON DEATH OBJECTS 1 SPECTRUM UK VANISHES AGAIN? 1 SPECTRUM TRACE PROGRAM 1 SPECTRUM PROFI CLUB / WOMO 1 SPECTRUM PROFI CLUB 1 SPECTRUM 24 LINE I/O PORT 1 SOUTHEND ON SEA 1 SONG BY ST COMPILEw 1 SONG BY ST COMPILE 1 SOMEBODY GET OFF MY 1 SOME MOTHERS DO AVE EM. 1 SOFTWARE SERVICES 1 SOFTWARE EXTRAVAGANZA 1 SINCLAIR GEBRUIKERSGROUP GRONINGEN / ASSENJohan Koning6 1 SINCLAIR COMPUTERCLUB BENELUX 1 SILVERTOWN 1 SHERLET, by Paul Howard: Not had a nastyletter from Martyn Sherwood yet? Wow, youmust be the only one! Don't get upset,have the next best thing with this nastyletter creator! You may laugh, but it isBLOODY accurate! 1 SHEEPSOFT PD 1 SHAREWARE: As above, but the program caneither be fully working, or has somefeatures missing. In either case, you areurged to send payment to the author, whowill supply you with full and up-to-dateversions, with documents and bug fixes. 1 SERVICE QUALITY: 1 SCU is a fairly new tape magazine from theEIGHT BIT ALLIANCE, a smallM 1 SCROLLING BACKWARDS. 1 SAVING YOUR ROUTINES. 1 SAVE Dddd"f" 1 SAVE @ddd,ttt,sss,aaa 1 SAVE "TRACE" CODE 65110,176 1 SAM-EAR, the next SHAM-EAR. No? Oh. Ed>' 1 S-63106 ESKILSTUNA 1 S-461 21 TROLLHATTAM 1 S-121 15 ENDSKEDEDALEN 1 Rumours said that this was actuallyMatthew's telephone number! No doubt afair few thousand have tried calling it inthe last 10 years! 1 Ros was the next speaker, she hadn'texpected to be asked to speak, but as oneof the scheduled speakers hadn't turned upshe very nervously stood before us andtold of her own experience. 1 Ronald Raaijen 1 Romantic Robot 1 Roger G41DE 1 Roelof Koning, SGG 1 Robert Skene & 1 Robert Purchase, Technium 220 1 Robert Purchase 1 Rights purchased by Phil Reynolds of THEADVENTURE WORKSHOP.= 1 Rights purchased by John Wilson of ZENOBISOFTWARE.3 1 Right! Onwards we go to the nitty-grittyof what has to be done. Apart from thetools you'll need to do the work, allthat's required is: 1 Right Number One, set a course for Agent Scullys bedroom - warp factor nine!M 1 Richard Wilson 1 Richard Hallas 1 Rescue Esmerelda 1 Reports of this year's FORMAT show havebeen significantly better than those oflast year. The show usually gets bad pressfor it's bias towards the SAM, but FORMATis indeed a SAM biased magazine. 1 Report of the country's top UFO 1 Renames the f1 giving it the name f2.% 1 Removed by Dave Fountain, author and ownerof the above programs because of pettybehaviour from Martyn Sherwood. Otherlibraries can continue to distribute theseprograms, BUT NOT PRISM. Whether this willalso extend to the library operated by theEight Bit Alliance is not known. 1 Remember, we are using 48k mode for theprogram, for the reasons I described lasttime. We covered the envelope effects inthe last episode, but here is a briefresume. 1 Remember, the so-called 'information superhighway' is not 'super', and definitely not an highway, and if it is, it's thez 1 Remember to write in clear plain Englishif you decide to contact any of thesecompanies, and include at least twoInternational Reply Coupons (IRCs), whichare available from any post office. 1 Remember to repeat the CLEAR command sothat your machine code is protected if youhave switched off the computer or alteredthe position of RAMTOP since you SAVEd themachine code routine. 1 Ray Smith is a dab hand with adventures.( 1 Ray Smith 1 RUNNING THE PROGRAMS. 1 ROSWELL on Sky Movies recently? 1 ROOM JUMPING 1 ROOM NAME 1 ROMANTIC ROBOT 1 ROM AND RAM. 1 REPEAT..UNTIL 1 REMOVED FROM THE DOMAIN 1 RELICS. Not answering mail. 1 RELICS, by Darren Randle, Neon Publishing.* 1 RELIABILITY: 1 RED DWARF made a series 6 comeback acouple of months ago. However, it's verydisappointing to hear that a new serieswon't be on our screens to 1997 at least. 1 RE-DECORATING 1 RB. yeah, firstly that Paul Howard has& 1 RB. No, I tell you, after reading that& 1 RB. Next issue hopefully, at the moment I) 1 RB. Doe's that make me sex obsessed?$ 1 RANDOMIZE USR 65120. 1 RANDOMIZE USR 65110 1 RANDOMIZE USR 32000 is used most commonlybecause it avoids such unwanted sideeffects. But it should be avoided if youare using random numbers anywhere in yourprogram, as it will set the seed again. In this case use: 1 RANDOMIZE USR 32000 1 RANDOMIZE USR 1 RAMTOP is to all intents and purposes theend of the RAM available for you to writeprograms in. Its address is held in 23,730and 23,731 (5CB4 and 5CB5) in the systemvariables area. 1 RAMTOP is a system variable and itsposition is given by the pointer in memorylocations 5CB2 and 5CB3. To move theRAMTOP down you could just POKE a lowervalue into these two locations. But thespectrum has another BASIC command, CLEAR.This does essentially the same thing andshould be followed by the decimal addressof the place you want the ramtop droppedto. 1 RAM stands for Random Access Memory.$ 1 RAM configuration is pages 5,2,0 1 Quite recently, Martyn Sherwood has beentaking a 'new' angle on the scene. He istrying to appeal to groups and customersto make a choice and boycott the servicesof Alchemist Research. His writings showthat he is wanting groups to make achoice. However, this quite obviouslyshows a flaw in his appeal. The fact thathe is making such an appeal shows that itis falling on deaf ears and that he is thelosing side. It shows that people areignoring his campaigns and want nothing todo with him. 1 Quit Z80 and run Z80, version 2.01. It'savailable from all sorts of outlets,Alchemist Research has a copy, along withWarajevo, should you need it. It'srecommended that you have the Warajevoemulator in a directory called somethinglike C:/WAR (easier to type), and perhapsZ80v201 under C:/Z80201. 1 Quickly making a mental map of the field,I started going up and down between therows of stalls, eagerly hunting Speccygames. Despite the fact that this was thefirst Cantley car boot sale of the year,no 8-bit bargains were in sight.Eventually I spotted an Amstrad CPC464 anda few old PCs, but where were all theSpeccies? Again and again I hurriedtowards the inviting stacks of tapes, onlyto find that they were Abba or PhilCollins. 1 Quick Tips for the Z80 emulator 1 QUANTUM LEAP soundtrack, Roy? 1 Q: How many Prism members does it take to change a light bulb?A 1 Programming: 1 Programmers note: 1 Problems like this generally occur inadventures in some sort of logical orderso you can progress furthe in the gamewhen solving each one. To make it harderthere is usually a limit set on the numberof objects that can be carried so you haveto retrace your steps several times. 1 Probably the most famous cheat of thegame, is the 'telephone number'. Asequence of numbers is typed on the firstplaying screen, which then allows you tojump to any screen in the game. 1 Prism has copied Alchemist Research byclaiming to assist other groups launch andestablish themselves. However, of thegroups they have helped, they have eitherfailed to launch, on the verge of collapseor folded. 1 Prism - an outfit run by a man who speaksin whispers when you're listening andbawls his head off when you aren't; whosedisks are like the proverbial curate's eggand whose nature is addled to the core -professional? Someone definitely needs awhite stick! Alchemist Research stand forfreedom of speech, not censorship ofopinion; open discussion, not stifling ofdissent; willingness to reveal the truth,not keenness to conceal the facts - or youwouldn't be reading this article. Inshort, Andy's commitment is to givingeveryone their fair say - including Mr.Sherwood if he cares to write in (but ofcourse he never does) - so he gets my voteevery time. Thumbs up, then, for democracyand the Alchemist free press! 1 Print's first instruction, ld bc,(23606)loads the BC registers with the contentsof memory locations 23606 and 23607 whichis system variable pointing to thecharacter set. The H register is then setto nought and the L register is loadedwith the contents of A, the ASCII code ofthe character you want to print. The HLregister is then used as a 16-bitaccumulator. 1 Priest's hole 1 Pressing BREAK/SPACE changes the zero bitfrom 1 to 0 and SYMBOL SHIFT does the sameto bit one. If none of the keys arepressed and the three spare bits aremasked to 1s, the output of this part ofthe keyboard will be 255 or 1 Presentation 1 Prepare to gasp with delight and amazementas we reveal some of the latest titles tocome onto the Spectrum market.r 1 Port C: 223 1 Port B: 191 1 Port A: 159 1 PolicemanSimulator" type thing? 1 Plus two C64's, five data recorders, Musicmaker hardware and software, lightgun and30 games.] 1 Please sue us - go ahead. 1 Please return, with your name and addressto:- 1 Please note, it is common courtesy toenclose a SAE with your enquiry to allservices. If purchasing from a privateindividual, make confirmation the articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used. 1 Please note that single density discs willnot work, but as I said above, who usesthem anyway?!?!c 1 Please note that DISCDOS is Shareware, andis copyrighted and may not be distributedin anyway. The only freely distributableversion of DiSCDOS is v1.0 (Crippled demoversion). Anyone found distributing anyversion except v1.00 should expect a legalexperience. 1 Pleasant View 1 Phil Glaves 1 Peter Beardwood 1 Personal report on the conference of the20th April at Sheffield Hallam Universityby Debbie Fogg.c 1 Paul Newman 1 Paul Howard. 1 Paul Howard was kidnapped by the 1 Paul Fairman 1 Paul "Zanussi Kitchen Appliance" Howard.( 1 Paul Howard can offer assistance withgames and programming.@ 1 Patrick Morris 1 Part Three, by Antony Purvis 1 PUTTING TOGETHER PASCAL 1 PSYCHEDELIC HEDGEHOG / ANDREY REMIC games.There were a large number of thesefeatured on cover tapes. Andrey hasgranted Alchemist Research permission torelease them. 1 PROPERTIES OF RANDOMNESS 1 PRINTED ARTICLES made from this magazineare also deemed INVALID. Should you bepassed any extracts or articles from thismagazine on paper, from any source otherthan Alchemist Research, we accept noresponsibilty for it's accuracy. Printedextracts from this magazine are availablefrom Alchemist Research. 1 PRINT PEEK 23732+256*PEEK 23733 1 POKE @a1,a2 1 POKE @ was a dud command. 1 POKE 35601,254 1 POKE 35593,255 1 POKE 34999,0 1 POETRY CORNER! 1 PO BOX 121 1 PH: Yeah, that sounds great. Will Dizzy orSeymour be starring in it? Or is it moreof a "Pro Angry-Lookingq 1 PH: The 1996 award for "Most error-fullSpectrum releases". Oh, I'm so happy foryou and all the staff. It really is great.~ 1 PH: Oo-er. Never mind, I'll go and have achat to those two identical people withDizzy T-shirts over there. Hello.u 1 PH: Nice to meet you. What Speccy releasesdo you have planned for the future then?How about Dizzy 17?g 1 PH: Excuse me, I hadn't quite finished.' 1 PH: Congratulations, darling. Er, I meanMr Darling. There was some toughcompetition but your company has finallywon! 1 PH: MEGADRIVE games?! I'll give you* 1 PETER DEANE would like a +D or Disciplefor his Spectrum +2.> 1 PERSONA SOFTWARE 1 PD and Software: 1 PD SOFT can be contacted at: 1 PD LIBRARIES & 1 PD / PUBLIC DOMAIN: May be freelydistributed5 1 PCW+ Magazine 1 PC, CP/M, CPC, PCW SUPPORT 1 PAUL'S RANTINGS: THE MOTION PICTURE# 1 PASCAL SYSTEMS 1 P.M. Reynolds 1 P-RAMT is the physical top of the RAM, inother words there are no more memorylocations on the Spectrum's chips afterthis point. Although P-RAMT is fixed, asfar as the Spectrum is concerned it is asystem variable with its address stored inlocations 23,732 and 23,733 (5CB5 and 5CB6in hex). And you can POKE values intothese and other locations to make a 48KSpectrum think it's a 16K machine. 1 Overall: For their first attempt at a tapemagazine, top marks!> 1 Overall, the magazine is similar to theearly issues of AlchNews (prepared inBasic). But, it's an interesting read and,should the programming team behind it havethe time, will develop in to a leadingelectronic magazine in time. 1 Over the next few days Coria also wentover the mission and history lesson, alongwith viewing several hundred archivevid-crystals of 1 Over 100 games, software on tapes, disksand microdrive cartridges for all abovemachines. Also availablel 1 Over the next day and half the crewchecked and double-checked the equipmentthey would use, Jarus went over his samplecollecting instruments, and used the"Medi-bot" on a lifelike dummy of 20thcentury man, making sure that theprogramming was able to take samples fromthe various organs without leaving anyscars or visible tissue damage. 1 Out on a limb 1 Out of the thirty probes they had sent outeleven of them were in the same dwelling,in different rooms.g 1 Our last reader 'survey' concerned thetakeover of the SCB and the SAM AlchNews.Your feedback was excellent, and helpedsteer the magazine to the course youwanted. 1 Our comments were featured, with a tinypromo for Alchemist Research. The resulthas been tremendous. Although only peoplewill e-mail access would be able tocontact us from the feature, the sproutingof Internet and Cyber-cafes means thatanyone can send an e-mail. 1 Other features include - Sinclair KeyPad emulation, very precise TAP fileJ 1 Original Programming: Dominic Morris$ 1 Ooh, how low! <Not as low as my low, lowprices! *SNIP*>9 1 Only joking!, I didn't see SHOWGIRLS, I dohave SOME taste you know!.D 1 One possible problem might be that thecode which is loaded and RANDOMIZE USRcalled isn't the actual game. For example,Firebird hexadecimal loaders (eg BubbleBobble and Rick Dangerous) load thespecial hex loader code and call that,which then loads the game as a set ofheaderless files. This is similar to point11 but the code is actually loaded ratherthan stored in a REM or POKEd into memoryfrom BASIC. 1 One of the most popular 'shareware' (VERYdebatable) games knocking around on the PCof late is DOOMDARK'S REVENGE and LORDS OFMIDNIGHT, by Mike Singleton of BeyondSoftware. Understandable, as the graphicsare very well presented, colourful, andthe game is so playable and fast, quiteunlike most strategy games! 1 One of the major plus points 1 One of the easiest bugs to spot with atrace is an infinate loop. If you see thetrace going over and over the same numbersyou will know that you have got somethingwrong in a GOTO statement. Other things towatch for are sudden jumps to another partof the program, conditional IF...THENs setto the wrong condition and lines not beingexecuted at all. 1 One of the conditions which Andy Davisagreed to when I started out this articlewas that he would not see it until it wasactually featured in AlchNews. So, Andydoes not know whether this is good or bad.But, it does show his trust in me, and hisconfidence in who is right or wrong. IfAndy was the slightest bit concerned aboutme attacking him in front of hisreadership (it's approximately 783 by theway, not including the subscriptionshandled by the other software libraries,Internet readers and casual readers), doyou think he would allow me to do this? Ofcourse not. 1 One of my family still had not made anappearance, so we had to move the car (nowladen with new purchases) to the overflowcar park, find a space, return to thetrees and wait. It was now half past tenand we were becoming very irritated. Justthen, the final family member joined us,complete with Levellers tape, incensesticks and other junk. <Sounds like Allie.She buys that kind of stuff. Ed? 1 One of Codemasters' well-known simulators,Boxing brought in complaints from manybuyers who recognised this so-called "newrelease" as Superior Software's By FairMeans Or Foul with an altered title page.David Darling of Codies cleared the matterup by offering refunds and commented that"the game was a new release forCodemasters". H 1 One interesting point to note, however, isthat Prism claims to work closely withthese two organisations, which could bethe reason they are in this current state.Prism were also involved with the IMPERIALmagazine. What happened to that? Foldedafter the first issue! 1 One idea I had was to write a "DiscChange" routine, a bit like the +3 one, sothat even if you only had one external3.5" drive, you could "effectively" run a2 disc drive setup. I'm not entirely sureof the benefits of this, but it would beinteresting to implement the copy routine(sighs..) 1 One episode, set in a prison, featured& 1 One of the best, and most mis-quotedcheats, is the WRITETYPER warp jump. Whatyou must do is start the game. Go to thelocation 'FIRST LANDING', and then type in 1 Once you have obtained the standard loadermentioned at the beginning of thisarticle, save it before running if youwant to keep it! First, though, you candelete any REM lines which contain onlymessages (not machine code!) as these willnot affect the program's performance. Youshould also get rid of any POKE statementsto addresses 23610, 23613, 23614 or 23659,as these make the computer crash if BREAKis pressed. 1 Once you have keyed in your machine codeprogram and checked that there are noerrors in it by examining it in memory,you will want to run it. But it will notrespond to the usual RUN command as thatis a BASIC instruction and will only RUNBASIC programs. special instructions areused to run machine code programs. 1 Once you have created your 'BLANK.TD0'file you can gather a pile of blank disksready for use with Teledisk.p 1 Once this is done, insert another disk...) 1 Once the trace is back in position inyour Spectrum, call it with:E 1 Once it was perfected, the immune systemwas also introduced into the drinkingwater and was bred back into the newgeneration of humans. 1 Once it has been given the go-ahead, theprogram disables the interrupt with the dicommand - you don't want your interruptroutine being interrupted. 1 Once again, sorry about this issue. I willcontinue again in the next edition,regardless of whether or not you respondto my request in this one. However, ifyou'd rather me write about what you wantto read instead of me trying to quess,then get scribbling! 1 On top of this, I have no lectures on a Monday!1 1 On top of the house 1 On top of that, I read Andys 'story'$ 1 On the roof 1 On branch over drive 1 On arriving late at the conference (wetravelled by British Rail!) we discoveredthat the first speaker was well underwayso instead of walking into his talkhalfway through we decided to check outthe various stalls outside the theatre. 1 Old Kilpatrick 1 Okay, here's the assembler listing:# 1 Okay! The first step is to marry up thetwo IC's, IC8 and the 128 ROM.H 1 Oh god, the excitement of it - Monday% 1 Off course real corny sci-fi is still% 1 Of these three, B is the most disastroussenario and it's very unlikely anythingcan be done to recover any data off such atape, though, I'm not saying it's notworth a try. 1 Of course, all these programs are castoffs from Sky One, the entertainmentchannel from Sky Television, on the Astrasatellite. All these programs were firstrun on Sky, years ago. 1 OUTPUT TO TWO LEDs 1 OT: There's a very angry-looking policemancoming up behind you with a rather largetruncheon.^ 1 OT: Hi, we're the Oliver Twins. I'mOliver, and this is my brother Oliver.P 1 ORing the accumulator with 224 bytes makesthe three most significant bits -which arethe spare ones- 1 and leaves the restalone. 224 is 111 1 ORG 48900 1 ON-LINE is a serious computer section,covering news, reviews, Internet guide andletters page. A regular debate is featuredwhere you can air your views. One topic inMarch was concerning the extinction ofpaper manuals, in favour of on-line help. 1 OBJECTS NEEDED TO COLLECT 1 Number of objects to be collected.Normally, x=838 1 Nr Longton 1 Now, there are pro's & con's to 'surfing the web' for speccy related material.O 1 Now, make sure that the Multiface is ON.Press F5 and save the program as asnapshot to TAPE (a TAP file).r 1 Now, Alchemist Research. Launched back in1986 by Andy Davis. Built up the entireempire alone, with hard work anddedication. Created Alchemist Softwarewith only a small handful of titles andbuilt it in to the largest Spectrumsoftware library in the world. Set upAlchNews with just 20 readers to beginwith (the same figure Prism has now!),from a small magazine to one which is nowthe biggest anywhere. Each issue containsmegabytes of information and there aredozens of contributors queueing to gettheir articles included. 1 Now the key turns,the door opens and joyof joys you can now= 1 Now the crafts had been used to constructthier cities, the huge power conduits werenow used for the sub-shuttle tunnels,therewere still fourteen crafts in orbit aroundthe planet waiting to be broken down andre-used on the planet surface. The forestshad been placed in huge domes along withthe animals that had survived the journey,they were down to no more than forty fivethousand different species when they hadsettled on New earth but even then anotherfifteen thousand died out. 1 Now that we know how this circuit can beprogrammed in BASIC, lets get down tobuilding it. The simplest approach wouldbe to build this circuit as a module,allowing the Speccy to power it with it'sinternal 5v supply. A suitable piece ofstripboard measuring 8cm*8cm was used inthe prototype, with the edge connectorsoled along one edge allowing the board tosit vertically behind the computer. 1 Now on it's twelth issue, 8 BIT continuesto be the leading all-formats magazine.With it's links with the new IEBA, it'sfuture is guaranteed. 1 Now I admit that I have asked women,$ 1 Nothing will happen until you RUN yourBASIC program. Then the line number andstatement number of the part of theprogram being executed will appear. 1 Nothing has been heard since issue 1, manymonths ago. A number of people have triedto contact Darren, without success.w 1 Note. Operation 6 is very important as ifnot carried out correctly you will finishup with all succeeding listing in red ormagenta! 1 Note that there are three programs here,not just one. Each one has its ownseperate origin. The first program, whichstarts at 65110, turns the main programon. The second, which starts at 65120,turns the main program off. And the third,which starts at 65129, does the actualtrace. 1 Not only that, but of the list of peopleMr Sherwood is currently fighting with,these people and groups work extremelywell with a large number of others. How isthat going to make them feel when they seePrism attacks against their friends. Inone instance, Mr Sherwood is attackingpeople, in the next, he's trying to befriends with colleagues of the groups andpeople he's attacking. 1 Not only that, but the Spectrum area(COMP.SYS.SINCLAIR) was a bit of a letdown. Stupid questions, coming mostly fromemulator users. Problems we'd 1 None detected. 1 Nomen Luni 1 Nobody here at the asylum has noticed yet,but I've got hold of a skeleton key so nowI can go out whenever I want. Seeing asthe car boot season is here once again, Ithought I'd check out the local paper forpotential Speccy bargain sites, and one inparticular caught 1 No. 9. CAPTAIN DYNAMO DEMO. 1 No. 8. RENEGADE 128. 1 No. 7. DANNY THE DUSTER. 1 No. 6. KWIK SNAX. 1 No. 5. WIZARD WILLY. 1 No. 4. THE LAST VAMPIRE. 1 No. 3. PROFESSIONAL BOXING SIMULATOR.% 1 No. 2. WHO SAID THAT? 1 No. 10. HIGHLANDER. 1 No. 1. JET SET WILLY. 1 No matter how you look at it. AlchemistResearch would never close, even if peopleDID boycott it. Not that anyone would. Thegreatest names in the Spectrum world workwith them, and are more than happy becauseno matter how much friendship they showAndy, he tries to deliver twice as muchback. The you look at Prism, with orwithout support, it will still fail.Remember Propac PD? They were 1 No doubt you imagine that you couldtherefore do a better job than theSpectrum at picking random numbers - buthow true is this? The Spectrum bases its"random" numbers on how much time haselapsed since power on, whereas you wouldobviously choose the first number that"comes into your head". But this numbermust have come from somewhere in yoursubconscious mind! 1 Nightmare room 1 Next you're asked if you want to PRINT outa hard copy of the machine code program toyour printer, if you have one. If you dontwant to do this, and press N, the computerwill print out the start address, thecontents of that location and thesubsequent seven memory locations in oneline across the screen. 1 Next issue : AlchNews 21, Sep 1996" 1 Next issue we will feature" 1 News of a possible Multiface 1 Netherlands branch: Dekamastr 34 1 Neil Thompson 1 NUMBER OF MONSTERS 1 NOW INCORPORATED INTO SAM ALCHNEWS" 1 NOTE FOR DISK USERS: 1 NEW A.R. NEWS-SHEET LAUNCHED. 1 NETHERLANDS 1 NET sales: [email protected]/uk' 1 NB (intern) = internal release - no# 1 My theory is that there is no such thingas true randomness. For example, go andlook at some trees in a park. Takingmeasurements of length, height andcircumference will yield no formula forany of these in terms of age, but thisdoes not necessarily imply random growth.The elements and environment have shapedeach tree into its unique form, notrandomly but as part of an infinitelycomplex sequence which we, being unable topredict, call "random". 1 My reasons for accessing the internet werepurely unacademic - I was going toL 1 My name is 1 My conclusion is that Alchemist Researchis a foundation stone of the Spectrumworld. I am sure that you will all agreewith me. Without Alchemist Research, whois going to get all those new and classictitles? Who is going to answer thetelephone and help you? Who is going tocreate a several megabyte 1 My apologies to one an all, there's nopart 5 for this issue. This is due toseveral reasons;d 1 My advice to you all is to sit back. Don'tfeel that you have to get involved. Sure,Prism's attacks are nasty and causeoffence. But don't let them goad you in totaking sides. If you feel that you must,don't be afraid to show your feelings.Andy is not a vindictive and bitterperson, he wouldn't swamp you with hatemail. What's the worse that can happen toyou if you do make the right choice -regular junk and hate mail from Prism.Just bin it and make a complaint to therelevant body who handles junk mail! Weighthe evidence and look at both sides,you'll clearly see who is the liar. 1 Must perform quirkafleeg 59 1 Mulder and Scully, and then everything& 1 Much more is the correct term, as youcould spend months describing whats onthere. So, I'll go through the basics, andgive further reports as time progresses. 1 Mr V. Bishop 1 Mr Staniford 1 Mr P. Deane 1 Mr MILES KINLOCH 1 Mr J. Thompson 1 Mr F. Ridout 1 Mr A. Marshall 1 Mr Sherwood won't reveal his truemembership figures and he will neverreveal how poor a response his mail-shotshave achieved. He will never admit orapologise to his software piracy, but didremove the illegal titles from hiscatalogue - proving it! After all, everySpectrum group is not afraid to revealpersonal details with the exception ofMartyn Sherwood. The only explaination forhiding the figures is shame. 1 Moving on to the stuff for the PC, I'vecompletely ignored the lottery predictorsas I cannot abide the National Lottery onebit, and will never waste a penny on thislicence to literally print money. 1 Moves the file f to the stream ss, pleasenote that file filtering takes place - allcharacter codes below 32 except for 13(LF)are ignored. 1 Most of the animals had evolved along withthe humans now and looked very differentfrom how they looked in the historycrystals, even a lot of the trees andfoliage had changed from how they used tolook. 1 Most of the people on this planet hadevolved at the same rate, but some, likeCoria, had come a little further.u 1 More on Noise and Envelopes next time whenwe'll make some drum effects. Till then,why not play around with the BASICprogram? Even one channel can make someinteresting sounds. Send any quirky littleroutines and finds to AlchNews, and we'llfeature them next time. 1 More Willy antics next issue! 1 Monika & Wolfgang Haller 1 Mon 11th March 1 Mistakes? Never! 1 Miners and 2 editors! 1 Minds Demo Library 1 Miles Kinloch is the best expert for theSpectrum +D5 1 Mike Astbury, Beach Imaging 1 Michael Meyer, 1 Merge the BASIC file on the disc with theprogram number n with the one in memory,R 1 Merge a BASIC file on the disc with theone in memory.8 1 Memory space is further organized intopages, each page holds 100 memorylocations in hex - that's 256 in decimal. The so-called 'zero page' runs from 1 Matthew Smith (of course!) 1 Matthew Deeprose 1 Matt Beal, Fish 1 Master bedroom 1 Martyn Sherwood reports that there are anumber of people who are attacking him andthat they are directed by Andy. This isnot true. In the course of this article,Andy has given me complete access to thefiles he has compiled about Prism. Thereare three sections: 1 Marty looked blank. 1 Marty had been getting anonymous phonecalls, jibes and sneers, so he went downto the telephone exchange to see whatcould be done 1 Mark's conscience, however, would appearto have got the better of him in the end,for soon after these events, he wrote toAndy profoundly apologising and takingfull blame for his actions. Andy forgavehim and accepted his apology, and thatwould have, and indeed should have, beenthe end of the matter, had notconscientious, fair-minded Martyn Sherwoodstepped in. Guess what he was up to?Making the most of the original storywhile furtively pretending not to know anybetter - and still doing it even to thisday! Presumably this must be an example ofthe professional attitude L. Murray somuch admires. There are none so blind, ofcourse, as those who choose not to see... 1 Many of you will have seen his letter, butfew, I reckon, will have failed to seethrough it, for behind the mask of theunhappy customer is the face of the agentprovocateur. (I would have suggested aplace for him in the Hall of Shame, but Ithink he probably deserves an entireRogues' Gallery to himself!) 1 Malcolm Gent, 1 Making Quick Blanks 1 MULTI SYSTEM 1 MOVE Dddd"f" TO #ss 1 MOTHER EARTH 1 MISTAKES IN SPECCY GAMES! 1 MILTON KEYNES 1 MGPD. Closed down. 1 MERGE Dddd"f" 1 MEMORY MAP 1 MATTHEW SMITH GAMES, comprising of MANICMINER, JET SET WILLY, JET SET WILLY 2, JETSET WILLY 3, JET SET WILLY: THE DEADLYMISSION. 1 MARSHALLCAVENDISH, GREMLIN GRAPHICS and now theJET SET WILLY games. Not only this, butthey immediately shared this wealth withthe entire community. 1 MANIC MINER: The first ever Willy game.Platform style, where you had to completeeach screen before moving on. (Known asMANIC MINER) 1 MANIC MINER: The very first outing forWilly, who wasn't quite Jet Set at thetime! Yes, theres a hacking guide!v 1 MANIC MINER 2: A clone of the first, butwith new rooms, all in German. Can beidentified by a poorly drawn '2' on thetitle screen. (Known as MANIC MINER 2) 1 MANIC MINER 2: A German version, madewithout the aid of any editor program!It's well presented and fun to play.Sorry, no hacks for this! 1 MANIC MANIC MINER 1 MACCLESFIELD 1 Lots of connections. Highly unlikely thata program cannot be found.D 1 Lorton Road 1 Loads a file from the disc, all the usualBASIC extenstions may be used ieCODE,DATA,SCREEN$e 1 Loads a file from its program number, thefile can be any of the BASIC file typesQ 1 Loading Error ... We've all suffered theeffects of this at some time or anotherand, to put it mildly, it can result in avery frustrating time of re-try afterre-try without 1 Load up Teledisk, and create a new diskimage called 'BLANK', 'EMPTY' or whateverelse your Thesaurus can come up with ! Solong as it can fit in under 8 letters... 1 Load in a program called file. 1 Lloyd Garland at Alchemist Softwarespecialises in the Spectrum +3 and PC /Amiga general queries, and can offer advicand help with external disk drives andprinters, especially on the +3. 1 List of commands: (All parameters inparenthesis are optional)C 1 Latest from FPD and Spectrum 1 Later that day he was woken by Merana, thehead of the team involved in checking thecraft, and preparing it for the journeyahead. 'The craft will be ready for takeoff in 2 hours, you said that you wantedto be told in advance', she said beforerushing off to wake the rest of the team. Coria came to his quaters an hour later totell him that he was expected on therecreation island for a good luck drinkwith the council and all the people wholived in this sector. 1 Later Programming: 1 Lastly he turned to Coria, looking deepinto her eyes he was sure that he couldsee that red gleam, which made him pausefor a few seconds, 'Coria, do you thinkthat you will be able to control thecraft?, remember that we will betravelling at more than five times thespeed of light as we pass through the timebarrier', she did'nt reply, only nodded,she was thinking about the controls in thecraft, there were so many that had to bein operation during the time travelsequence but she knew that she was theonly one who had the reactions needed. 1 Lasting Impression : 1 Last, but by no means least, we then hadthe pleasure of hearing Whitley Striebertalk about his experiences.o 1 Last time, I made our esteemed editorrather gutted by detailing the BritishBattletracker demo after his nastyput-down of my Euro Speccy Song Contestidea! Well, just to rub it in, Technium220 have now had the idea (I had it first,of course) to do a follow-up including allof Europe. So "naa, naa, na naa, naa" toAndy! <All right, all right. I didn'texpect all demo coders to be so bored tobuggery that they'd do it! Ed> 1 Last issue, we brought you Jet Set Willy3. At time of writing, the accompanyingfree software with this issue has not beencomfirmed, but we are certain that atleast two or three of these games will befeatured. 1 Last year, Alchemist Research helpedlaunch four software libraries, all ofwhich have been a total success, beatingthe quality of service by Prism in justsix months! 1 LPRINT 'B$;N;":";" Lt:";PEEK (L+1);" Up:";PEEK (L+2);" Rt:";PEEK (L+3);" Dn:";PEEK (L+4): LET L=L+5: NEXT Nu 1 LOST TAPE FILES - FIRST AID 1 LONDON E16 2DE 1 LOADING MACHINE CODE. 1 LOAD d1"file" 1 LOAD Dddd"f" 1 LOAD @ddd,ttt,sss,aaa 1 LOAD "filename" CODE 16350 1 LOAD "" CODE 1 LET L=USR 32000 1 Kobrahsoft 1 Kill all that moves 1 Kevin Gurd. 1 Kevin Gurd 1 Karen Moore 1 KOBRAHSOFT 1 Just about every Spectrum emulator isfeatured on the disk, including JPP,Warajevo, and all the others. There arealso ZX81, Tandy, CPC, CP/M, Z80 andCommodore 64 emulators. The latter comeswith tape and disk emulation and lots ofsnapshotted games to play. 1 Jumping into the ROM routine at any givenpoint along the length of the data blockhas one serious set-back and that is, isthat by doing so no synchronization willhave been initiated and what is loadedwill probably be an assortment ofincorrect bytes, each of which will madeup in part of bits of a following byte (upto seven, or four, depends how you look atit). 1 Judge (jury and executioner) 1 Joyce Cook, Softsell 1 Joyce Cook 1 John rose and dressed hurriedly; it wasimportant to ensure once again that themachine was properly set up. He unlockedhis study door and went in. There itstood, its clear plastic 1 John Wilson 1 John Westhead 1 John Thompson would would any games andutilities for the Amstrad CPC, Dragon 32,ZX81 and Vic 20. He is also on the lookoutfor cartridges for the Commodore 64. He isselling off some Spectrum and Dragon 32games if anyone is interested. Write: 1 John Stowe 1 John Murray woke to see the sun shiningthrough his bedroom window, illuminatingthe tiny particles of dust which drifted,in a fixed pattern, in and out of its ray.Today was a special day for him: the daywhich he was destined to repeat foreternity, never realising that he wastrapped in an unending loop. For, thoughJohn Murray was years ahead of his time,he would always be centuries behind it. 1 John Murray woke to see the sun shiningthrough his bedroom window, illuminatingthe tiny particles of dust which driftedrandomly in and out of its ray. Today wasa special day for him: the day on which hewould test his time machine and becomeknown either as a legend in the field ofscience or as an ambitious fool. 1 John Garner, Datasoft 1 Johan Koning, SGG 1 Jet Set Willy and the sequel, Jet SetWilly 2, must be, besides ELITE, the mosthacked games ever. No doubt Paul Howardwill consult his Spectrum records officeand prove us wrong! So here to co-incidewith our Jet-set-oganza, is the completeguide to hacking Jet Set Willy. 1 Jarus was'nt prepared for this kind ofproblem, the needle was retracting and waswithin a millimeter of coming out of thebone when the man moved in his sleep,snapping the needle a few microns belowthe skin. 1 Jarus was the first to enter the dome, itwas his task to lay the vision crystals inplace for everyone else. He sat in hisseat and set about moving the crystals oneby one with telekenisis, trying to movemore would have been impossible for him,he did'nt have the skill that Coria had,that is the reason why she was chosen topilot the craft to mother earth. 1 Jarus was the first inside his suit andwhen he had his whole body inside, theopening in the back closed and fusedtogether to make the whole suit seamless,then the suit shrunk to fit his body likea smooth top skin. 1 Jarus thanked him and turned to Aleen,'You have been teaching about the 20thcentury in your history classes for thelast 17 years so you will be our guide onthis mission', Aleen thanked him and saidit would give her a first hand experienceto tell her students about. 1 Jarus sat at the medi-bot control panel atthe other side of a glass wall and startedthe proccess of collecting the releventsamples. 1 Jarus rushed past the child and throughthe door as he took the crystal rod fromhis sleeve._ 1 Jarus looked through the viewing panel andcould see that the craft had slowed downto under light speed as it came intoMother Earth's orbit, Coria brought thecraft to a halt 30,000 miles from thesurface and looked in awe at thisbeautiful planet that was once the home ofher race, she had never seen suchwonderful colours as she could see now, itwas even more splendid than the holo-picsthey had at home, she turned to Jaruswhose eyes were also fixed on the planet,'This is the most beutiful thing I haveever seen, how could our ancestors destroythis?' she asked almost close to tears,Jarus looked into her eyes and could seethat the red gleam had turned to brightblue, like the oceans on the planet, whichmade her look even more lovely than he hadever seen her. He was so taken aback bythis that all he could say was 'Ignorance'before a tear ran down his cheek and ontohis lips. 1 Jarus looked at the probe locater, 'It'sthis way' he said as he started to walktowards the row of buildings, 'What ifsomeone see's us?' Samak asked as hecaught up, 'There is no-one awake to seeus' Coria said 'I can feel every-onesdreams, and no concious thoughts, so weare quite safe as long as we don't wakeanyone'. Samak was content with the answeruntil he heard a strange noise that madethem all jump, 'What was that?' askedJarus, 'It sounded like an animal of somekind' Coria said as she looked around. 1 Jarus looked at her, 'Our ancestors onlyused a portion of their brains duringconciousness, and it was mostly seperatedfrom their unconcious thoughts, so what weare going to do is take somebody whilstthey are sleeping, keep them in anunconcious state whilst we take thesamples, then return them to theirsleeping quaters. If they do rememberanything it will seem like a dream to themso there wont be any lasting damage'. 1 Jarus held a small metallic rod near theadults, 'The female seems to be heavilyinfected but the male is showing signs ofrecovery, we'll take the male for thespecimens because his immune system ismore active' with that he took a crystalrod from his sleeve and placed it againstthe females forehead for a second, thenthe males, 'This will keep them asleepuntil we return him'. 1 Jarus had already opened the door to thestasis room and was on his way in whenAleen and Samak caught him up, Aleenstopped to talk to him as Samak went tohis pod saying that he would see them in afew days. 'Will Coria be alright over thenext couple of days with no one to talkto?' she asked looking concerned. 'She'llbe fine, you know her kind they can view adozen film crystals, read the newscrystal, hold a conversation and do a fewother tasks at the same time so sheshould'nt get bored with all theactivities on board' Jarus laughed,'besides i've told her to wake me if she'slonely'. 1 Jarus did the same, as the glass covercame down he placed the two crystals onhis forehead and closed his eyes a fewseconds before the gas rushed in and frozehis body, he did'nt feel the cold or anypain because of the speed at which hefroze. Although his body was in completestasis his mind was going over the missionand the history lesson that Aleen hadprepared before they set off. 1 Jarus continued, 'The disease that Borokhad brought back was not as fatal then asit is to us now, the old humans used tocall it a "common cold" and the worst thatwould happen to them after contracting itwas that they would find it difficult tobreath because there sinuses would beblocked by mucus and they would also havea sore chest and throat. Not many peopledied from it as they all had an immunesystem in thier bodies that fought anyalien bacteria, because of evolution noone on this planet can outlive thisdisease and it's spreading fast'. 1 Jarus and Coria's daughter had betterpowers than her mother by the age of 12and thier 7 year old son also looked asthough he may surpass her powers. 1 James Waddington, at CLASSIX, is lookingfor the following titles. Get in touchwith James and state your price andcondition of the software. 1 James Waddington's 1 JULIAN GOLLOP games, such as CHAOS andREBELSTAR 1 & 2.: 1 JSW6 BEING WRITTEN 1 JSW2 was actually the Amstrad conversionof JSW, done by Derrick Rowson. But,Derrick added more rooms, and whenSoftware Projects saw it, they decided tore-release it on the Spectrum. So, it'snothing more than a marketing ploy to cashin on a classic, much like many of today'spop 'stars'. 1 JSW works with IF2 attached 1 JIM LEESON, makes and sells printer cablesfor the +2a / +3 to any Centronics printerfor `10 including P&P.j 1 JET SET WILLY: THE DEADLY MISSION. Willyis dressed as a spaceman throughout.Start screen has picture of a rocket.y 1 JET SET WILLY: THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES.Can be identified byD 1 JET SET WILLY: The original by MatthewSmith of Software Projects. (Known as JSW)T 1 JET SET WILLY 3: Starts as Jet Set Willywould, but has "JETSET WILLY III (C)'85 ByMB/APG" under the logo, and starts withthe room "The Front door". Having JSW 3stamped on it means it can't be relabelledanything else. But, the game is fairlydifficult, but some rooms are badlydesigned, so it's known as JSW3a. 1 JET SET WILLY 2: The sequel to JSW, butNOT by Matthew Smith! Again, there is ahacking guide to this game in this issue.} 1 JET SET WILLY 2: The follow-up, again bySoftware Projects. A number of extrarooms. (Known as JSW2)j 1 JET SET WILLY 2 1 JET SET WILLY 1 JET SET WILLY: World renowned as theoriginal Spectrum classic. Roam around thehouse in awe, and then hack it to bitswith the Willy hacking guide in thisissue! 1 JET SET WILLY 1996. Paul Howard'sincarnation. (Known as JSW6).G 1 Its only a lump of dry bread prettyunpalatable but in next doors garden is abeehive. Mmmm. Bread and honey much better~ 1 It's the channel information area whichcarries input and output data. Ittransmits input from the keyboard to thelower part of the TV screen and controlsprogram output to the rest of the screen,to the workspace higher up in memory andto a printer. 1 It's distinct features include the use of another snap format .PRG, a registerN 1 It's dark, wet and windy, the rain" 1 It's a very interesting game to take alook at. The infinite lives is done byfinding the DEC (HL) counter. DEC meansDECrease, and the HL register at thatpoint holds the number of lives. Simplyaltering it to NOP means your livescounter will never decrease! For fun, tryaltering it to INC (HL)! 1 It's a fail-safe device really, becausewhen a BASIC program has finished RUNningthe number of the last line executed isleft in the system variable until anotherdirect command is entered. So this way thetrace is not turned off immediately -andif a single keypress was used to make itpause, confusion could arise. 1 It's `2 for twelve titles 1 It's often easy to break into BASICloaders, only to find that they haveindelible first lines, embedded colourcodes or machine code stored in REMs. Inthis article I'll be detailing some of themethods that the humble BASIC programmercan use to "get into" these loaders andremove protection systems. 1 It won't turn. The locks stiff. 1 It was'nt long before night time fell overthis part of the planet and after a fewhours they recieved the probes signals.{ 1 It was too dangerous to leave it there soJarus had to re-program the medi-bot tomake a small cut around it, remove itcarefully then fuse the skin backtogether. 1 It was only a few hours later when Samakand Aleen entered the control room, theyasked Jarus how long he had been out ofstasis, knowing that he had been outlonger than they had. They were a littledubious when he told them that it was onlya few hours before them but they acceptedhis answer then went off to get thiermeals, laughing and joking on thier way tothe food prep area. 1 It was ironic that these missiles thatwere designed to destroy a planet wereused to send the human race in search of anew planet. 1 It was first thought for the use in demosso that the demo routines can be adaptedif necessary (e.g. HiRes colour). Orsimply to tell the user to change the modeor his Speccy (if he has the requiredone). But there surely are 1 It was designed to be a squashed ovalshape so that there would be no windresistance to slow it down, the wholesurface gave a mirror like reflection,only clearer, and because of the shape thereflections would be magnified so that youcould see every detail of your face. 1 It strikes me as being ironic that in theeditorial of PD Power No. 15, Sherwoodtakes great pains to emphasise the needfor research and investigation - thenfollows it with two pages of dirt freshlydug from the Prism cesspit of lies. If hepractised what he preached, he'd haveapproached me for MY side before printingthese grubby little articles aboutCrashed. I could have told him a ratherdifferent story... 1 It seems that, through your own fault, youhave effectively ruined the aforementionedissue of AlchNews by including the samepiece of music twice. As if this were notenough, you then had the outright audacityto visit my house after receiving thisletter, hold up a gun in my immediatevicinity, and pull the tr... 1 It provides a GUI for launching 1 It is almost imposible to key in a longprogram without introducing some errors.No matter how much it is checked, thereare some bugs that defy even the deftestprogrammer, without the aid of somepowerful diagnostic tool. 1 It doesn't get better. The connection,operated by Mercury, was terrible. Thehost computer was either engaged, notanswering, or kept disconnecting me for noreason. 1 It appears that the programmer had a go athiding the lives counter, by using a bytewith the bottom bit set (r 1 It CAN be done, despite claims 1 Issue 2 (Mar/Apr 96) 1 Issue 2 comprises of 30 pages and a'cover'. The theme of this issue (whetherit will run a particular theme each issueis unknown) is simulators. Theres aneditorial page, some Spectrum news -detailing a new lottery program andpossible launch of a new software houseDYNA SOFTWARE. Theres also details of aservice called Sinclair PD. Whether thisis a library or not is not made clear.Since the group is also setting up HammerPD, I doubt it would be another library. 1 Is that the end of my adventures in thenet? No, it gets better!B 1 Ironically, ZXTOOLS, which has a user% 1 Irish, this emulator is often referred to as the 'Irish' emulator.B 1 Introduction 1 Internet addresses, including various% 1 Inside megatrunk 1 Insert each blank disk, tell Teledisk torecreate 'BLANK' onto your new disk andwait a minute or so.h 1 Infinite lives 1 In the same document, he attacked Andy forsending unsolicited mail to people. Ifthis is the case, then what is that he'sjust produced? In a week after it wasproduced, Andy was swamped with copies ofthem and telephone calls from across theSpectrum world, keeping him informed ofthe situation. Now thats friendship -something Martyn Sherwood will never have. 1 In the meantime, our EMAIL address is:& 1 In the kitchen is some food. If you becomehungry later on you will nedd to eat it.R 1 In some cases two or more parameters maybe required.6 1 In prt, the first thing the microprocessordoes is xor a - that is exclusive or.O 1 In machine code an xor always works on theA register, so xor a exclusively ors thecontents oa the A register with itself, sothe result must be 0. This is simply aquick way to put 0 in the A register - ld a,0 takes one byte more. 1 In fact any BASIC command can be used topreface USR. PRINT USR 32000 will do,though this will actually PRINT out thevalue to BC on the screen. 1 In conclusion; 1 In conclusion ... 1 In a matter of minutes, the speech wasover. John glanced around and saw theworry on the faces of his family. He gavethem and the thronging crowds a briefsmile before walking to the machine andsitting down. A hush had descended overthe assembled people. Nobody was sure ofwhat might happen. John himself did notknow how far back in time he might go, buthis supreme confidence in his work meantthat he had to be the one to test hismachine. He pressed the switch. 1 In a few minutes, they arrived in the townsquare, part of which had been partitionedoff for the exhibition. The crowds wereunbelievable: huge numbers of people ofall ages and nationalities, half-nervous,half-sceptical, stared as the van wasunloaded. John mounted the wooden platformerected for the occasion and began a shortspeech. 1 In Pascal, FOR loops can only go in stepsof +1 or -1.6 1 In ALL OF THE ABOVE CASES, the copyrightstill belongs to the owner. He has thefinal say over what happens to his work.Abuse this, and you are only going to getyourself a bad reputation, and nobody willtrust you with their work again. Perhapsthis is why FPD, ASW, IPD, WOMO and manyothers are distributing games like JET SETWILLY and TOYOTA CELICA GT RALLY, andthe other one we all know and hate isdistributing games like BRICKBAT and NELLYfor the same price! 1 In 48K mode you can use the user-definedgraphics area - between FF58 and O 1 In 48K mode the usual command is:! 1 In his reply, Mr. Sherwood uses L.Murray's 'complaint' about me as alaunching pad for an attack of his own.Classic Sherwood modus operandi, this is;never fails to seize an opportunity. Hiscomment about my supposed enjoyment ofintimidating others, is laughable. Anyonewho has any doubt about who's intimidatingwhom, needs only compare the number ofpublic statements each of us makes. Letthe evidence speak for itself. 1 In almost any professional game, youcannot break into the loader without acrash. What you have to do is, rather thanuse LOAD "" (which is also what the TapeLoader option does on the 128k models),use MERGE "" instead. Merging a programcombines its lines with those of theexisting program, so doing it with nothingin memory ought to be the same as loadingnormally. The trick is that MERGE preventsthe program from autorunning and willreturn you to the BASIC editor instead. 1 In March, we launched a free monthlynewsletter, entitled "PD NEWS". The ideawas to make it a sort of 'trade' sheet,primarily to keep all Spectrum services inthe know. But, the information isn't asecret and there is no harm in sharing it.However, you'll find all the informationfrom it covered in AlchNews, where theinformation is presented for readers,rather than for corporate users. 1 If your assembler is not working, use thesave option on your machine code monitor.S 1 If your assembler is working, you canassemble the trace and SAVE it so that youcan use it to diagnose problems in otherbasic programs that you have written. Andif you are not sure whether your assembleris working or not, you can test it bytrying to assemble the trace program. 1 If you've done it correctly, pressing '9'will warp you to 'THE OFF LICENCE'. Tojump to other rooms, you use combinationsof keys 1-6 with 9. 1 If you're extremely lucky, there'll be noprotection. Ultimate and Mastertronicgames tend to have very simple loaders.Early BASIC loaders 1 If you were surprised to hear that JetSet Willy was written on a Tandy, you'llbe even more surprised to hear that thesequel wasn't even written by MatthewSmith! 1 If you want to keep this machine codemonitor, you should save it seperatelyfrom your machine code programs on tape,or disk in the usual way. The 'Save BytesTo Tape/disk' option in the program itselfonly saves the machine code routines thathave been entered with this program. 1 If you want to enter machine code youpress 1. When you have given the computera start address and pressed ENTER, startfeeding in your machine code. Thisconsists of pairs of hex digits and youmust feed the digits in two at a time. 1 If you spot an error and want to correctit, press ENTER and the program willreturn to the menu. Press 1 to entermachine code and the computer asks for astart address again. This time you give itthe address of the byte that is wrong. Ifit's a whole series that you want tocorrect, just give the address of thefirst byte of the series. You can enterthe correct bytes, one after the otheragain. 1 If you select option 2 to examine thememory, the program will ask you again fora start address - this time the start ofthe memory area that you want to look at. 1 If you read part 2 of my hacking article,where I covered 'LOAD BYTES' in very finedetail, you will be aware from that, thatit is possible to enter this ROM routineat several differing points and, providingyou do so with certain registers setaccordingly, can either load in an entiresave or jump in at any point. Both theseoptions have to be adopted to recover lostdata - the normal entry address being usedto load in the block up to the point of anerror and a jump being made back into theloader, once the corrupt part of the tapehas passed by, to load in the remainingbytes. 1 If you press any key except ENTER, theaddress of the location eight on from thestart address will be printed, along withit's contents and the contents of theseven subsequent bytes. This appears on aseperate line underneath and you can PRINToutthe whole of your machine code programline by line in this fashion. 1 If you prefere to use disk rather thantape change these two lines:-G 1 If you now RUN the program, you'll hearthe effects of the envelope. Notice howthe sound comes and goes, almost like acar going past. 1 If you have used your Spectrum to outputto a robotic arm or buggy, you may haveconsidered using switches as inputs whichallow the device to sense it's furthermosttravel, or allow a buggy to get out of atight jam. 1 If you have got a Spectrum available, youshould format a disk as you normally doand put this blank disk inside your PC.{ 1 If you have any more tips, please sendthem in.2 1 If you do use the ASCII character code becareful to get upper or lower case right.For example if you inadvertantly usedlower case "w" in the example above youwould get double height characters insteadof double width! Perhaps for this reasonit is safer to use the CHR$ version. Somecode combinations require an extraparameter and this is referred to as "n"in the Printer Handbook. The value of "n"determines a particular function and canhave different values as quoted in theManual. 1 If you consider what the BC registersactually contain you will understand howthis works. Negativek 1 If you are doing a lot of LPRINTing directinto your printer you should find theaccompanying program very useful.u 1 If you have a Pascal system for yourcomputer, you can try keying in one ormore of the examples. When you have typedthe source code, compile it and run theprogram. These program should work for anyPascal system accepting lower case input. 1 If this is true, then every event whichhas ever taken place must have beendestined to do so, as if the universe was"programmed" in advance. Perhaps somesmall occurrence such as the death of onebird six thousand years ago caused a chainof events leading ultimately to yourbirth. But which part of the sequencecaused the bird's death? And which partcaused that event itself? The sequencemust have begun somewhere. 1 If there is only a single error, you couldcorrect it by BREAKing out of the monitorprogram and POKEing the appropriatelocation with the correction. Rememberthough, you have to POKE in the decimalnumber. 1 If the most significant bit of the mostsignificant bytes of the current BASICline number system variable is 0, the zeroflag is set and jr z,go jumps to the nextoccurrence of the label 'go', which is atthe start of the main program itself. Andif bit 7 of the accumulator is 1, the zeroflag is not set, the jump does not occurand the program moves onto the nextinstruction. This pops the contents of thestack back, restoring the AF registers tothier former values and returns to theBASIC interpreter. 1 If no program is RUNning, though, thesetwo locations fill up with a number fartoo high for a line number-p 1 If anyone is interested to know how Iimplemented the hack for the Sega MasterSystem II, which I said I would cover inthis issue, drop me a line and I will sendyou full details. 1 If anybody has instructions for Hisoft C Iwould love to hear from you. Also if youhave a PLUS D interface (not the drive)you want to sell of pretty cheaply,orinstructions for the QUILL. 1 If all has gone well, you'll now have acompletely unprotected BASIC loader andcan transfer the game to disc. Here are afew points to +D users who wish to dothis: 1 If all events are really predetermined bya sequence, we have no control whatsoeverover our actions, however much we may wantto do something (or to avoid doing it!).That's a bit scary, isn't it? Maybe I'dbetter go and take a nice cold shower tocalm my nerves. Ah, but maybe that's whatI'm destined to do, so I shouldn't! Ormaybe I'm destined not to do it, so Ishould. Errm...! 1 If RESER, the sound will begin at maximumvolume.1 1 If you have the face mask from thepotting shed you should be able to seewhats in the pool. It means getting wetagain unless you had it before escapingfrom the bees in which case you will havebeen able to see the *FRONT DOOR KEY* whenyou first dived in. 1 If you do not feel up to doing thesoldering you could always remove IC 8 andreplace it with the 128 ROM, replacing IC8 again when you wanted your +3/2A back. 1 If you descend the pit you can't getout,It's too deep.< 1 If anybody also has details on whatspectrum hardware will work on a +3 withno or little modification <A joystick.Snigger! Ed> or how to get GENIE to workon the Multiface 3 I would like to hearfrom you. 1 IT WAS ANDY DAVIS WHO SUPPLIED ME! 1 INGENJORSFIRMA I BECKMAN AB 1 II,STATISTICS II, PROJECTOR 1 and SPECFILE+., 1 IF..THEN..ELSE 1 IF <logical statement> THEN <statement>ELSE <statement2>; 1 IC 8 is the one to identify as this is thechip the 128K ROM is to be soldered to,piggy-back style - you can either do thisdirectly or, do as I did, use an ICholder, which will afford some ventilationto keep both IC's running cool. If you optfor soldering both IC's together directly,leave a slight gap between the two so aircan circulate through this space. 1 I/O PORT PRICE LIST 1 I've seen some magazines tell you to typein 'TYPEWRITER', others tell you to typeit in on the main 'optical illusion'picture. One even said to do it on thewrong game completely - Manic Miner! 1 I've jiggled the memory around a bit, andhave struck gold and now have about 5/600bytes to play around with, so if you wanta feature/command implemented, just let meknow, and if enough people want it thenI'll have a bash at it!! 1 I'm sure i've seen 1 I'm now going to describe some "symptoms"which you may see. Match up what theprogram looks like with one of mydescriptions and take the appropriateaction. Eventually you should end up withthe approximate structure above, in whichcase you have done it and can pat yourselfon the back. 1 I would like to see more 1 I would like to see less 1 I would have looked upon it as a challengeto write a utility using the aboveprinciples for one and all to make gooduse of but, after due consideration,thought better of it as file recovery is acomplex matter and may, in a great numberof cases, require an individual approach asingle piece of software could notpossibly supply. 1 I wonder if Andy reads my articles rightthrough before inserting his humorous (andI use the term loosely) comments, or doesthem as he goes. In fact, I could help himout in a major way by writing a piece ofsoftware which scans through Taswordarticles inserting random bad jokes. Thenhe wouldn't need to do it himself! Quitean idea, that. Eh Andy? 1 I was playing Target Renegade the otherday and comparing it mentally to StreetFighter 2, Mortal Kombat, Virtua Fighteretc. For some reason, all today's beat 'emups are "one on one" tournaments. I don'tknow why, since games like Streets of Rage2 are much more fun and generally includea two-player competition anyway. 1 I was curious to find out about peoplesexperiences and opinions of abductions.Q 1 I was a bit sad to see the return of$ 1 I tried the connection in the next town,Rotherham. That speed was a piffling 2400baud! Even the Spectrum can handle thatmodem speed! But, the connection wassteady, and reliable. 1 I thought I'd give the service a try as acustomer, rather than a fellow corporateservice. Owning the Speccy Sensations 1996CD (see second ON TRIAL in this issue), Ido not feel that I need to order any gamesever again, but came across a slightproblem. 1 I therefore decided to buy a full-widthprinter and settled for the EPSON LQ100Printer. The first problem is you musthave a suitable Interface to connect theComputer to the printer. Being a retiredElectronics Engineer, and still handy witha soldering iron, I decided to build myown interface unit using the well-knownZ80A POI chip. This I soon abandonedbecause although th ASCII code charactersprinted quite OK, the key-words on thespectrum did not. I then decided to trythe DATEL "INTERPRINTER" and this has beenhighly successful and I can thoroughlyrecommend it. It is being used to typethis article. 1 I tend to buy a lot of PC mags (I have a ton of cover CD-Roms at home, which I willtry and get througth during the summerz 1 I take no responsibility whatsoever forany damage which may occur to yourmachines should you undertake doing themod I have described - If done correctly,it does work very well indeed withoutany adverse side-effects to the machine. 1 I suggest you remove IC 8 from its holderto do the soldering - its orientation isidentical to that of IC 7 so use that as areference when re-inserting IC8 and thethe 128 ROM. 1 I said the locks stiff.Oh never mind !& 1 I reach Preston, and head straight to the computer centre, because I am a man with amission - a mission to access the Internet~ 1 I placed a telephone order at 15:25 withPDSOFT for Speccy Sensations 2. Theyinformed me that a new one had beenreleased, with more stuff on it, replacingSS2. 1 I normally keep well away from computers.Nasty, horrible things they are! Thisbeing, I have never needed to be acustomer to the Spectrum groups. So, Ihave no bias there. I also consider myselfto be an independent writer. I have nosworn aliegance to AlchNews. I could writefor any magazine (anyone want to make mean offer?) who would take me. 1 I mentioned last time that although forthe purposes of our adventure beinglimeted in size for demonstration purposesmore varity could be obtained by puttingthe objects needed to solve problemssomewhere that ensured all the rooms needto be visited at least once and in alogical order for the adventure to besolved. 1 I made a map for the adventure detailed inthis column. All the rooms ,all theobjects , what they had to be used for;and guess what ? I've lost it. 1 I know a man called M 1 I have used this chip on many projects andit's ideally suited to the Speccy.L 1 I have no hesatation in recommending theservice to all Spectrum and emulator usersalike. Whether it be for finding a gameyou've never played, a game you've alwayswanted the original box to, or like me,the instructions. 1 I have been toying with the idea of alsoadding a rubber-keyed 48K ROM as well,which would mean that I'd have allversions of the Spectrum in one machineand there would not be one piece ofSoftware it could not load and run.However, I've been too busy to investigatethis possibility, but I'll keep youinformed as to whether I was able to getit all up and running or not when I getround trying it out. 1 I have been using my SPECTRUM with anAlphacom Printer for some years,mainly forlisting of programs. However,this printerhas two disadvantages: 1 I have recently been sweet talked intobuying a Multiface by Ray Smith (my armstill hurts, Ray!) so perhaps you wouldcare to have me explain or investigateways of using it do do something you havein mind, though go easy on me as I amstill finding my way around - I also hope,once I've disassembled the greater part ofthe ROM, to write some software to loadinto the RAM area to do various bits andbobs ... Any suggestions in thatdirection? 1 I downloaded, approximately 230 files (notall of them snaps) compressed into aN 1 I can't speak for the EMULATOR HEAVEN CD,but I am sure that it's better laid outthan SS1996. There are a few instructionsfiles, but not many. One game which caughmy eye was Hewson's HEATHROW ATC. 1 I am actually leaving Preston Uni early for once. Despite being a Monday (Monday morning blues and all that, which I seem to get on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs 1 I went to the office supplies storeSTAPLES, to pick up a complete Internetkit. The price was a staggering `200, butfor that I got a 48,800 bps fax modem, allsorts of software, a big book, cables andleads. 1 Hylas Lane 1 Hulme Lane 1 However, you can use screen pictures whichhave also been saved as TAP files. Thelength of the TAP file will be reported as6937 bytes long. To view it directly onthe Spectrum, go into 48k mode and type: 1 However, this can infringe copyright, soif you do make a duplication, you may onlymake a personal single copy for yourself.Besides which, the control programwouldn't be much use without the textparts! 1 However, there has recently been a smallprice rise. The cost per issue is `2.There is ab 1 However, there are some gems to be found.Try BALOONIN.SNA for a very challenginggame! There are also lots of foreign gameswhich were never released in the UK. A lotof DINAMIC titles especially. 1 However, the final byte loaded, the paritybyte, will contain no overflow bits as itis the final byte of the block, thoughsome of its bytes will have strayedacross. There will not be the problem ofstrayed bytes if synchronization wasobtained, of which there is just a one ineight chance of that being so. 1 However, should your answer be 3,4 or 5,and you can offer suggestions ofimprovement, PLEASE DO!k 1 However, perhaps someone out there wouldcare to see what they can come up with. Ifanyone does, do not hesitate to contact meshould you hit any snags and think myassistance would help you overcome them. 1 However, all good things must come to anend. I thought that Roy should 'retire' onthe high he created. Andy and Roy didn'tthink so though, so I had to persuade Andyto give me his slot. 1 However (yes, there just had to besnags!), the program will only work onsnapshots made by version 2.01 of Z80.Since versions 3.01 and 3.03 have appearedsince then, you may have to do somesearching! 1 Howard covers an old topic - how 1 How many of you fell for my April Foolsjoke then? A software touch screen: ha!ha! I borrowed the idea from an old MicroUser magazine, which had a similarprogram. I spent hours typing it into aBBC only to find out that it was a trick. Believe me, it was not at all funny astheir program took up several A4 pages!<Wow, I had the exact same issue andalmost typed it in. Not knowing much aboutBBC I/O ports at the time, I thought theywere being serious. Don't you just HATEthe BBC? Ed.> 1 How does it work (if the following stufflooks too confusing you might of coursesimply use the routine without all thatwhy and how)? Well, with one exception itdoesn't check any system variables or ROMvalues but the hardware. This is a moresafer way as systemvariables or ROMs canbe changed but the hardware should be thesame in most cases. 1 How ... well, first you will need a copyof Teledisk. It should be available fromany decent PD library (insert your ownplug here Andy!). <Me, shamelessly useyour serious article to give a free plugfor the free software extravaganza, alwaysavailable from Alchemist Research andAlchemist Software? Never! Ed.> 1 Hopefully, all libraries distributing thegames will acknowledge the identifiers foreach game, and prevent a lot of confusion!~ 1 Hopefully I will include these in this& 1 Home computers store thier memory on aseries of silicon chips. Each memory chipcarries thousands of tiny circuits whichcan be either switched on, or switchedoff. Each of these circuits represents asingle digit in binary - a BIT. When thecircuit is switched on it represents 1,when it is switched off it represents 0. Within the chip, these tiny curcuits areorganized in groups of eight. Each grouprepresents a BYTE - that is an eight-bitbinary number, or two digits in hex. 1 His libel, lies and lawsuits 1 His fanzine is a tabloid, 1 His conscience is quite clean. 1 His attitude is immature... 1 His answering machine. 1 His ancestors had visited a few otherplanets in the galaxy, but decided thatthis was the best as it had a higheroxygen level than the others, even higherthan mother earth. It also had a denseratmosphere so anything that was heavy onmother earth, felt a lot lighter here. 1 His latest information also attacks anumber of other people and organisations.He claims that these people should havebetter things to do with their time thanattack him, so should be ignored. 1 His books COMMUNION and TRANSFORMATIONdepict his own amazing story about how hewas frequently visited by aliens at hislog cabin in a secluded corner of up-stateNew York, abducted on numerous occasionsand has ended up with unexplicable and un-identifiable objects being implanted invarious parts of his body. 1 Hilton Court 1 Here lies a very important lesson." 1 Hello and welcome to the lack of AdventureSpot which due to a change of job for thethird time in as many months and the timeneeded to look after a familly of 3 kidshas barely been looked at since the lastissue. 1 Hello again. Below is the short programcreated in the last instalment. It simplyuses channel A to make a continuous sound.This time, I want to take you throughsimple Envelope contrl and the use ofnoise. 1 He's also made the first move by publiclyattacking David Fountain of the FPDlibrary. Although Mr Fountain has had somenasty experiences with Prism, he's kept itto himself, but Mr Sherwood has made themistake of making it public. Now, MrFountain is in a position to explain tothe masses why he is no longer friendswith Mr Sherwood. 1 He was snapped out of his thoughts byAleen, 'Are you going into stasis with therest of us for a couple of days?' sheasked, 'or do you want to stay awake forthe journey?'. 1 He was obviously picked as a first speakerto fire up the audience and get theirminds ticking over.g 1 He was just thinking about the humans thatwere left behind on mother earth, if theyhad evolved differently, or survived atall, when Samak entered the dome, closelyfollowed by Aleen and Coria. 1 He was glad that she was coming along.& 1 He was completely riveting, you could haveheard a pin drop as he was talking.M 1 He used to have a lot of friends 1 He threatens legal action 1 He showed us film footage of U.F.O's fromNew Mexico, at first I mistakably thought(being the cynic that I was) that thesewere fire flies as there were hundreds ofthe darting about the sky, but on slowingthe film down these things looked likeeither spirals or chain links which wouldtwist or bend in various directions. Itwas pointed out that these things werethousands of feet away from the camera sothey must have been huge to seem so close.More film footage showed another "craft"which seemed to be rectangular in shapeand as wide as a house which hovered a fewthousand feet above the ground. 1 He sent this mail shot to all kinds ofpeople, including those who aren't evenconnected with the Spectrum. One of whichwas a Mr Middleton of Persona Software.When he received it, he rang Mr Sherwood,asking what it was all about and why hefelt he should receive a copy. It'sreported that when confronted in thismanner, Mr Sherwood squirmed as hecouldn't answer the questions put to him. 1 He placed the fourth crystal at the farend of the table and sat back to wait forthe others to arrive. As he looked aroundthe dome he saw a holo-pic of the motherearth, before it had become the desolatewasteland that made the humans desert itand move to this planet at the other endof the galaxy. It was more beautiful thanthis planet which his ancestors had chosenfor thier new home. 1 He opened the door to the adolecents roomjust as she was sitting up in bed, 'Dad?what's happening?' she said as she triedto focus on the figure coming towards her.'Go back to sleep, there is nothinghappening' Jarus put the thought into hermind as he placed the rod to her forehead.For a split second she looked at him witha puzzled look on her face before fallingback to sleep. 1 He looked at Samak and Aleen and could seethat they were close to tears also beforeundoing the buckle on his strap andwalking to hold Coria in his arms whilstthey looked at Mother Earth together. 1 He knows nothing and the AMERICAN bookhe's getting half of this from is derivedfrom AMERICAN PC SOFTWARE - hardly anybasis for Spectrum software. 1 He found that the controls of Borok'scraft were very similar to his own plansand could'nt help thinking that Borok hadsomehow got hold of his plans and copied afew ideas of his own, but he dismissedthis idea almost immediatly as he did'ntthink that Borok was the kind of person todo such a thing as steal another personsidea. 1 He finished his talk with a half hoursession of questions and answers, most ofwhich we had to miss as we had a train tocatch. <I hate B.R!. Paul> 1 He copyrights his letters 1 He contradicts himself. 1 He can't back up his claims, 1 He also pirates games. 1 Having said that, the most recent episode (at the time of writing), showed Mulder up to his old tricks, risking his life in the pursuit of Alien beings, just a shame it ripped off the ROSWELL alien autopsy footage... 1 Having recently fallen victim to certainspineless creatures which prey upon thereputations of the innocent, I would liketo take this opportunity to warn AlchNewsreaders about a dangerous species ofpredator that roams 1 Having read issue 18 of your acclaimedpublication, I must admit to being morethan a little disappointed. While thetextual content was universally of a highstandard (especially those articles bythat genius Paul Howard), the option tochange the music on a +D disc system wasmediocre to say the least. 1 Having a properly working assembler isessential. Many of the following chaptersdepend on it and it is vital that youlocate all of the bugs in it now. 1 Have lost them, one by one. 1 Hard cricket balls break glass windows soyou can get back into the house ( They canalso break other types of balls as I canvouch from painfull experience ) 1 Hang on. What this rumbling from your bum?Must be the mouldy bread having an effect.Better get to the loo pretty smartish.Hope you remembered to put some loo rollin there or your going to be stuck inthere a very long time. 1 Hang on a mo. The bus is already at thebus stop. Better run for it or you'll missit. These bus drivers don't hang aroundand I should know ( In joke ) 1 Halfway up east wall 1 Half an hour before take off they were inthe docking bay standing beside the hugecraft that would take them to motherearth. The whole of the craft wasconstructed out of Diamontanium whichwould reflect the heat and light of thesun, it was also one of the strongest andlightest materials known to them whichwould enable them to travel at immensespeed without disintergrating. 1 Hacking Apart 1 Ha ha ha! The plan for the AlchemistEmpire to dominate the world is proceedingnicely. No media format can escape theforce and clutches for too long... 1 HOW TO USE IT 1 HOW TO USE EPSON PRINTER CODES 1 HOW TO ENTER MACHINE CODE. 1 HOW THE MONITOR WORKS. 1 HOW THE GAME WORKS 1 HOW MUCH MEMORY. 1 HOW IT WORKS 1 HACKING BASIC PROGRAMS 1 HACKING APART 1 HACKERS CORNER 1 Grindleton 1 Greatful appreciation must go out to allwho helped in the production of this finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:{ 1 Great thanks must go to: 1 Graham Collier is an accomplished hackerand programmer, and now it seems is a Z80hardware genius!d 1 Got better 1 Got Better 1 Good morning, class 3A. Today I'm going tolook at some classic, and some completelyunnoticed, mistakes in Speccy games. Notall of these mistakes are programmers'errors and bugs; many are factualslip-ups. Anyway, here are the top tenSpeccy game errors of all time. 1 Go to work , Great reward eh. 1 Go from me to you, for the appallingwriting in the doc file - you know whatthey say - never, ever, ever let theprogrammer write the instructions - if youdo, it's bound to be badly written!!! 1 Gerrards Cross 1 George Imrie 1 Gastackerstrasse 23 1 GROUPS IN TROUBLE? 1 GROOTROM .BIN 1 Furthermore, each of these loaded bytescan be reconstructed back to theiroriginal values by shifting the strayedbits back to where they belong - you willneed to monitor each shift, if needed, toobserve 1 Front door 1 From the moment they stepped out of theshuttle, all they heard was "Good luck,and come back soon", it was obvious thatthe party had been going on for some timebefore they got there. The council calledthem up to the raised platform foreveryone to see them and asked them to saya few words. Jarus was pushed forward bythe rest of the team and Coria raised himhigh in the air, he had no choice now, hehad to say something. 1 From Alchemist Software or 1 Fountain PD 1 Founder, Alchemist Research Group! 1 Fortunately, these glasshouse- dwellinginvertebrates are easy to recognise, astheir vermicular form and well-developedcrawling 1 Format a +D disc - hurrah!! At long lastI've written a format routine that works,please NB that sector skewing is used -this speeds up access on a +3, and seemsto be OK on my DISCiPLE Please note singledensity format is not supported (who usesthem in any case?!?!?) 1 Forgotten abbey 1 For we'll prove all we've said. 1 For those of you who, like myself, owneither a +3 and/or 2A and sometimes wishit could be switched to a 128 machinefrom time to time, help is at hand!!! 1 For these POKEs, simply MERGE the Basicloader and add then BEFORE the RANDOMIZEUSR command, or use the Multiface.v 1 For most purposes this will leave ampleroom for your machine code programs. Infact you need'nt leave so much room, butits always better to leave extra space incase you want to amend or expand yourprogram at a later date. 1 For instance. There is a some treasure atthe bottom of a pit.Don't ask how it gotthere cause I don't know!m 1 For infinite air, add the following POKEs:* 1 For fun, try altering the second value inline 60:2 1 For example, in some copies of his lettersand magazines, he says that PD can bedistributed for any price, but cannot bealtered. THEN, he says that it can bealtered and even compiled into anotherlanguage! 1 For example, if the line 40 OUT 255,139 isused, it would be established that 255would address the control port of the PPI,and 139 would be the control word whichsets port A to output and ports B and C toinput. Then a line 50 LET a=IN 191 wouldread the inputs of port B and a line 60OUT 159,255 would output all eight datalines of port A. This now becomes a simplematter of setting up the control word andthe port address. I have also included twoBASIC listings to show how this might workwith the relevant circuitry. 1 For example, Womo are very close to AndyDavis and Miles Kinloch. For some timenow, Mr Sherwood has been trying to becomeclose friends with WoMo. How can he expectto achieve this? The loyalty of WoMo willdictate that they will never be his friendwhen he directs such attacks. If they did,I am certain that other groups and readerswould boycott their service. 1 For example, BBC2 is showing Star Trek:The Next Generation, once a week, onWednesday evenings. In the time it hastaken BBC2 to show all seven seasons, Skyhas managed to show the entire series FIVETIMES, on a daily basis, rather than oncea week. Speaking of TNG, it's now nearingthe end of it's run on both channels. The7th series isn't as good as the 5th or6th, but still came up with two classicepisodes - THE PEGASUS, which saw theEnterprise temporarily gain a cloakingdevice, and PARALLELS, which dealt withparallel realities, always a good crowdpuller. 1 For details of some of the contents of thenews sheets, see SOFTWARE EXTRAVAGANZA inthis issue._ 1 For any one who is interested there was avideo made on the day.@ 1 For a free copy of Z80 version 2.01 (oreven the later 3.03), Warajevo emulator,and any other Spectrum emulators andsupplemental tools, simply send a disk andSAE to Alchemist Research. 1 For a better effect, change line 30 toread:/ 1 For SOFTWARE PROJECTS version: 1 For SAM version and SAM subscriptions.& 1 For PC users wanting to swap programs,games and utilities with other fellow PCusers, both would need a copy of theemulator first. However, with the aid of asimple utility, this is no longer so. 1 For BUG BYTE version: 1 Firstly, on the way to catch the morning bus to Preston ('The Sh*t hole' as I call it), I popped into the newsagent andx 1 First, Prism PD. Launched from the TotalPD library. Was handed a Spectrum serviceon a plate._ 1 First, I would like to draw people'sattention to a letter in PD Power bysomeone who calls himself L. Murray (andwho, by the strangest coincidence, justhappens to be from Leicester...). Thisman's tricks never seem to vary, forseveral PD libraries - not just AlchemistResearch and FPD - have been the subjectof his unwelcome attentions over aconsiderable period of time. There seemsto be just no pleasing this mostfastidious of connoisseurs - but oddlyenough, he always comes asking for more! Aglutton for punishment, surely!! 1 First up, the new (3rd) series of the X FILES hit SKY in March, a bit strange this, one moment EVERYBODY is out to killy 1 First landing 1 First Impression : 1 Finally, a multi-meter should be used totest the module giving a reading of 4.5vto 5v on each data line when in use, oralternatively the LED circuit could beused. With the module working it nowallows an infinite range of exotic chipsto be used (ADC / DAC etc) for precisionsensing and variable voltage control, andthis will be the topic of my next article. 1 Features the extra utilities 1 Faxsales : 01702 617123 1 Fall from any height (almost!) 1 Failing that, just stick in a POKE andwalk on the water to the island!J 1 FULL COPYRIGHTED SOFTWARE: Very much likecommercial games. May not be distributedor altered without permission.r 1 FREEWARE: Copyrighted 1 FPD NEWS: It's not Sinclair Classic, butcomes from the same stable. This briefmagazine gives details of the FPD library,and some of their available goodies. 1 FOUNTAIN PD LIBRARY 1 FORMAT Dddd$ 1 FINDER SERVICE. Plus, can you 1 FE FCjr z,keylp 1 F9 SOFTWARE 1 F9 19 D1 01 20 00 ED B8 1 F6 E0cp 252 1 F5ld a,(23622) 1 F. Ridout is still selling an UNUSEDMultiface 128 with a copy of Lifeguard for`10W 1 Experiences by Miles Kinloch 1 Excellent. 1 Everything is now set to call the firstmachine code subroutine labled 'lineno'.R 1 Even so, if you can get access to the% 1 Ernastrasse 33 1 Erm, ah. It HAS been featured... Hmmm,maybe you'd better just ignore that bitabove.Z 1 Erases a file from the disc. 1 Entrance to Hades 1 Enter the routine using the machine codemonitor. Remember not to type any spacesbetween the pairs of digits though, andalso to end it with a "#". 1 English-actors game. 1 Enable warp jump without having to typeWRITETYPER4 1 Emergency Generator 1 Email: [email protected] 1 Eg: If ALCHNEWS19 was at position 1 ofyour disk (which it usually is), LOAD P1will load the file. A CAT of your diskwill show what program number is allocatedto each file. 1 East wall base 1 East Sussex 1 Each of the holes were too small to beseen by the naked eye and the wholeoperation went well until a fragment ofneedle broke off in the back of the mansskull after taking a brain tissue sample. 1 Each function or sub-function can be usedindividually or in combination e.g. Youcan obtain say :d 1 Each room is 256 bytes in sequence,starting at address #C000 (49152) and goesup in sequence at D000, E000 etc.u 1 EXPRESS SOFTWARE 1 EXE files, in other words, it 1 ERASE Dddd"f1" TO "f2" 1 ERASE Dddd"f" 1 EPSON PROGRAM by Ken Beer: To accompanyhis article in this issue.D 1 ENTERING PASCAL 1 EMILY SOFTWARE (Voice controller & others)21 Ladycross Road; 1 ED B8 06 02 C5 D5 11 00 1 ED B0keypl ld a,127 1 ED 53 FE FEld hl,(23623) 1 ED 53 FE FEld hl,(23621) 1 ED 4B 36 5Cld h,0 1 ED 42dec a 1 E5call print 1 E5 21 00 F9 19 EB E1 01 1 E0 00 ED B8 C1 10 E5 C1 1 E-Mail : [email protected]$ 1 Duplication fees for disc copies have beenCUT BY 50% to just 5p with tape copiesstill priced at 10p per title. The firstsix titles are free every time an order isplaced. As an example; 12 titles will costyou 60p on tape or just 30p on disc! Thereis no minimum order restrictions. Pleasenot: We only supply specific +3 programson 3" disc. 1 Due to the large collection of Sound andgraphics Demos available, this seperatelist is available on request. Each democomes with the full title, year ofrelease, Programmers credits, correctloading mode, Kb totals down to the lastbyte and number of files used per demo.644 titles are available, making it thelargest known collection in the world! 1 Dr Jones will never... 469 1 Don't go into the pit yet though. Unlessyou tie the vine to the tree FIRST whenyou try to use it to climb out you willjust pull it inti the pit with you and bestuck. 1 Don't forget to CLEAR down to at least65109 before you enter the followingprogram. If you can enter this programusing an assembler the origins are listedhere. And even if it does not assembleproperly you can check the translation ofeach instruction and identify bugs thatway. If your assembler will not work atall, use a machine code monitor to inputthe program. The start address is 65110. 1 Dominic Morriss 1 Does a 16bit poke for the entire memoryconfiguration (ROM3, pages 5,2,7). Thiscommand[ 1 Do a standard catalogue of the disk.$ 1 Disk users have the advantage of beingable to access any section at random, socan simply note the last part they read,and come back later. 1 DiSCDOS v1.34 - Full version 1 DiSCDOS is a program that emulates a+D/DISCiPLE on any +3 with a 3.5" DSDD B:drive, it achieves this by patching intoBASIC itself thereby making itselftransparent to the BASIC interpreter. 1 Desmond Tyler. 1 Desmond Tyler 1 Depending which position the switch is in,you'll either be confronted with a +3/2Aor a 128 menu.b 1 Denbighshire 1 Delete all moving nasties 1 Delete Monty Python foot, barrel and Maria* 1 Dear Mr Davis, 1 Dear Dead Mr Howard, 1 David Ledbury has gone on another one ofhis famous and patented 'shifts' to a newaddress, so no-one can contact him,leaving many in the lurch! 1 David Crookes 1 Dave Nicholls for the room data 1 Dave Ledbury 1 Dave Fountain is a PFN expert. Contact theFPD library for advice and programs.N 1 Dave Fountain has promised to send me aworkshop manual for the Spectrum, so be onthe look out for a version that will makePentium driven machines look very slow andout-dated, though don't go holding yourbreath!!! 1 DS9 is also on BBC2 on Thursday eveningsat 6pm. For those who aren't too keen onit, I beg you to keep tuned, as towardsthe end of season two, and all of seasonthree are just great, equally as good, ifnot better, than TNG. We get to see somenew enemies, The Dominion, who are veryclose relatives to the security officerOdo, and far nastier than anything thrownup to battle the Federation in the past.They have a ruthless band of warriorsunder their control; the Jem H'adar. 1 DON PRIESTLEY games, including TRAPDOORand FLUNKY, and older games like the everplayable DICTATOR, and SPAWN OF EVIL.y 1 DISCLAIMER, THE LEGAL BITS 1 DH: Writers these days, I don't know...8 1 DH: The content was frankly appalling.& 1 DH: Erm, er... who cares? 1 DH: Let's see. If he got half thequestions right...< 1 DH. er.. no? 1 DH. When are you going to review that% 1 DESIGN A PLATFORM 1 DEEP SPACE RANT 1 DD: Ooh, publicity! What have we won then?* 1 DD: Oi! Get off my premises, you! Ifyou're not out of here in sixty secondsI'll call the cops!g 1 DD: Listen son, are you having me on? I'ma busy man, you know, and I have to getten new Megadrive games on the streets byThursday... 1 DD formatted. 1 DD E5ld de,20726 1 DD E1pop hl 1 DB FEor 224 1 DAVID LEDBURY of Sam Prime has a widerange of Spectrum software for saleranging from budgets to big boxedclassics. I've seen this collection and itis absolutely priceless! For more details,send an SAE to: 1 D1 E1 10 D4 21 00 3F 06 1 D. Ledbury 1 Cure ATTIC bug 1 Cuckoo's nest 1 Coria was looking out of the glass dome ather home planet, the sky was clear and thesun cast an amber reflection over thewater all around, in the distance shecould see the party was still going strongon the recreation island, the sun had casta reflection of the dome onto the waterand it just looked like a giant ball, halfin, half out of the water. 1 Coria was asleep when Jarus came into thecontrol room drinking his first meal intwo days so he left her to rest whilst hechecked how long it would be before theyarrived at thier destination, 'Onlyanother 37 hours to go' he said to himselfafter checking the panels. '36 hours 48minutes and 17 seconds to be precice'Coria's voice entered his mind, which madehim turn to look at her. 1 Coria lifted the male out of his bed withtelekenisis and started to move himtowards the window, she opened the windowwith another thought and began moving himoutside. 1 Coria levitated them all upstairs afterfinding that the stairs creaked when stoodupon, then went to the big room at thefront of the dwelling. Inside the roomwere two adults sharing a bed, one maleone female, Samak and Aleen came into theroom after checking the others andreported that there was an adolecentfemale in one and Aleen had seen a male ofaround four years old in the other, bothsound asleep. 1 Coria had got the man outside now and hewas floating towards the trees where thiercraft was, 'I think it would be quicker ifwe all levitated back to the crafttogether' she said as she lifted herselfand the others and started to move themtowards the trees. 1 Coria continued to control the craft asshe joined in with the others activitiesand never lost concentration no matter howdistracted she was, the rest of the crewfelt comfortable as they knew that she wasable to designate a portion of her brainto controlling the craft as easily as shebreathed, it was like the craft was partof her and she moved it as she would moveher arms or legs. Only her race could joinwith electronic devices in this way andbecome a kind of central processor forwhatever it was they controlled. 1 Coria called the others into the controlroom, 'We have just passed the planetNeptune on the edge of the solar system,so we will be in the Sun's orbit in tenminutes, i'm taking the craft up to 4.2light speed and starting the vortex, strapyourselves in'. 1 Coria brought the craft inside the planetsatmosphere above the area they had decidedon and Samak sent out the tiny probes thatwere designed to look like 20th centuryinsects, they were programmed to locateand stay with someone who had all thesymptoms of the virus then signal back tothe craft when the person was asleep. 1 Coria was sat at the helm with theelectrode band around her head thatamplified the signals from her brain tocontrol the craft, she had her eyes closedbut that did'nt worry any of the others,they knew that she would be able to sleepduring the journey to the solar system andstill manouver the craft safely, it wasonly during the time travel sequence thatshe had to be fully alert and that wouldbe in a few days. The rest of the crewdid'nt have much to do on the journeyapart from going over the mission detailsand checking that everything was where itshould be ready for the human that theywere going to pick up for the samples. 1 Coria unlocked the door without anytrouble, by thinking about it, then thefour of them entered the dwelling quietly.'There are three rooms above us withcarriers of the virus' Jarus said 'Coriaand I will check the big front room, Aleenand yourself will check the smaller roomsat the back, please be quiet and don'ttouch anything' he said turning to Samak. 1 Coria looked impressed at 1 Copies the file named f1 on the +D disc tothe file named f2 on the default +3 drive.f2 can be a drive in which case theoriginal filename is kept, please notethat sometimes this may come back with BadFilename error report, this is simplybecause the +3 has fewer characters whichcan be used in a filename. If f2 is adrive then f1 can contain wildcards. 1 Copies the file f1 to the file f2 on the+D disc. Please note no wildcards can beused.Y 1 Copies the file f1 on the default +3 driveto the file f2 on the +D disc. If f1 iswild then simply leave f2 out.r 1 Control word A: B: C: 1 Contest becomes a reality! 1 Conservatory roof 1 Connection was quick 1 Congratulations to Paul, who wins a `5prize for this little gem. The best poemsubmitted before August 1st 1996 will wina fiver. 1 Concluding Part 1 Comprising of the following 1 Collect only tap to complete game! 1 Cold store 1 Codemasters produced a playable demo ofthis platform game, featured on a YourSinclair covertape in 1992. For somereason, the menu option to begin playingwas "START BUBBLING", whereas in thefinished game it's "START DYNAMOING". Infact, the control menu had been liftedstraight from Codies' previous release,Bubble Dizzy. Those lazy gits! 1 Clears the screen and resets the coloursto white paper and border and black ink.R 1 Christian Aymard 1 Chris Thomson 1 Chris Taylor, Triad 1 Chris Taylor 1 Chris Norfolk 1 Chic Computer Club 1 Channel A has been changed from tonegeneration to noise. For details of this,read the earlier part again.p 1 Change it down to 12 or 5 or lower and thespeed of the envelope will increase,producing sounds like a train, or someonesweeping the floor with a broom. 1 Catalogues a disc, to stream ss (defaultis the screen), the file name may be wild.An abbreviated catalogue (listing only thefile names and free space on the disc) canbe obtained by following the drive numberwith a "!" 1 Catalin Russen, MicroCRIFS 1 Carl Murray is also pretty hot with the+D!- 1 Cantley is about a quarter of an hour awayfrom where I live, so after meeting upwith saner members of my family we bundledinto the car and off we went! We arrivedjust before 9am to assure ourselves aparking space, but the main car park wasalmost full and hundreds of people hadalready been let in. 1 Can't think of a Title 1 Cambridgeshire 1 CPC Undercover 1 CPC UNDERCOVER (magazine) 1 COPYRIGHTED - NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN! 1 COPY Dddd"f1" TO Dddd"f2" 1 COPY Dddd"f1" TO "f2" 1 COPY "f1" to Dddd"f2" 1 CONTRIBUTIONS can be submitted$ 1 CONT ATT ALT HOLD 1 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 1 COCKERMOUTH 1 CLEAR clears the display file - like a CLSdoes - and also the variables. It resetsthe PLOT position to 0,0 the bottom left,restores the data pointer to the start,clears out the GOSUB stack and places itunder the new value for RAMTOP. 1 CLEAR 63999 1 CLASSIX / GAME FINDER SERVICE 1 CHRISTIAN AYMARD 1 CHIC COMPUTER CLUB 1 CHESSTINGTON 1 CHESSINGTON 1 CHALFONT ST PETER 1 CENTRAL UK SPECTRUM & SAM FAIR 1 CD-Roms of speccy snaps available (Mike Mees, Speccy sensations 2 etc.)J 1 CD F5 FEpop hl 1 CD E8 FEld hl,posn 1 CD CE FEstatno ld bc,-100 1 CD CE FEret 1 CD CE FEld bc,-10 1 CD CE FEld bc,-1 1 CD BB FEld hl,23286 1 CD B5 FEld de,20731 1 CCEECCAAA?>>MOMOMK 1 CB 7Fjr z,go 1 CATALIN RUSSEN 1 CATALIN RUSSEN would like some Amigacontacts, wishing to swap tips, advice andsoftware for the Amiga. If you would likean Amiga penpal, please write to: 1 CAT #ss,ddd;"f" 1 CANNON BC01 inkjet cartridges, `5 each o14 for `50.5 1 C9prtout ld b,8 1 C9prt xor a 1 C9print ld bc,(23606) 1 C9posn defw 0 1 C9org 65129 1 C9org 65120 1 C9lineno ld bc,-1000 1 C6 30push hl 1 By the way. You may well be getting hungrynow ! If you haven't droped the breadbefore diving in the pool it's bound to bepretty soggy. If you have still got it ina fit state to eat you have the honey toeat it with. It's a bit mouldy in themiddle you notice but hunger must besatisfied. What effect that will have onyour guts remains to be seen. 1 By the time they had reached home thevirus had come to thier sector and hadalready taken many lives, the antidote wasplaced in the drinking water system andeveryone was told to drink as much wateras they could. The whole planet was curedwithin a few weeks, even the colonies inthe southern hemisphere showed signs ofrecovery and all that they had left to dowas transport the dead to one of the oldcrafts in orbit and send it into the sun. 1 By Vision, of TMG 1 By Paul Howard 1 By Paul "Sodium thiosulphate 1 By Paul "Ophthalmophobic" Howard.! 1 By P. Howard 1 By K. Gurd 1 By Desmond Tyler. 1 By 9:30 the next day, the CD had arrived!Hows that for service!@ 1 But, twenty issues and six years on, anda registered readership of approximately1000, not one valid complaint has crossedour paths yet - we must be doing somethingright! 1 But, the speed was beginning to be a bitof a pain. Whereas a 48,800bps modem wouldtake under a minute to send a completecopy of AlchNews to someone, on the 2400modem, it would take well over half anhour. After telephone and electricitycharges, it would be twice as cheap tosend a disk by post! 1 But, the biggest shock was the actualspeed of the system. It crawled along asif it had shares in BT. But, part of theproblem was mine: 1 But, lets go back to the matter of choice.Alchemist or Prism?= 1 But, from an outsider, I can clearly seewho is at fault. It's Martyn Sherwood. Theroot of the problem is his attitude. Fromignoring letters to faulty software. Fromfailing to apologise to piracy. 1 But, don't expect a reply! 1 But, my advice to anyone thinking ofsurfing the net is to take a long hardlook at it. Try out an Internet Cafe firstbefore spending your hard earned money. Iam eternally greatful that Staples gave mea refund. There would have been a veryexpensive white elephant on my PCotherwise! Stick with TELETEXT. It's mightbe low quality resolution, but is fasterand free! 1 But to amass the 2000-3000 snaps on these snap CD-Roms - using a privately ownedP 1 But there would be no point in storingnumbers in these circuits without beingable to find them again. So each eight-bitmemory is given an address. In a machinewith a total memory space of 64K, forexample, you need 64K addresses - one foreach location. 1 But there is hope, it's rumoured that% 1 But now they all are gone. 1 But multiplication is a toruous businessin machine code. There is no instructionto do it and it must be performed byshifting the binary digits about. Additionis easier, so to multiply the ASCII valueby eight, you simply double it -by addingit to itself- three times. Note that thisisn't done in the A rgister because it isbound to overflow an eight-bit register-48*8=384, the start of the character 0,is greater than 255, the maximum capacityof an eight-bit register- but it won'toverflow a 16-bit register. 1 But it's better to type in a line at atime and check them rigorously before youENTER them. It is much easier to edit themwhilst they are still on the screen thanwhen they are in memory. 1 But if you'd rather stay at home 1 But given these criticisms, Warajevo,% 1 Bulk erasing - a new diet method ?" 1 Brian Watson, 8-BIT 1 Brian Watson 1 Brian Gaff, BG Services 1 Brian Gaff 1 Brandlesholme 1 Borok,unfortunately he contracted the diseasebecause he removed his mask to see if hecould breath the atmosphere, he could ofcourse but what he did'nt realise was thatthe bacteria was in the air he wasbreathing'. 1 Bombjack!. 1 Bl: L11 Ap: 86 1 Bjorn Eriksson of Bromma in Sweden haspassed some details of a few Spectrumservices in his home land. He thinks theprices are rather high, but there's somegood stuff in stock. 1 Bit 3, CONT, can be SET - which gives acontinuously repeating envelope, or RESET- giving just one cycle.l 1 Bit 2 controls the ATTack. If SET, thesound will build up steadily.G 1 Bit 11. Killer block identification.$ 1 Bit 10. This is a solid block which willnot let Willy though at all.F 1 Bit 1 controls ALT. If this is SET, tesound will decay (fade away).G 1 Bit 01. Sections of the screen with thisbit pattern allow Willy to pass throughfrom underneath, but support him if helands on top, such as tables etc. 1 Bit 00. This is normally blank and makesup the background for the room. Colour itin any way you want for a patternedwallpaper effect! 1 Bill Richardson, EEC 1 Bill Richardson & Co. 1 Bill Clark 1 Beyond that lies an area of spare memory. This allows the memory areas either sideof it to grow, until STKEND meets stackpointer and the Spectrum will tell you itis out of memory. 1 Beware though, as some combinations cancrash the game.9 1 Before you run the trace, make sure thatyou have SAVEd it on disk/tape. If yourassembler is working, you can use thenormal save command for your device. Thiswill save the source code -that is, theassembly language- along with 1 Before you enter a machine code program,you have to decide where you're going toput it. This is a very important task, youcan't put it into an area that thecomputer uses itself, otherwise yourprogram will be overwritten by fresh datafrom ROM, or the computer will fail tofunction because you have overwrittenvital data. 1 Before I go on, I must mention that atthis point we encounter a quirk of the AYchip. In the case of all the otherregisters, a zero means that it is turnedON and a one signifies that it is turnedoff. Register 13 works the other way! 1 Beer. Accompanies free program 1 Because the author of this emulator is& 1 Because of this setback they did'nt returnthe man back to his bed until an hourlater than planned, and it was beginningto get light as the craft took off aftersterilizing the whole interior andcleaning the air of bacteria. 1 Because he knows he'd lose. 1 Because this publication is on anelectronic form, it is susecpible totampering and altering, and attemptedtampering has been made in the past by theuntrustworthy, lying, pirating MARTYNSHERWOOD. Because of this, 1 Because Mike Mee failed to give anyordering details of his CD-ROM of SPectrumstuff, I had to get the 'rival'compilation. 1 Bear in mind there must be just one areaof damage in the file(s) and that thelatter end of one of the files should beintact. It is not possible to recover dataoff the damaged part of any tape. 1 Be very careful when using 'def'instructions. They must not be put in anyposition where they might be executed bythe processor. Otherwise they will corruptyour program. Here, this 'defw' is safebecause it is after a 'ret' at the end ofthe program. 1 Be careful when using thisinstruction. It only increments the lowbyte. If it overflows, the carry flag willbe set, but the high byte will not beincremented automatically. In this casethere is no danger though. The low-byte ofa screen location only reaches 255 at theend of a line. The 'inc (hl)' instructionis very useful because it is the onlycommand that increments the contents of amemory location. The others only incrementthe contents of registers. 1 Barry Plewa for permission 1 Barry Plewa 1 Banyan tree 1 Ballroom west 1 Ballroom east 1 Back we went to the car, but once againsomething was wrong! The car had sunk agood inch into the muddyt 1 Back stairway 1 BTW, there is a high possibility of my ownaddress changing soon, so keep writing tothis address and all mail will reach meeventually ! 1 BORDER b:PAPER b:INK b 1 BOMBJACK at the DOS prompt 1 BLAKES SEVEN has just started it's rerun on UK GOLD, showing that along with that other top bananna prog MIAMI VICE, that they don't make progs like they used too (the X FILES excluded, off course). 1 BITS: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0$ 1 BG SERVICES (Z80 EMULATOR ONLY) 1 BEST OF BOTH WORLDS is the final doubleepisode of Star Trek. It's one of thoseepisodes which you'd be best taping, as itneeds a few watches to get the hang of it.Like all SF programs, it cashes in on timetravel, but it features so much more inthe process. It's debatable over whetherit's the best TNG episode ever, but thereare some 1 BBS sales: 0181 665 5629 1 BANYAN TREE easier 1 BABALON 5, gone are the days of wooden& 1 At times they were having to work without a Hard Drive, not an easy thing.J 1 At this point, you can re-insert IC 8 backinto its holder, ensuring you do notdisturb the wire you inserted into pin 20of the holder. 1 At the time of JSW, there were lots ofrumours that the sequel was to be WillyMeets the Taxman, but that was unfounded.} 1 At the foot of megatree 129 1 At last you make it to the door. 1 At first these codes look very strange andfrightening until you realize that thecodes are actual ASCII characters. Eachcharacter has its own code numbercharacterised by the symbol "CHR$".Perhaps an example would best explainthis: 1 At Cantley Park Events Field, Twyford Road(A321). Huge Popular and Established Eventin Parkland Setting. Starts Easter BankHoliday, Monday 8th April. Buyers 9am till2pm. Entrance 25p. 1 As you will recall, port 65533 selectswhich register we want and port 49149 isused to put he value into i. Add these twolines to the program: 1 As usual, in you have any problems thenget in touch with this address.I 1 As they came out of the trees they saw arow of dwellings to the left and a singlebig dwelling a little further away on theright, it had a large area in front of itwith different plant species dotted aboutand a vehicle in front of the door, 'Thatsa car isn't it?' said Samak excitedly ashe started to walk towards it 'Just think,our ancestors used to travel in thesethings alone'. 1 As they came into the suns orbit at justabove 75,000 miles above it's surface,Coria took the speed up to 5.3 light speedand signalled to Samak to start the timetravel sequence, instantly his hands werepressing buttons, turning dials andflipping switches. 1 As there are only five keys, and whetherthey are pressed is specified by one biteach, that leaves three spare bits.w 1 As the craft headed for the edge of thesolar system ready to start the vortexinto the sun's orbit for the time travelsequence they talked about the experience.'Did'nt they look strange?' Coria said,'All that hair on thier bodies must keepthem warm, but it would irritate me!'Samak remarked. 1 As she had him halfway through the windowshe felt that the young male had awoken,'Aleen, go and make the child sleep againand do the same for the adolecent!' shesaid quickly. 1 As my memory is failing I will briefly tryto describe the other problems simply.P 1 As mentioned above, the address is twobytes long and requires two memorylocations to store it. The Spectrum breaksthe four-digit hex address; for instancethe normal RAMTOP address FF57, into twoparts, FF and 57. 1 As if that wasn't bad enough, all theclones are titled the same -JSW3!!!M 1 As he spoke the visions in his mind wereshowing pictures of New America, and thepeople dying of a disease that most hadnever heard of. On this planet all thecontagious diseases of old mother earthhad been irradicated centuries ago, no onehad the immune system to protect them, asit was no longer needed as they evolvedthier immunity vanished. 1 As anyone who knows me will tell you, Ihave always subscribed to the view thatprivate matters call for private letters,but the Sherwoods of this world favourmegaphone diplomacy instead. Such peopleinvariably sign of f with a vow of silencewhich they never have any intention ofhonouring, but, needing a pretext to avoidhaving to reply personally, they willutter one of the following platitudes: "Iconsider the subject closed" or "I've saidmy piece and won't be replying to any morecorrespondence" or "I no longer wish todiscuss matters". Yes, *artyn, youcertainly live up to what people call you- a big noise indeed! 1 As all Jet Setters will know, MatthewSmith wrote and designed Jet Set Willy ona Tandy TRS-80. He converted it to theSpectrum with the aid of a program to readTandy tapes! The top few kilobytes of JSWconsists of code that addresses complexhardware. It's actually part of TRS-DOS,the disk operating system for the Tandy! 1 As above, add these routines before theRANDOMIZE USR command. You may need to re-number the listing to suit.o 1 As a safety note it should prove almostimpossible (but don't prove me wrong (readthe disclaimer!!)) to corrupt a +3 disc -I've implemented a very simple check -when the disc is read the first sector isloaded and if the last byte of the sectorisn't 0 then the program refuses to haveanything to with the disc...NB Directsector saving can still corrupt a +3 disc- I cannot control what happens here 1 As Jarus came out of the room, Aleen wasclosing the door to the young childs room,'That was pretty close' she said as theywalked back to the others. 1 As the issues have grown bigger andbigger, I hear more and more stories aboutpeople who read the entire issue ofAlchNews in one sitting! The onlydisadvantage of this format is that youcan't take it anywhere with you (unlessyou are running a Spectrum emulator on alaptop!). 1 As a fan of U.F.O's and all relatedparaphernalia for some time now, I waslooking forward to the conference.v 1 Arnold Yates 1 Are you ready ? Then we will begin ... * 1 Apologies: 1 Anyway, to make these beat 'em ups soundimpressive, and to make them slightlydifferent from each other, the programmershave to resort to stupid "special moves"which nobody could really do anyway. It'sgrown to such an extent that with 50-hitcombos etc, the first person to get apunch in wins! The energy bar has becomevirtually redundant. (No pun intended!). 1 Anyway, here are some of the delights instore this issue:; 1 Anyway, before describing the mod, perhapsI should go through what you can expect togain from carrying out the work and whatis possible in 128K mode and what isn't! 1 Anyway that concludes this article forthis month.If you are not reading thistill JUNE then I missed the deadline forMarch. 1 Any similarity of characters in this shortstory, and actual characters, alive ordead, is purely unintentional.r 1 Any monies received from orders will helppay towards the printing of catalogues,postage and administration. Fountain PD isSTRICTLY NON-PROFIT MAKING, and is run byenthusiats for enthusiasts. 1 Any contributions submitted which compriseof an AlchNews section are rewarded by afree issue of the magazine your articleappears in. 1 Antony Purvis 1 Another software company, cheaper than theabove, but not as many titles, but hassome mighty fine books.k 1 Another fine example is regarding MrRobert Brenchley of FORMAT PUBLICATIONS.In certain matters, he fawns and, lets getdown to brass tacks, coMpletely sucks upto Bob Brenchley, in personal letters andhis propaganda. Yet, in a personal letterto a complaining customer, Mr Carl Murray,he makes a totally un-necessary attack ofhim. Quite recently, Mr Sherwood printeda nasty article about Format's customerservice and attitude, apparently from oneof his news reporters (come on, nobody isfooled by this.It is quite obvious thatSherwood gives this 'news' to hisreporters to write up, or these reportersare made up and actually pen names ofSherwood). This angered Mr Brenchley,especially as the article in question wastwisted from the original story, andpartially fabricated to make things worse,so much so that a report was featured inthe news section of the April 1996 issueof Format. Mr Brenchley is neutral in thePrism-Alchemist situation, although Prismpropaganda has 1 Andy Pennell for the POKEs 1 Andy Davis, BSc.(Hons) Dip. BTEC Dip. Eng Editor, AlchNews magazineC 1 Andy Davis Bsc 1 Andrew Parish 1 Andrew Britton 1 And, just to prove the concept can be madeto work - I did write a mini program thatwill recover lost screen saves. It doesnot, and cannot, reclaim the bytes lostbecause of an error portion, though willrebuild the screen so minimal work isrequired to repair the small amount ofdamage created by the lost bytes of theperiod of a tape drop-out, for which itwas written, though it may just cope withtapes that have very minor chew-up damage. 1 And, not only that, providing you arepretty nifty with a soldering iron and canget hold of a 128 ROM, the work involvedis fairly straight-forward and even theslowest worker ought to complete it withinan hour or two. 1 And write a nasty letter, 1 And thumbs down for Mr. Sherwood and thoselike him (who know who they are) - showyour backbone, or button your lip.v 1 And ours will be much better! 1 And cannot take a joke. 1 And as if THAT wasn't bad enough, PaulHoward is writing a BRAND NEW Jet SetWilly game, using the JSW editor, and iscalling THAT JSW4! The title screen andmany of the rooms have already beendesigned, it certainly looks great! Thegame will be non-PD, and supplied to allleading libraries. 1 And I personally felt it ruined 1 And 'jr z' -jump reletive if zero- loopsthe processor back round the routine. So,if the BREAK/SPACE and the SYMBOL SHIFTkeys continue to be pressed it will goround and round. And as this is aninterrupt routine, the main program willbe halted too. 1 And now, as they say, to somethingcompletely different (or not, as the casebe)...Z 1 An episode, just released on video, alsocashes in on the Roswell story, usingQuark and friends as th actual aliens whocrash land in Roswell in 1947, thanks tosabotage of his ship, and a time warp! 1 An envelope controls the VOLUME of anygiven sound channel or channels. Everyenvelope effect has a finite length from 0to 65535, after which the effect eitherstops or repeats itself. 1 An article that has nothing what-so-everto do with the decline of the quality ofmale sperm!_ 1 An alternative is to load the game intoZ80. Make sure that it's a standard 48kgame with no interface 1 emulation.w 1 An AlchNews special report 1 An article about the EBA awards iscovered. Readers are invited to submitnominations for Best Serious Software,Games, Tapezine (and diskzine?), magazine,user group, PD library and softwarecompany. The awards are to be held inDecember 1996. 1 Amy Pandagirl 1 Amongst the various files downloaded from these speccy sites were 2 more PC speccy emulators, which I will now proceed toz 1 Amiga Emulator: 1 Although we are not personally responsiblefor how you read the magazine, and whatdamage you pose to your own health, wehave a duty to advise you of the dangersof electromagnetic radiation from workingwith computers for long periods. Oureditor is half blind from sitting in frontof a computer screen for long periods oftime over the last 16 years, please takecare of yourself! 1 Although the frequency between issues of anew publication can vary, it is very badpractice not to inform people. So, untilDarren has resolved the situation,Alchemist Research will no longer carryadverts for the magazine, and advisesreaders to steer clear until further newsarrives. 1 Although she felt sorry for him, she wasglad that he had failed because it meantthat if she succesfully flew the simulatorthat she would be chosen to pilot the realcraft alongside Jarus, her chosen mate. 1 Although he found that he could breathethe air, he did'nt realise that he wouldalso be breathing in the bacteria that hascaused all this trouble in New America'again he could feel the thoughts change topity for Borok and the New Americans. 1 Although the circuitry involved thenbecomes quite a confusing issue. So whatif you could have 24 I/O lines instead of8, and allow any eight to be programmed asinputs or outputs. This is exactly what'sachieved by using the Intel 8255Programmable Peripheral Interface chip, orPPI. 1 Also, software specifically written for 128 machines, but cannot be run on the +3/2A, will load and run in this mode. 1 Along with the violence there were goodstories of countries helping othercountries that were in dire need of aidand a lot of stories of good deeds byeither a singular person or a group ofpeople helping the needy and ill in theirown countries. 1 Allow a few pence for resistors, LEDs etc.* 1 Allie Weston 1 Allan Clarkson, of CRASHED magazine, plansto organise a Spectrum and SAM show, in acentral UK location, with excellent accessby road and rail, making a trip morefeasable for many. 1 All you do is press T to stop the game andthen type in a three digit code whichcorresponds to the room you want to go to.Eg, room 8 would be 008. If you teleportto a room and reappear in a sprite, youare returned to the room you came from. 1 All the original rooms are still there,plus a few others to patch the gaps fromthe original. Some are a bit boring, butothers are great, such as The Sewer, ThePit (three left from The Drive, two down,and then one right). 1 All that we have done so far is set alength (of 8000) for our envelope. Westill need to set the envelope shape andto physically turn it on. 1 All textfiles relating to the 1 All tape loading errors can be put down toone of the following:? 1 All programs are available as standardBasic / Code files on casette tape or 3.5"+D disc (80 track). We do not send outrestrictive Multiface or Snapshot saveformats. 1 All in all Warajevo, is a good emulator.( 1 All files with prefix Z80. 1 All compulsive viewing! Until next time.( 1 All characters, personal references, andnames of fanzines, groups and theirproprietors are purely fictional and notto be taken as representative of any realpersons, living or dead. 1 All characters and events in this storyare fictionous (for the time beinganyway!).] 1 All TAP files which are 1 All snapshots which are 1 Alf Fairwheather 1 Aleen'sknowledge and watched the snow melt in herhand as they walked.E 1 Aleen took a crystal rod from her sleeveand started heading for the door but foundthat she was too late.j 1 Aleen told him he was right then told himabout the toxins they pumped out that werepartly responsible for the planetsdestruction before a safer fuel was found,the rest of the crew laughed at him whenhe turned around and walked away from thecar with more haste than he approached it. 1 Aleen studied her history crystals to findthe best place on mother earth to find the"common cold", and found that a smallisland in the northern hemisphere was thebest place to look, with it's everchanging weather that was mostly cold andwet she decided that Great Britain wouldbe the perfect destination. 1 Aleen rushed to him and put her hand overhis mouth, 'Don't worry child, it's only adream' she put the thought into his mind,he stopped screaming but looked at her inhorror, 'Jarus!, the adolecent is waking'Coria turned to look at him. 1 Aleen nodded in response before settingthe timer on her pod and climbing in.O 1 Aleen nodded and said that she understood,'Any more questions before we all take arest until the craft is ready?' Jarusasked, on recieving no response hedismissed everyone and went back to hisown quaters for a sleep. 1 Aleen carried on teaching and even wrote areport on her journey to "Mother Earth". And Samak was going into business with hiswife, building time travel crafts forexplorers, historians and archeologists. 1 Alchemist Software, new service in BristolChic PD1 1 Alchemist Research has led the way in allapects of the Spectrum service. A helplineis operated for anyone to use (and abuse).Andy takes calls at all hours fromcomplete strangers and doesn't make abean. 1 Alchemist Research address 1 Alchemist Research has been repsonsiblefor bringing many programs back in to thereach of normal Spectrum users. They'vesuccessfully earned the rights to numerousbig names. These include 1 Alchemist Research 1 Alchemist PD / Alchemist Software! 1 AlchNews adheres to the code of practicelaid down by the PRESS COMPLAINTSCOMMISSION, and had done since issue one.Any complaints should be made to THEEDITOR, Alchemist Research, 62 Tithe BarnLane, Woodhouse, SHEFFIELD, S13 7LN,England. 1 AlchNews 128k: 1 Albert Harper 1 Alan Clarkson, Crashed 1 Alan Clarkson 1 Ah yeah, errors, all the routines arefully error trapped and will return with aharmless BASIC error message if anythinguntoward happens. Oh, I've also saidgoodbye to those RIC error messages from+3 DOS - if you really want them back 1 Again, this is just another example of howAlchemist Research is the leader inbringing back the classics to theirrightful owners and certainly drives thefinal nails in the coffin of a certainother group who wallows in self-pity andfailed petty attacks. 1 Again, breaking it all down, any or all ofthree distinct possibilities could be thecause:Z 1 Again this drops RAMTOP so that, thistime, the basic area finishes at 63,999 orFU 1 After three quarters of an hour, I hadexplored the entire field (it's prettybig, I can tell you!) and boughtabsolutely nothing. The first boot sale ofthe season was, for Speccy owners atleast, a disappointment. I trudged wearilyout of the field and back to the car. As Itook the keys out of my pocket, I noticedthat something was wrong. The car was sowell hidden between the trees that othershad parked all around it. We were blockedin! 1 After checking your work, all that remainsdoing is to switch on.@ 1 After a while when they had all composedthemselves and taken thier eyes away fromthe planet, the last minute preperationswere made and they set a course for themiddle of the island Great Britain, Aleenhad told them that a place called GreaterManchester was a good place to look,although this city was large and heavilypopulated the craft would not be seenbecause of it's reflective, edge freesurface. Jarus agreed and said that thevirus they were looking for was passedfrom person to person in a populatedenvironment so they should'nt have muchtrouble finding someone with the symptoms. 1 After a few days, I felt that this slowspeed just didn't justify the expense. Itwas akin to buying a Maclaren F-1. A carwhich can do a couple of hundred miles perhour. However, you are restricted to 70mph on our roads, down to 20 mph in someareas. So, why pay half a million for acar capable of doing 200 mph, butrestricted to 20mph, when you could buy anold Mini for `50 and still do the samespeed! 1 After a coffee we listened to Mike Wooten.He spoke for a while about abductions andvarious races of alien. To accompany hislecture we were treated to some slides ofU.F.O's and various depictions os alienbeings. 1 After about 1 hour of discussion andquestioning from the audience we weregiven the oppertunity of a lunch break.This gave us the chance to soak in some ofwhat we had heard and chat amongstourselves over a drink and something toeat. It also felt good to stretch our legsafter sitting still for an hour. 1 Adventures: 1 Address chips: 20-30p each 1 Address Control 255 1 Adapted from the original script from% 1 Actually, this mini-article will showusers of the Z80 emulator how to createblank +D disks quicker than using theinternal FORMAT routine of the emulator,which doesn't always work. 1 Above west bedroom 1 Above it are 168 memory locations whichhold the representations of 21 userdefined graphics. However as RAMTOP is asystem variable, it can be moved down inmemory, pushing the GOSUB and machinestacks down into the spare bytes. This isdone when you are writing machine code.Usually a machine code program is tuckedin above the lowered RAMTOP so that itcannot be overwritten by a BASIC program. 1 Above Excellence. 1 Above the spare bytes is the machinestack. This is used by the machine itselfwhen a BASIC program is RUN. But when youwrite machine code you get a chance tomanipulate it yourself. 1 AYE AYE Captain!... 1 ATT and ALT can be SET at the same time,to produce a waveform in the shape of atriangle.] 1 ATT and ALT can be SET at the same timeproducing this waveform in the shape of atriangle.] 1 ANDREW MARSHALL has the following forsale:/ 1 AND GETS NATIONWIDE TV ADVERT 1 AN20.D 1 AN20.C S" 1 AN20.9 : EPSON PRINTER CODES. An article* 1 AN20.9 W 1 AN20.8 : GROUPS IN TROUBLE. Is the* 1 AN20.8 T 1 AN20.7 : ALCHEMIST TV ADVERTS. Yes, a* 1 AN20.7 1 AN20.61 1 AN20.60 : THE END. 1 AN20.60 1 AN20.6 1 AN20.59 1 AN20.58 : TRADING POST. With new sectionsAN20.59 : and advertisers, plus groups toT 1 AN20.58 Z 1 AN20.57 ? 1 AN20.56 : ROY'S RANTINGS. He's back,AN20.57 : lusting after Dana Scully.N 1 AN20.56 P 1 AN20.55 1 AN20.54 : DISCDOS EXPLAINED. A summary ofAN20.55 : ALL the +D commands it canT 1 AN20.54 1 AN20.53 : FILE RESCUE. Recovery techniques* 1 AN20.53 1 AN20.52 : ZEN AND THE ART OF NOISE. Part* 1 AN20.52 1 AN20.51 : THE UN-RANDOM UNIVERSE. Paul* 1 AN20.51 1 AN20.50 : SPECTRUM SCHIZOPHRENIA. Add a* 1 AN20.50 1 AN20.5 : DES TYLER. A special article,AN20.6 : contents have not been disclosedT 1 AN20.5 1 AN20.49 : BULK FORMATTING OF +D DISKS.* 1 AN20.49 1 AN20.48 : MISTAKES IN SPECTRUM GAMES.* 1 AN20.48 1 AN20.47 : MANIC MINING. Brief guide to* 1 AN20.47 1 AN20.46 : COMPILING SPECTRUM GAMES. Make* 1 AN20.46 1 AN20.45 : EMULEARNING. Vital tips for* 1 AN20.45 1 AN20.44 r 1 AN20.43 1 AN20.42 : Track the course of yourAN20.43 : programs to find possible bugs.AN20.44 : Use with the MACHINE CODE~ 1 AN20.42 1 AN20.41 : SPECTRUM TRACE PROGRAM.! 1 AN20.41 j 1 AN20.40 : PUTTING TOGETHER PASCAL. The* 1 AN20.40 A 1 AN20.4 : OUT OF PD. A number of games* 1 AN20.4 1 AN20.39 : ALCHEMIST ON-LINE. Then off* 1 AN20.39 1 AN20.38 : CAR BOOT NIGHTMARE. The time* 1 AN20.38 1 AN20.37 : HACKERS CORNER. Graham Collier* 1 AN20.37 l 1 AN20.36 : TYLER'S TATTLE. Roy Benson is* 1 AN20.36 1 AN20.35 : SPECTEST. Test which Spectrum* 1 AN20.35 m 1 AN20.34 : JET SET HACKER 2: Hacking Jet* 1 AN20.34 H 1 AN20.33 : ON TRIAL (busy month in the* 1 AN20.33 1 AN20.32 1 AN20.31 : One of the best stories so farAN20.32 : from Paul Warr.C 1 AN20.31 1 AN20.30 1 AN20.3 : WILLY WORLD. A run down of the* 1 AN20.3 w 1 AN20.29 : MOTHER EARTH. 1 AN20.29 P' 1 AN20.28 1 AN20.27 : ADVENTURES. Ray Smith continuesAN20.28 : his investigations into theT 1 AN20.27 4 1 AN20.26 1 AN20.25 : MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS. HowAN20.26 : the Spectrum'sD 1 AN20.25 f# 1 AN20.24: PARADOX. Short Sci-fi story by* 1 AN20.24 z 1 AN20.23 A 1 AN20.22 : MASTERING MACHINE CODE. BeginsAN20.23 : with hexadecimal,G 1 AN20.22 1 AN20.21 : POETRY. This little gem won it's* 1 AN20.21 1 AN20.20 . 1 AN20.2 : NEWS. Health warning from A.R.* 1 AN20.2 O 1 AN20.19 : 24 LINE I/O PORT. Control dozensAN20.20 : of things at once, courtesy ofT 1 AN20.19 1 AN20.18 : THE SHEFFIELD BUFORA MEET.* 1 AN20.18 1 AN20.17 : ON TRIAL. The Speccy Sensations* 1 AN20.17 1 AN20.16 : HACKING BASIC PROGRAMS. Yes,* 1 AN20.16 ;# 1 AN20.15 8 1 AN20.14 : JET SET HACKER. The completeAN20.15 : guide to getting around Willy'sT 1 AN20.14 1 AN20.13 1 AN20.12 : PAUL'S RANTINGS. He's the newAN20.13 : Roy Benson, but we're paying forT 1 AN20.12 0 1 AN20.11 : SINCLAIR COMPUTER USER. Review* 1 AN20.11 6 1 AN20.10 : SURVEY. Have your say over the* 1 AN20.10 1 AN20.1 : NEWS. Possible Spectrum fair,* 1 AN20.1 1 AN20.0 : This Index. 1 AN20.0 1 ALCHNEWS20 1 ALCHNEWS is a quarterly disk magazine,primarily dedicated to the Spectrum, butcovering all kinds of stuff that you like.~ 1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH TAPS INTO NEW MARKETS( 1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH SURVEY 1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH ON-LINE 1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH CONTINENTAL 1 ALBHAR PC SHAREWARE 1 AFprtlp add hl,bc 1 ADD DON'T MULTIPLY 1 AD: Yeah, it's a stupid puzzle anyway.& 1 AD: Well, that wasn't much of an article,was it?1 1 AD: Oops! Looks like we've come in tooearly.0 1 AD: Oh, just wondered. 1 AD: Er, that would make 150 x 11p. What'sthat?/ 1 AD: Do you know what I think? 1 AD: 11p for each correct answer. Er, thatmeans...2 1 A: All of them. One to change the bulb, the other to hold the step-ladder!O 1 A.J.Davis presiding 1 A yard or two of wire. 1 A very interesting directory is entitledPICTURES. There are just so many gemshere, it's difficult where to start. Thereare pictures of: all machines, insides ofmachines, the Loki, game adverts, gameinlays, magazine covers, Clive Sinclair,the YS crew, game maps, and even fourpages from the Sinclair User ripoff,UNCLEAR USER, which CRASH made, and had todestroy due to legal action taken! 1 A trace program is rather special. It runswhile another program -the BASIC programyou are checking out- is RUNning.u 1 A tiny piece of my work will appear in theBritish Battletracker, but look out formore in future demos. My pseudonym, by theway, is... The Rebel! A subtle hint ofanti-establishment views, combined with atouch of the well 'ard street lad and justa dash of insolence. Not really; it wasjust my nickname at school! (Nobody knowswhy). 1 A suitable 24 pin socket can then besoldered along the opposite edge allowingfor a short ribbon cable to be used toconnect further boards, which should bepowered with a seperate power supply. Theaddress chips could be soldered directlyon to the board, but the 8255 will need tobe socketed. Take care when pushing thischip into it's socket as any number ofit's 40 pins could be broken. 1 A short story by Paul Howard. 1 A seperate directory, from the root, iscalled0 1 A second mortgage would have come in handyhere as I wanted to buy everything, but werestricted ourselves to a couple ofT-shirts and an iron on transfer. <For mytie!. Paul>. 1 A really friendly bloke. 1 A pointer is a memory location, or rathera pair of memory locAtions, which storesthe address of another location, in thiscase the start of a particular section ofmemory. The address of any byte of memoryis two bytes long, so it has to be storedin two adjacent memory locations. 1 A particular line may be executed a numberof times while the program is being RUN. And other lines that have been executedbefore it may set the variables to valuesthat cause problems in the line that yourcomputer eventually falters on. 1 A number of readers have contacted me,asking if I've heard anything about twoSpectrum groups. They've sent cheques,SAEs and letters, but have received noinformation. Here's what we know: 1 A non-biased look at the state of things( 1 A new list comprising of specialists incertain Spectrum fields.B 1 A few weeks later I was back, with a 2400baud modem, picked up second hand for `15.There was no difference in speed orservice, I'd just bought a modem which was`185 cheaper, but doing the same job! 1 A few programs crash on being merged, withflashing coloured blocks and screencorruption - this is due to a specialprotection system which can only beremoved with a machine code routine,possibly available from PD libraries (butnot mine!). However, most will stop withthe usual "OK" message, and you can pressENTER... if you dare! 1 A few months ago, it was clear and simple.There were THREE Willy games. (Theoriginal JSW's and the clone). Now, thereare so many, it's all becoming too much! 1 A fantastic prize will utterly fail to begiven to the first person who writes inand tells me which multi-format computerbook, published in 1984, I stole thispuzzle from! 1 A disappointing aspect of the new series is an increase in the shows financialO 1 A contributor for the magazine, SpectrumUk, tells me that a possible disappearingact has been performed again.q 1 A bit of tree 1 A DISCURSIVE ESSAY ON THE 1 A DAY of ABDUCTIONS 1 A 48K spectrum has 64K of memory space intotal. The 'K' figure refers to the amountof memory you can use, the other 16K isreserved for the machine's use. 1 A 'K' in computing is roughly analogous tothe 'k' which stands for a kilo - athousand - in the metric system. But 1,000is not very convenient when converted intobinary or hex. 1 A professor by trade, John had beenworking on quantum acceleration theory forseveral years and had always had a firmbelief in time travel. It was only nowthat his dreams were at the stage offulfilment. To the incredulity and scornof the world's physicians, he had arrangeda public meeting to demonstrate, for thefirst time, the concept of physical timetravel, in an experiment described by thepress as being years ahead of its time. 1 >>AA>><<KJKJHJ 1 <The fact that Murray's letter justhappened to attack three of Sherwood'sbiggest enemiese 1 <No - just trying more tricks and testingour patience. Who else would cause as muchtrouble and get away with it by using thefree software schemes in effect from theselibraries. For example: 'forgetting' toenclose return postage stamps (ALTHOUGHTHE LIBRARY CATALOGUES SPECIFICALLY STATETHAT AN SAE MUST BE SENT). Or how aboutsending disks formatted wrongly. Ormoaning when he had to add disk syntax toa program which wasnot allowed to bealtered from it's original form. Ed> 1 <Me? You put them all in for me! Ed.>% 1 <It can also compile Z80 snapshots in to self running games for the PC -I 1 <Apologies to Vision for delaying thisarticle for so long. Ed>B 1 <<??==>>JKJNJQ 1 ;"LOADING PART ";CNT 1 :LOAD "" CODE 1 : 0181 391 0744 1 999 DATA 195,0,112,999 1 99 REM save SCREEN$ 1 9866 TM LUTJEGAST 1 970 MOD48 LD 1 90 DATA 62,201,50,248,121: REM INVINCIBLE) 1 90 DATA 35,16,252,113,33 1 9. The program structure is similar to theexample given above, but the CLEAR andRANDOMIZE USR numbers are zeros. Because afive byte qualifier is stored after allnumbers in a program (this is why VALssave memory), it is possible to make anumber look like a zero but be somethingelse. Edit the line (avoiding the zeroitself) and when reentered, it shouldassume the correct value. This appliesespecially to Betterbytes software. 1 9. Robozone, Image works 1991 1 9) Do you think the quality of themagazine has changed?? 1 9 West View 1 84 DATA 22,27,61,205,198,4,221,225,62,& 1 830 MODE DI 1 8255: `4.30 each 1 82 DATA 0,221,220,221,33,155,115,17,17,' 1 810 ;TEST MODE 1 80 DATA 33,221,100,17,121,115,1,51,0,% 1 80 DATA 190,1,191,0,113 1 80 CLS: GOSUB 100+200*(VAL A$-1) 1 8. Some older games, particularly those byArtic (eg Galaxians 16K) and RichardShepard Software (eg Transylvanian Tower,which is crap even though Andy says I likeit!) don't have a BASIC loader at all, andhave to be loaded with LOAD "" CODE. Asyou can't merge codefiles, there isn't alot that can be done with these. The codeinvariably autoruns on loading, but couldbe transferred to disc with a simplecopier program. 1 8. Puzznic 1 8) How did you rate the last issue ofAlchNews?3 1 8 BIT NEWS 1 790 FILL DEFS 4 1 78 Holtdale Avenue 1 77,128,43,1,5,0,237,176 1 76 POKE n,a: LET n=n+1: GOTO 72 1 740 RETURN POP AF 1 720 ;RETURN TO BASIC 1 72 READ a: IF a=999 THEN GOTO 1000" 1 70794 FILDERSTADT 1 700 EMULAT LD 1 70 LET n=65100 1 70 DATA 237,87,245,33,0 1 70 ;GENERATE IM2 1 7. Battle Command by Ocean, tape or +3disk. 1 7. The message "Alkatraz ProtectionSystem" or "Speedlock" appears. Both thesesystems are dependent on invalid colourcodes, so try using points 3 and 4 (ifapplicable). Speedlock 1 7) Are you happy with the pricing policiesof Alchemist Research?@ 1 7 Manor Drive 1 6Fadd hl,hl 1 6912 (it's equivalent). Both are the& 1 660 SP_48 LD 1 66 DATA 33,76,254,17,197,100,6,1,237,% 1 640 SP_2A LD 1 64 DATA 33,176,244,17,176,247,1,179,143,( 1 620 SP_128 LD 1 62,195,50,139,117,24,51 1 62 Tithe Barn Lane 1 62 DATA 221,33,0,64,17,56,185,62,255,55,( 1 60 REM SAVE "spec.test" CODE 48900,192& 1 60 Queensfield 1 6.Be careful at the end of the line toreturn to white PAPER and black INK byrepeating operations 1, key 7, andoperation 1 again and finally CAPS SHIFT &key 0 (INK black to return listing tonormal.) 1 6. There is a REM statement containingkeywords and colour codes which make nosense as text. If you have edited thisline, you'll have to reload and startagain, since it will contain machine codedestroyed by editing. The Multiface loaderis the best known example of this. Runningthe program will continue loading, but asit's not in BASIC and can't be edited,you're basically stuck. 1 6. Any 007 titles (except 007 SPY)" 1 6,10,132,16,253,103,45,32,216,61,254,% 1 6) Which is your least favourite, and why?* 1 6) FILE SWAPPING (2). If you are regularlyusing a +D disk on the emulator, you mayfind it to be rather slow. The trick is tocreate a new directory (In PC-DOS) andthen load the +D utility TRANSIT. Selectthe disk-tape copy option and ensure thatTAP direction is at this new directorywhich you have created. After transfer,you can then access all the files as TAPformats, far faster from your hard drive. 1 6 Ravensmead 1 6 Anyway you know have the front door keyso all you have to do is go to the frontdoor and let yourself out.n 1 57 Lisburn Road 1 550 RETURN 1 54 Deanscroft Avenue 1 54 DATA 122,115,214,48,254,10,48,227,225,) 1 530 IF LEN N$<1 OR LEN N$>10 THEN GOTO 520540 SAVE N$CODE SA,N> 1 520 INPUT "FILE NAME? "; LINE N$ 1 52 DATA 205,84,31,210,152,116,62,251,219,) 1 51069 KOLN 1 510 VID_LP LD 1 510 INPUT "NUMBER OF BYTES? ";N 1 500 INPUT "START ADDRESS? ";SA 1 50 PRINT "Spectrum Mode: ";mode 1 50 OUT 65533,11: OUT 49149,64 1 50 FOR n=65460 TO 65529: READ a:POKE n,a:) 1 50 DIM B$(32): LET 1 50 DATA 225,193,16,231,221,33,0,64,17,& 1 5.Key REM key adding notes required.$ 1 5.. Very unhappy 1 5. When editing a line, the flashing Kcursor does not appear, or does so onlyfor a fraction of a second when a cursorkey is pressed. This also signifiesinvalid colour codes. Do the same as inpoint 4. 1 5. Any programs by G.A. Bobker 1 5) Which is your favourite, and why?$ 1 5) FILE SWAPPING. If you are swapping PCTAP files with a Spectrum, you willprobably be using DOSCOP if you have a +Dsystem. The main use of this utility is totransfer text files, for use with Tasword. 1 5 Various art packages 1 5 POKE 23658,8 1 4th byte: This gives the length of thetravelator or staircase.B 1 48900+192: READ a: POKE i,a: LET% 1 48 -> 48K Mode 1 48 -> 48K 1 470 GOTO 330 1 46896-49171,0 1 460 VIDTES EI 1 460 REM end of listing 1 450 LET A$= INKEY$: IF A$="" THEN GOTO 450460 IF A$= CHR$ 13 THEN RETURNH 1 450 DATA 237,77,0,0,0 1 445 PRINT #ST: POKE 23692,0 1 440 LET SA=SA+8 1 440 DATA 0,201,62,1,251 1 440 ;TEST VIDEOSPEED 1 430 DATA 254,205,208,1,0 1 430 ;128 OR +2A/3? 1 420 NEXT M 1 420 DATA 0,251,58,59,92 1 41983,256-x 1 410 PRINT #ST; TAB 7+3*M;H$; 1 410 DATA 237,121,114,1,128 1 40225 Duesseldorf, 1 40064-49191,0 1 400 NEXT N 1 400 DATA 237,121,115,62,16 1 40,34,233,118,62,8,50,235,118: REM" 1 40 PRINT : NEXT n 1 40 PRINT "Spectrum Type: ";type 1 40 OUT 65533,8: OUT 49149,15+16 1 40 OUT 65533,8: OUT 49149,15 1 40 LET mons=15 1 40 LET A$=A$+CHR$ A: GOTO 30 1 40 DATA 6,134,17,0,64,33,252,186,197,35,( 1 4.Press CAPS SHIFT & key 7 (INK white forletters).3 1 4.. Unhappy 1 4. The program lines can't be read becausethey are one solid mass of colour (usuallyblack). Try editing each line in turn,starting with the first, and keep movingright one character, then deleting. It maytake a while, but you should eventuallyremove all colour codes. Be careful not todelete any following BASIC commands! 1 4. Any Jeff Minter software 1 4. After the routine has been called onceyou might overwrite or clear it, so thatyou can use the whole memory as usual.z 1 4) Which software services have you used?) 1 4) Whatever mode is selected, the machine basically remains as either a 2A or a +3. At no time should you attempt to fit an add-on from a 128, unless the manufacturer of the product has stated it can be. 1 4) BUGLETS. There are a number of oddlittle bugs which occur with Z80. Theseinclude:\ 1 4 Bethune Close 1 3E 7Fin a,254 1 3E 3Eld i,a 1 3E 09ld i,a 1 3Dadd a,48 1 3Cjr c,prtlp 1 3A 46 5Cbit 7,a 1 39998-40191,0 1 390 IF H$(N)>"9" THEN LET H$(N)= CHR$% 1 390 DATA 0,251,201,62,23 1 39. Killed until dead 1 380 FOR N=1 TO 2 1 380 DATA 167,191,114,1,48 1 38. Savage 128k 1 38 FCsbc hl,bc 1 370 LET H$(2)= CHR$ (48+PEEK (SA+M)-16* (CODE H$(1)-48)): 1 370 DATA 121,126,254,255,194 1 37. Lords of chaos 1 37 Trimingham Drive 1 36244,195: 36245,160: 36246,141 1 36233,195: 36234,149: 36235,141 1 360 LET H$(1)= CHR$ (INT (PEEK (SA+M)/16 +48). 1 360 DATA 54,255,62,16,237 1 36. President 1 36 Grasmere Road 1 36 Budges Road 1 36 47ld de,23287 1 350 LET H$="##" 1 350 DATA 62,23,237,121,94 1 35. Mercenary 1 34ld hl,(posn) 1 34801,195: 34802,247: 34803,135: 1 34795,195: 34796,241: 34797,135: 1 34680 St Georges 1 340 FOR M=0 TO 7 1 340 DATA 54,0,1,253,127 1 34. Hostages 1 34,229,118,33,123,62,34,231,118,33,4,% 1 330 PRINT #ST;SA; 1 330 DATA 243,33,0,192,86 1 33. The dark tower 1 320 DATA 201,0,0,0,0 1 32. Back to skool 1 32,170,0,27,0,64,0,128 1 32 Dursley Road 1 310 INPUT "PRINTER (Y OR N)? "; LINE P$ 320 LET ST=2: IF P$="Y" THEN LET ST=3O 1 310 DATA 237,71,237,86,251 1 31. Defender of the crown 1 300 MHZ_LP INC BC 1 300 INPUT "START ADDRESS? ";SA 1 300 DATA 191,1,5,0,241 1 30. Nightshade 1 30 PRINT AT 12,4;"3:- SAVE BYTES TO TAPE" 70 LET A$=INKEY$: IF A$<"1" OR A$>"3" THENGOTO 70[ 1 30 PRINT AT 12,4;"3:- SAVE BYTES TO DISK" 540 SAVE D1, N$CODE SA,NB 1 30 OUT 65533,7: OUT 49149,255-1 1 30 OUT 65533,7: OUT 49149, 255-8 1 30 LET room=32 1 30 LET mode=USR 49030 1 30 LET A=PEEK L:LET L=L+1: IF A>127 THEN LET A=A-128: IF PEEK L>127 THEN LET A$=A$+ CHR$ A: GOTO 50m 1 30 IF PEEK n>31 THEN PRINT TAB 20; CHR$ PEEK n;1 1 30 GOTO 20 1 30 DATA 221,33,0,64,17,56,185,62,255,55,( 1 30 ;USR 49030->MODE TYPE 1 3.The print is affected by exposure today-light3 1 3.Repeat operation 1. 1 3.CHARACTER SIZE--set to DOUBLE HEIGHT"' 1 3.. Satisfied 1 3. On 128K Speccies the first third of thescreen is cleared due to the videotest butthis shouldn't do any problems.s 1 3. Editing is impossible because of theconstant low error beep. Enter POKE23608,0 to make this beep as short as thenormal keyboard click. Incidentally, thisbeep and the flashing ?K are signs of aninvalid colour code (mentioned above).You'll need to find this and root it out! 1 3. Any Bradway software 1 3) When in 128 mode, the machine behaves exactly as if it were a 128.I 1 3) How do you rate the standards of ourindividual services (leave blank if youhave not used any particular service).z 1 3) Every so often, re-focus your eyes bylooking away at a distant object.K 1 3) Alchemist Material. This comprises ofany Prism information printed by AndyDavis and Alchemist Research.q 1 3) ARCHIVING. Keep your main Z80 programin the main directory only. Keeping trackof files is made far easier by makingseprate directories for text files,snapshots, TAP files (one for single TAPfiles, one for multiple TAP files), ROMsetc. On the Alchemist Research PC, wehave the following set-up 1 2nd & 3rd byte: Together they make ascreen address for the bottom of astaircase, or the left end of atravelator. 1 2A FE FEcall prtout 1 2A 47 5Cld h,0 1 2A 45 5Ccall lineno 1 29add hl,bc 1 298 Holton Road 1 290 DATA 1,4,0,195,123 1 29. Halls of the things (version withPenguin book included)@ 1 29 Barber Street 1 280 DATA 48,0,195,123,191 1 28.1.96: Unreleased 1 28. Knight Orc, Level 9 1 28 PAUSE 45 1 28 F6pop ix 1 28 02pop af 1 270 DATA 0,195,123,191,1 1 27. Konami coin op hits II 1 260 DATA 195,123,191,1,3 1 26. Mega Twins 1 26 Spotland Tops 1 26 OUT 31,2 1 26 00ld l,a 1 26 00call statno 1 255,201,3,22,10,10,18,1,74,83,87,! 1 254,203,103,194,145,117,33,3,0,229,# 1 250 DATA 120,191,1,128,0 1 250 ;TEST MHZ-RATE 1 25 15 E5 D5 C5 01 A0 00 1 249 Dumbarton Road 1 246,9,175,205,198,4,195,0,112 1 243,221,225,253,225,14,254,0,0,0,0,0$ 1 240 DATA 102,191,254,17,194 1 24. The Inheritance 1 24 PAUSE 45 1 24 GOTO 22 1 237,184,62,247,50,164,100 1 237,176,33,0,180,255,34,140,117, 1 230 DATA 243,121,254,248,202 1 23. Lightforce (FTL) 1 23 Cleveland 1 221,33,0,64 1 220 DATA 254,1,194,75,191 1 22. R-Type 1 22 PRINT ; IN 223 1 22 OUT 159,0 1 210 GOSUB 120 1 210 DATA 175,54,0,35,3 1 21. Extreme 1 21 Ladycross Road 1 21 FE FEinc (hl) 1 21 F6 5Ald (hl),71 1 21 9F 58 11 BF 58 06 08 1 205,86,5,243,48,240,33,185,255,34,198,& 1 205,86,5,243,48,240 1 205,30,3,48,248,246,32,254,115,204" 1 205,142,2,205,30,3,56,248,205,142,2,$ 1 200 LET SA=SA+1 1 200 DATA 64,1,0,0,118 1 20. Kettle 1 20 RANDOMIZE USR 65440 1 20 PRINT n;TAB 10;PEEK n; 1 20 OUT 65533,1: OUT 49149,8 1 20 LET type=USR 48900 1 20 LET obj=150 1 20 Greenill Drive 1 20 Greenhill Drive, 1 20 FOR N=1 TO 134: LET A$="" 1 20 ;USR 48900->SPEC TYPE 1 2.The narrowness of the paper makes itunsuitable to use for letter writing.O 1 2.Press key 2 (for red PAPER ) or key 3(for magenta PAPER)= 1 2.PRINT STYLE--select say "ITALICS"# 1 2. Zulu Wars 1 2. The routine should not be changed inany way as long as you aren't a veryclever guy, otherwise it will crash!x 1 2. As soon as ENTER is pressed, the screenfills with question marks and keepsscrolling. If this happens, you'll need towait for a while so that the listing cansort itself out. When the K cursoreventually reappears, choose the mostharmless looking line to edit or risk arepeat of the question marks! 1 2) Take a ten minute break from looking atthe screen every half an hour.H 1 2) SET-UP. Have you correctly configuredthe file Z80.INI? Do you find that whenyou start Z80, you are having to changeoptions, by pressing the function keys? Ifso, then you'd be best customising it. 1 2) In 128 mode, some add-ons may no longer work - parallel printers for instance. However, a Multiface +3 still operates as normal and its DOS routines can be used to load in disc files - Thanks to Ray Smith for this info (I modified his +3 as well), though he did add that files cannot be erased. 1 2) If you have tried to change the musicand you still hear the same tune, andindeed still see the same font, IT HASN'TLOADED IT! Try switching CAPS LOCK aroundnext time. And you call yourself aprogrammer? 1 2) Do you think the standard of servicehas changed in the years we have operated?T 1 2) Anti-Prism material. This comprises ofany third party information about andagainst Prism. This is mostly letters toAndy Davis and Martyn Sherwood, containingcomplaints about Prism. This is by far thebiggest of the three volumes. 1 2 x 10K resistors. 1 2 North Hill Road 1 2 Microdrive units 1 2 Joysticks 1 2 Cromwell Close 1 2 "Twin" joystick / mouse interface# 1 1st byte: Tells you direction oftravelator or staircase. 0 for left and 1for right.^ 1 1F 00 ED B0 C9 # 1 1Ald (hl),a 1 1996 CD-ROM for the PC. 1 1996 A.Davis & Alch. Research 1 1995 and 1996 has been a great year forAlchemist Research. In fact, EVERY yearhas been great! Now that we don't run thesoftware service, it gives us more timefor 'diplomatic' roles, 1 190 LET D$=D$ (3 TO ) 1 190 DATA 120,191,251,33,0 1 19. Hisoft Basic 128 1 19 Lyme Avenue 1 180 PRINT SA,D$ ( TO 2) 1 180 DATA 205,202,114,191,195 1 18. PAW with instructions 1 18) Any further comments which have notbeen raised in this survey?E 1 18 Tivoli Crescent 1 18 Clyde Grange 1 176,195,0,95 1 170 POKE SA, (CODE S$ (1) -48) * 16 + CODES$(2)-482 1 170 DATA 222,202,108,191,254 1 17. Dues Ex Machina (with audio cassettes)* 1 17,17,0,175,205,194,4,6,50,228,26,253,& 1 17,0,27,62,255,221,33,0,64,205,194,4,% 1 17) What direction would you like to seethe Spectrum community take in the future?T 1 17 Le Mas Blanc 1 160 NEXT N 1 160 DATA 33,254,3,34,227,118,33,220,13,' 1 160 DATA 10,202,66,191,254 1 16. Great Giani sisters 1 16) What directions and projects, ifany, would you like Alchemist Research toundertake in the future?l 1 16 The Avenue 1 155 IF S$(N)>"?" OR S$(N)<"0" THEN PRINTFLASH 1;"INVALID CHARACTER": GOTO 110O 1 150 IF S$(N)>"9" THEN LET S$(N)= CHR$(CODE S$(N)-7)8 1 150 DATA 62,0,50,222,131: REM TRIP SWITCH* 1 150 DATA 40,191,243,121,254 1 150 DATA 253,229,221,229,221,33,237,255,( 1 15. Fastword, Tasword 2 Theasaurus" 1 15) Are you happy with our current linkswith other services in the Spectrumcommunity?^ 1 15 PRINT AT 8,4;"1:- ENTER MACHINE CODE" 20 PRINT AT 10,4;"2:- EXAMINE MEMORY"O 1 140 READ a: POKE i,a: NEXT i 1 140 FOR N=1 TO 2 1 140 DATA 197,33,0,154,17,0,90,1,0," 1 140 DATA 175,3,254,1,194 1 140 DATA 62,mons,50,169,123: REM MAX* 1 14. Tas-Spell, Tasman software 1 14) How do you feel about the currentstaff working at Alchemist Research andAlchNews?] 1 13djnz loop 1 134,210,145,117,50,130,80,195,86,117 60 FOR n=65000 TO 65044:READ a:POKE n,a:P 1 130 READ a: POKE i,a: NEXT i 1 130 LET S$=D$(1 TO 2) 1 130 FOR i=35547 TO 35590 1 130 DATA 94,1,0,0,118 1 130 DATA 62,255,50,115,119: REM FALL ANY* 1 13. Whenever you edit a line, you get an"Out of memory" message (especiallyGremlin Graphics games). This is usuallydue to a low CLEAR address. Try CLEAR 3E4to reclaim some memory. If you see "RAMTOPno good", memory is very low! Try savingbefore you do anything else, then deleteany superfluous REMs and spaces. 1 13. Scapeghost, Level 9 1 13) If you would like to see more of aparticular subject, would you be willingto write or edit that area?o 1 13 01 1F 00 ED B0 E1 C1 1 128k ROM to a +2a / +3 and get 1 128K Music: 1 128 -> 128K/+2 1 128 -> 128/+3 Basic 1 127 IF LEN D$=1 THEN GOTO 110 1 126,35,229,102,198,12,111,48,1,36,205,& 1 126 Hayward Road 1 125 IF D$(1)="#" THEN RETURN 1 120 POKE 34997,0: POKE 34998,0: 1 120 IF D$="" THEN GOTO 110 1 120 FOR i=65520 TO 65535 1 120 DATA 62,room,50,75,117: REM START ROOM* 1 120 DATA 62,190,237,71,237 1 12. The loader consists of just LOAD ""(especially Psion programs such asScrabble). Try loading the next BASIC fileand editing that instead. <What was withthose loaders? Were the programmers paidby the byte or something? Ed> 1 12. Gnome Ranger 2, Level 9 / Mandarin& 1 12) Are you happy with the content? Wouldyou like to see more or less of aparticular topic?e 1 12 blank MD cartridges 1 12 Frederick Street 1 1150 FLAGCH LD 1 1100 USR0 CP 1 110 POKE 35591,195: POKE 35592,240:# 1 110 POKE 35538,191: POKE 35600,14:" 1 110 INPUT LINE D$ 1 110 INIT LD 1 110 DATA 62,obj,50,126,135: REM NUMBER OF* 1 110 DATA 1,5,0,237,176 1 11. The Archers, Mosaic / Level 9! 1 11. Some Codemasters loaders (eg FantasyWorld Dizzy) are unprotected and simplyPOKE in machine code to load theheaderless codefiles. As in point 6, thisloader counts as code rather than BASICand so you'd be better off using aheaderless file transfer utility. The sameapplies to many games by Ocean andImagine. 1 11) What do you think of the presentationof the magazine?: 1 11 FB 50ld (posn),de 1 11 F7 5Ald bc,9 1 11 F6 50ld (posn),de 1 11 Camel Road 1 11 CAMEL ROAD 1 11 01 58 3A 8D 5C 77 01 1 [email protected] 1 1010 RANDOMIZE USR 65000 1 1010 MOD128 LD 1 1000 PAPER 0: INK 0: BORDER 0: CLS" 1 100,195,0,95 1 100 INPUT "START ADDRESS? ";SA 1 100 DATA 221,33,64,156,17,246,9,175,55,' 1 100 DATA 191,191,17,191,191 1 100 DATA 62,255,50,67,117: REM INFINITE* 1 10. Mr Heli, Firebird 1989 Cassette# 1 10. In the unlikely event that a loaderfails to merge but can be broken into, youmay find that the program is just a REMstatement with a copyright message (egSweevo's World). Try POKE 23636,92 toreturn the listing; if this fails, POKE23636,150 to reverse any unwelcomeside-effects it may cause instead!Following the instructions in point 1 mayalso recover a "vanished" program. 1 10) What do you think of the current sizeof the magazine?: 1 10 PRINT INVERSE 1;AT 5,6; 1 10 OUT 65533,0: OUT 49149,2 1 10 INK 0: PAPER 0: BORDER 0: CLEAR 65439: FOR N=65440 TO 65511: READ A: POKE N,A: NEXT N] 1 10 FOR n=23755 TO 23848 1 10 EF 21 9F 5A 11 BF 5A 1 10 CLEAR 64999 1 10 CLEAR 48639: LET x=0: FOR i=48900 TO( 1 10 CLEAR 3 1 10 ;SPECTRUM/MODE TEST 1 1.The special thermal paper is becomingmore difficult to obtain.C 1 1.Pressing both CAPS SHIFT & SYMBOL SHIFTTOGETHER.3 1 1.MARGIN--set LH Margin to " 5 " or"10".( 1 1.. Very happy 1 1. There is a line numbered zero, whichcannot be edited or deleted. This is onesituation where 128 BASIC can help (usethe Renumber option from the Edit menu).However, in 48k mode you can enter POKE23756,1 which will change it to line 1. Itcan now be edited. Also try this if a linenumber contains letters or symbols. 1 1. The routine uses addresses from 48640to 49092 although the routine itselfstarts at 48900! The lower addresses areused for the interrupt table so don't haveanything important placed there! 1 1. +3 word processor with printou out andspell check facillity.@ 1 1,237,176,193,195,18,139 1 1) When in 2A or +3 mode, normal operation is not affected - add-ons work as they always have.c 1 1) Sit in a comfortable position, morethan twelve inches from the monitor.N 1 1) REGISTER! You simply cannot get thefull benefit from what is undoubtedly thebest Spectrum emulator around. Get intouch with Brian Gaff, 1 1) Nobody else has problems accessing themusic switching routine.B 1 1) How do you rate the current standard ofAlchemist Research?= 1 1) Prism material. All informationproduced by Martyn Sherwood. This includesmagazines, news letters, letters to AndyDavis and letters to other individuals. 1 1 x 28 pin IC socket. 1 1 x 2 way, 1 pole switch. 1 1 x 128K ROM. 1 1 WOODHALL DRIVE, 1 1 Spectrum 128k 1 1 Spectrum +3 1 1 Rubber keyed 48k 1 1 QL computer and spare machine 1 1 Interface one 1 1 DK Tronics keyboard 1 1 Bryant Avenue 1 1 +D interface 1 1 +D 3.5" drive (780k DSDD) 1 09ex de,hl 1 08 C5 24 E5 AF 77 54 5D 1 0600 ROSIORI DE VEDE 1 06 08loop ld a,(de) 1 01 FF FFcall prt 1 01 F6 FFcall prt 1 01 A0 02 ED B8 21 00 58 1 01 9C FFcall prt 1 01 18 FCcall prt 1 01 09 00ldir 1 00 00rst 56 1 00 00 00ld a,62 1 0,175,205,198,4,27,122,179,32,251," 1 0 inbinary), and rotates when you die. So,when a 0 falls in to the carry flag, thatsthe end! However, that means when you findit, setting it to 255 ( 1 . * ! @ ! * THUD * ! @ ! * . 1 . this uses everypossible four digit, or two byte, hexnumber. The four digit hex numberallocated to a memory location is known asits address. And each location can beaddressed, that is written into or readout of, by quoting it's unique four digithex number. 1 -in other words, nothing at all. 1 -> USR 0 Mode 1 -> Spectrum Emulator or any 1 -> SAM (in Screen Mode 1) 1 - UNIDOS discs cannot be read - as far asI can tell this is because of the UNIDOSsystem itself, it seems to format itsdiscs in a way which is completelyunreadable by a +3, but not by a +D - Ican't explain it - maybe someone shouldexamine the UNIDOS format code?!?! 1 ,provided no UDGs are being used. Butusually, machine code programs are tuckedbetween the UDG area and the end of theBASIC area by moving RAMTOP down thememory. 1 , thatis, the byte will be full of 1s. But ifBREAK/SPACE and SYMBOL SHIFT are pressedthe output will be 252 -that's y 1 , and hey presto, your playing 1 +D Support: 1 +3/2A AND 128 - TWO TO ONE WILL GO" 1 +3 & CP/M Support: 1 +1, but notnecessarily. The important thing is thatthe CLEAR address is less than theRANDOMIZE USR address. This 1 ** BANG! ** 1 * VIZ 128 DEMO 1 * VASELINE DEMO 1 * Transfer the codefiles with a utility such as Transit. This is much easier than doing it manually and counting bytes! 1 * The Euro Speccy Song 1 * TEACHER TROUBLE 1 * Save the loader with SAVE D*"NAME" LINE 0 so that it will autorun from the first line.[ 1 * SUBBUTEO SCOREBOARD 1 * SINCLAIR CLASSIC SUMMER SPECIAL 95$ 1 * SINCLAIR CLASSIC ISSUES 1-10 1 * SHADOWS OF THE PAST 1 * Remember to use the LOAD D* syntax so it always loads from the last used +D drive - even if you only have one!r 1 * QUEST FOR THE HOLY SNAIL 1 * POPSNOG DEMO 1 * LONDON FOOTBALL DATABASE 1 * LOLLIPOP DEMO 1 * LOLLIPOP 2 DEMO 1 * LOAD "" CODE won't work with disc, so give each codefile a unique name (eg HORACE.1 and HORACE.2).m 1 * JUNKFOOD DEMO 1 * HOLIDAY TO REMEMBER pts 1 & 2 1 * HARDCORE DEMO 1 * FFONTS VOL 1-6 1 * FFONTS COLLECTION 1 * Even more luke warm news 1 * Anonymous complaints about 1 * A good old moan about the 1 * A delicious recipe for chicken 1 ), it's not been a bad day 1 ) givesinfinite lives with only one POKE!* 1 (usually b=0 for a black screen) 1 (using a file compresser like PKZIP).% 1 (tracks 0 - 79), side 2 (128-207)! 1 (run the code: start game etc) 1 (or click on BOMBJACK in Windows)! 1 (including Midnight Resistance & NightmareRally).1 1 (clear space for code and load it)" 1 (This is for tape users, Disk users canuse the appropriate syntax)E 1 (Speccy Sensations 1996) 1 (Known as JSW4). 1 (It worked for me!). 1 (CODE H$(N)+7) 1 (C) 1995 PAUL.T.WARR 1 (A similar instruction -'defb' or definebyte- sets aside one byte). Here, the 0fills the two bytes with 0. A 1 would put01 in the low byte and 00 in the highbyte. You can define a word or byte withany value you like in it, provided thatvalue will fit into the two bytes or theone byte respectively. 1 (*) Contents are subject to change priorto publication.9 1 's PD shelf. 1 'Yes I know that, but I can't help being alittle frightened by the prospect of goingthrough time' Coria replied. 'Were all alittle frightened' Aleen cosoled her 'butwe have to do this for the sake ofsurvival'. They both stood in silenceafter that, pondering over the journeyahead whilst taking a long last look attheir planet before they were called tothier positions on the craft. 1 'Yes I find it a bit confusing aswell'Aleen was stood at her side, 'They are'nteven in the right order, according to theholo-pics of mother earth where we are nowshould have been called New India, insteadof New Australia' she shrugged andlaughed. 1 'Would this alarm device harm us?' Jarusasked as he stepped back from the door. 'No, they were designed to make a loudsiren noise that would frighten theintruder away and wake the residents'Aleen answered. 1 'What we hope to do is to go back in timeto the 20th century of mother earth andfind an immune system that we could injecteveryone with back here on young earth. Mycollegues and I would like to assure youthat we will be back in a weeks time withthe immune system that we need to survive.I also know that there are a few peoplewho are against the idea of tampering withthe past, but let me assure them that wewill not disturb or corrupt our own time,this mission is going to be as discreet aspossible and we do not intend to harm anyof our ancestors'. The place erupted incheers as Coria brought him back down toher side, 'Short, but to the point' shesaid as his feet touched the platform. 1 'What we are seeing is the colony of NewAmerica on the southern hemisphere, peoplehave started dying from a disease that wasbrought back to this planet from oldmother earth by a quantam physicist whohad travelled back in time to study ourancestors. 1 'There it is!' Aleen said, pointing to asmall furry creature sitting on top of awall, 'It's a decendant of the Africanwild cat, Felis lybica, otherwise known asa domestic cat kept as a pet. They diedout after being brought to our planet'. 1 'Thanks a lot for that!' he said to therest of the team, who just laughed atseeing how flustered he was, he laughedalong with them as he brought a drink tohis lips and downed it in one. 1 'So if we took this one back, it would dietoo?' Samak asked. 'It could die, but itmay pass on another virus to us, so wewould'nt be able to take it with usanyway!' Jarus interupted before Aleencould answer, 'Come on, it's this dwellingwe're looking for' he said as heapproached the door, reaching to open it. 1 'No wait!' said Aleen urgently, 'In theyear 1995 people protected thier propertyagainst intruders with electronic devicesthat they called alarms'. 1 'No point in staying awake if there'snothing to do is there!' he said as hestood up from his seat, 'I can go over themission during stasis and get everythingready a day before we come into the solarsystem'. 1 'It seems like we have found a family thatall have the virus' Jarus smiled, 'I'llcall the probes back to the craft when weland' Samak said. 1 'I'm sorry I did'nt realise that I wasthinking openly' Coria said, 'I was justwondering if we'll see our planet again,we might not even make it out of the sunsorbit properly and go crashing intoanother planet', Aleen looked at her,'Don't tell me your getting cold feet now,15 minutes before take off. You werechosen from over 600 people to pilot thecraft because you were the only one thathad the reactions to pull off the requiredmovements, apart from Borok no one elsehas the slightest chance of getting usthrough it, and he's dead!'. 1 'I wonder if these people are directancestors of any of us?' Aleen asked, 'Whoknows, the man could be you're 100th greatgrandfather' laughed Jarus. 1 'Harrowden' 1 'As you all know, this is not a holidayouting' he felt everyone relax as theylaughed, 'We are going to mother earth fora very serious mission, our planet is indanger of dying from a disease that wasbrought back by Borok' he felt the angerin some people and heard some thoughts ofhatred towards Borok, 'Please everyone, donot judge Borok for what he did, he wasjust a little too hasty in trying tobreathe the air on old mother earth. 1 'Around in circles at an incredibly slow( 1 &&o&+i+((& 1 & Contributions: 1 #F0-#FF: A series of two byte pairs thatdescribe the moving nasties in the room.Read the section ADDRESSES for details onhow to get the monsters on the screen. 1 #ED-#EF: Spare 1 #E9-#EC: These bytes let the program knowwhich room number to send Willy to when heleaves the room that he's in. The order isLEFT, RIGHT, ABOVE and BELOW. 1 #E1-#E8: Eight bytes of pixel data todescribe the shape of any possibleobjects.\ 1 #DF-#E0: Spare 1 #DE: One byte for border colour. 1 #DA-#DD: A further four bytes for positionand length of the stairways.F 1 #D6-#D9: This four byte block holdsdetails of the position and direction ofthe travelators. See the section later.{ 1 #CD-#D5: Colour and shape information forthe travelators again in the same format.S 1 #C4-#CC: Colour and shape information forthe stairway, set out in the same way asthe platform information.m 1 #A0-#C3: Four sets of nine bytes,describing the shape and colour of theplatforms. The first byte of each blockholds the colour value, followed by eightbytes of UDG-style pixel information. 1 #9534. Handles special case rooms, such asmaster bedroom and bathroom.F 1 #9456. Puts a 2*2 graphic on screen.$ 1 #93D1. Puts objects on screen. 1 #91BE and #90C0. These two subroutines arethe main ones for handing the movinggraphics.] 1 #8D33. Here the basic room platform datais put on screen.; 1 #898B. This puts the dancing Willieslives counter at the bottom of the screen.T 1 #8922. This prepares the moving graphicsdata./ 1 #8907. The game starts here after ENTERis pressed from the logo screen.J 1 #8420. A single byte containing thecurrent room number.> 1 #80-#9F: The name of the room, in standardASCII.0 1 "two" machines! 1 "for whatever you want to print. You willnote that the program is very generouslysupplied with REMS to make it easier tounderstand . To emphasize this on my owntape I have ensured that all REMSassociated with CODES are colouredmagenta. This is acheived by: 1 "You are assembled here today to watchwhat will be, if successful, the mostamazing scientific breakthrough ever seen.In less than an hour, I myself will bedemonstrating the first ever time machine.For decades, mankind has speculated aboutthe possibilities of travelling throughtime, being able to visit different erasas we visit places today..." 1 "Why is this connected with the mysteriouscalls?", asked the manager.E 1 "Well, could you help with the bill?",said Marty.5 1 "They keep reversing the charges", saidMarty.0 1 "The telephone bill. It's several hundredpounds", said Marty, showing the bill tothe manager.` 1 "That was six weeks ago", replied Marty.( 1 "No, no, I mean have they been able tohelp?", said the manager, flustered.N 1 "Nahhh, I don't think they'd be making thecalls."1 1 "My son has just taken his last schoolexams. He had to answer 300 questions, andI agreed to give him 11p for each correctanswer and fine him 14p for each wrongone. When the exam results were issued, weowed each other equal amounts and no moneychanged hands. How many questions did myson get right, and how many wrong?" 1 "I haven't finished the list yet." SaidMarty. "I'm on number 1043 at the minute"S 1 "I do sympathise with you Mr Shortobrains,but I cannot see exactly what we can do",said the Customer Service manager.v 1 "Hmmm, well, they asked me to make a listof anyone who doesn't like me.", promptedMarty.Z 1 "Error in DATA-Line!!": STOP 1 "Erm, I'm sorry." said the manager, "Wecan't really help. Have you thought aboutthe police?"` 1 "Enter Part:";cnt: 1 "Bill? What bill", said the manager.$ 1 "And?" said the manager. 1 "And they've done nothing?", said themanager, in a surprised tone.G 1 " SPECTRUM MONITOR " 1 is usually 1 incrementing the DE registers moves thispointer along to the next byte of thedigit in the character set and 'djnz loop'sends the microprocessor back round theprintout routine to fill in the next lineof pixels. This loop is executed eighttimes, each time incrementing H -to movedown the pixel lines on the screen- and DE-to move it along to the next byte of thedigit in the character set. At the sametime, the djnz instruction -decrement andjump if not zero- decrements the contentsof the B register. So when the loop hasbeen performed eight times -and the eightbytes comprising the digit are printed onebelow the next on the screen- the entirecharacter has been printed the B registercontains 0, the non-zero condition of thedjnz is not 1 in hex and means that you can startyour machine code program at 64,000 orFA00.T 1 in binary. 1 and another 1 and another 1 ad infinitum ad nauseum ! 1 The only thing in the assembly languagelisting that has not been mentioned is thelast instruction: 'posn defw 0'. This isnot part of the program and when it istranslated into machine code it gives 1 The test is executed by loading theaccumulator with the contents of memorylocation 23622. Locations 23621 and 23622contain the number of the current line ofBASIC being executed. Although BASIC linenumbers are stored in the high-low formatin the BASIC program area, here they arestored in low-high, as usual. 1 TO 50011: READ A: POKE N,A: NEXT N: RANDOMIZE USR 5= 1 SETUP PARAMS 1 Mummy!', the child stoodscreaming in the doorway with a look ofterror on his face.Y 1 LOAD PART 1 LOAD INDEX 1 CHOOSE PART 1 99 REM correct pause bug2 1 - on the48K model is RAM. 1 to3FFF. It contains the BASIC interpreter,the editor, various input and outputroutines and the character set whichcontains all the data for the letters ofthe alphabet, figures and the othergraphic symbols available on the Spectrum.The other 48K - from 4000 to 1 is thehighest number the Spectrum will take./ 1 (as Sheffield folk say) andwelcome to another good old-fashionedrant, longing for the days of steamtrains, hot roast chestnuts at a ha'pennyapiece and black and white films where allthe men have black moustaches and arecalled Roger. Despite the radical, cool,bodacious interactive adventure in my lastarticle, there isn't really a motionpicture here, although I could do ananimation with screens, or something. 1 JUNE 1996